Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 22 ISSUE 2
Written by Irina-Adriana CHIURCIU, Ionela Mituko VLAD, Elena SOARE, Elena TOMA (DIACONU), Andreea-Roxana FIRĂȚOIU
In this paperwork a x-ray regarding the main aspects related to the activity of agro-food cooperatives in Germany was accomplished. A series of indicators related to cooperatives in Germany were analyzed and presented. Forms of associations, producer groups and horizontal and vertical cooperation have proven to be opportunities for small business development. This is underlined by agricultural cooperatives in Germany, a major EU grower, farmer and producer, at the forefront of agricultural excellence. Agricultural cooperatives are associations of farmers and family farms working together on the land. They are established by law to increase efficiency and strengthen market positions. At the same time, they take responsibility for all aspects of the environment, thereby preserving the landscape and preserving the biodiversity of plant and animal species. On the one hand, many cooperatives use the latest technologies in fields such as farming, fertilization, plant protection, and the introduction of digitalization in the production process promotes the development of environmentally friendly management. After German reunification, existing economic units were dissolved or converted. Those who continued their activities took the legal form of agricultural producers' cooperatives, sponsored and represented by the Cooperative Audit Association and the German Association of Raiffeisen. Statistical data used in this research was mainly taken from the International Cooperative Alliance (ICA) website, the rest being obtained from other sources.
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