Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 15 ISSUE 2
Written by Nicoleta RADU, Ana Aurelia CHIRVASE, Narcisa BABEANU, Ovidiu POPA
The goal of the paper was to elaborate the basic template regarding the entrepreneurship key competences needed to start and develop innovative SMEs. Key competences were established based on the Field Survey Method using questionnaires, distributed to a sample of 100 entrepreneurs or individuals who would like to develop their own business and company. Based on the survey analysis, received from the 100 respondents, the Matrix of Competency was validated. So according to this, the ideal candidate to manage a company operating in the field of life sciences must be an independent person (81%), with ability to work in the multidisciplinary teams, and has the capacity to communicate his/her own ideas (92%). This person should have the capability to take the risk (77%), to feel the business opportunity, to take the initiative (83%) and to draw decisions based on limited information (74%). As a result of the responses received, the matrix of competency, developed as a questionnaire, has been validated and will be used to the selection of persons who wish to become entrepreneurs in order to manage the business in the fields of the life sciences.
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