Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 22 ISSUE 1
Written by Luxita Georgiana STAIC, Daniel Valeriu ULIU, Marius VLADU
This article aims to highlight the importance of funding through the M19 LEADER measure on eligible territories from a qualitative perspective through the use of quantitative and qualitative research methods: questionnaire and interview, designed to confirm or deny the importance of LEADER funding on rural development of the LAG territory at the level of the Romanian regions. The analysis was realised in period between 31.10.2020 – 31.05.2021. The data collected come in support of a deeper understanding of the LEADER approach and the way in which it acts in the territory, implicitly of the identification and remedy of deficiencies. Following the analysis, based on a series of questions sent to the representatives of the local action groups, questions related to territorial, financial and social issues were found that: over 70% of LAGs face an aging population and lack of jobs work, over 70% of the eligible territories being inhabited by the population aged between 40 and 50, territories where agriculture is the main income-generating resource (100% of respondents). All respondents consider that LEADER financing is very important but also insufficient for the needs of the territory (over 85% of respondents).
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