Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 23 ISSUE 1
Written by Gulay OZKAN, Simge ER, Ismail Bulent GURBUZ
The recent increases in red meat prices have caused poultry consumption to come to the fore. This research aimed to determine factors affecting consumers' poultry consumption, their preferences for poultry outlets by their income, and their consumption and purchasing frequencies. A diagnostic questionnaire was completed with 345 households. All data were analyzed using SPSS 23.0 program. Crosstables were used to verify possible associations among the study variables. Consumers mostly purchased chicken once a week (36.5%) and turkey on special occasions (17.7%) and 1-3 times a year (12.2%). Consumers primarily consume chicken several times a week (48.1%) and turkey once a month (42.6%). Production date was most important (66.4%) in poultry preference factors, followed by taste (64.6%) and freshness (60.9%). Advertising (19.4%) and product region/origin (9%) were the least important factors in poultry preference. The consumers participating in the survey mostly purchased chicken from discount markets (31.9%). Less turkey was consumed than chicken. The consumers' lack of turkey consumption habits affected the consumption frequency. Consumers should be informed of the nutritional value of turkey to increase the frequency of turkey consumption in Bursa. Turkey producers should be given more support, and its sales channels should be increased.
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