Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 23 ISSUE 1
Written by Paula STOICEA, Elena TOMA, Livia DAVID, Andreea-Raluca CONSTANTIN, Andra BUDILEANU
This paper explores the profitability of large-scale agricultural companies in Romania in terms of land area under cultivation, i.e., companies with over 2,000 hectares and legally organised as limited liability companies paying corporate tax. The research is based on the financial results account, in which the information is structured by activity, and covers both the cultivation and financial activity, and allows the determination of potential cash accumulation balances, useful in showing how the factors of production involved are remunerated and how the agricultural activity yields financial resources, indicators known as interim management statements. The details of these accumulation balances are shown in the profit and loss statement by: 'trade margin’, 'production of the financial year, 'value added’, 'gross operating surplus’, 'operating profit’, 'financial result’, 'gross result for the year’ and 'net result for the year’. Thus, the interim management statements (IMS) as successive fractions in establishing the final result, are determined in cascade, starting from the most comprehensive, i.e., the trade margin and the production of the financial year, and ending with the net result for the year, which summarises the process of the profit or loss from an unprofitable activity, also specifying how the managerial activity of the company was carried out at each level of accumulation.
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