Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 22 ISSUE 4
Written by Radu Lucian PÂNZARU, Dragoș Mihai MEDELETE
Soya, is an important plant due to its plurivalence, taking into account aspects related to its use as an industrial raw material, from the point of view of its use in animal feed, as well as the agro-technical-technological aspects it covers. At the level of the European Union, for the period 2018-2020, soya was grown on an area of over 900,000 ha, generated a total production of about 2,800,000 tons and reached an average production level per unit of production (ha) of 2,996 kg (average of the period analysed). Starting from the physiological peculiarities of the plant, it is found that soya was practiced at the level of 15 states in the European Union. The main Community producers are represented by Italy, Romania and France (Italy – 1,078,270 tonnes respectively 38.42% of the Community total, Romania – 428,813.33 tonnes, share of 15.28% and France – 411,226.67 tonnes respectively 14.66%). In terms of performance per unit of production, Croatia, Greece, Italy, Slovenia and Spain stand out with levels above 3,000 kg/ha. The study presents the producer price situation ($/t). There is a multi-annual Community average of 381.36$/t, with extreme values of 307$/t for Romania (2020) and 566$/t for Spain (2019), and the total amplitude of variation recorded a level of 259$/t. At Community level, the evolution of the indicator is uneven, a phenomenon that is also manifested for the vast majority of the component states.
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