Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 22 ISSUE 3
Written by Ionela Mițuko VLAD, Ana Cornelia BUTCARU, Mariana BURCEA, Irina CHIURCIU, Elena TOMA, Tudor STANCIU
The present work proposes as an area of analysis the apple sector and the characteristics of apple consumption in Romania. For this, a theoretical and applied documentation of different approaches in specialized works was made. A series of themes and methods used were identified. In our article we addressed the descriptive analysis of the data procured from national and international databases. The results were presented in the form of tables, graphs and figures. Thus, we were able to note the fact that Romania is part of the top five European countries producing apples, owning areas and an important number of orchards. In order to complete the study and obtain some results on the consumption of apples in Romania, we applied a questionnaire, to which 663 valid answers were obtained, they showed us a complex profile of consumers of fresh apples in our country.
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