Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 15 ISSUE 2
Written by Nicoleta RADU, Ana Aurelia CHIRVASE, Narcisa BABEANU, Ovidiu POPA
The paper aimed to develop a curriculum to be delivered to a target-group. The methodology used in the training of the target group was represented by the field survey analysis, which contains specific questions for the entrepreneurs from the field of life sciences. The survey analysis revealed that 97% of the respondents were interested to accumulate technical skills and knowledge regarding Business Management. Taking into account the respondents' wishes and expectations, and the usual methods used in this case, it was concluded that the most adequate method to develop and deliver the content of curriculum within the BELA project is to use the both learning methods: the face to face model, and the e-learning model; therefore, a blending learning methodology. The structure of the Blending learning package developed within the BELA project included: (i)the training content named “Enterprise business and intellectual property in life sciences, which is entirely adapted as e-learning, and (ii) the training content of “Sustainable Life Sciences Applications”, which is adapted as a blending learning product.
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