Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 23 ISSUE 1
Written by Cristina TOȚA, Maria BALA, Florin SALA
This study evaluated the quality of rose flowers, based on the length of the floral stem, according to the cutting system, as a plant maintenance work. The researches were organized during 2017 - 2018 at the Teaching and Research Base of the University of Life Sciences "King Mihai I" from Timisoara. Six rose varieties were studied: Acapella (Aca), Barkarole (Bar), Double Delight (D De), Golden Elegance (G El), Lady in Purple (L Pu), and Pascali (Pas). Three cutting systems were performed, at two buds, at five buds, and at seven buds. The varieties Acapella, Barkarole and Golden Elegance provided flowers with a longer stem, and the varieties Double Delight, Lady in Purple and Pascali provided flowers with a shorter stem, in all three cutting systems. The system of cutting at two buds facilitated obtaining the longest flower stems (eg 118.00 cm for the Barkarole variety). On the basis of PCA (correlation), a diagram was resulted that contained the distribution of the experimental variants (represented by rose varieties) in relation to the cutting system (2; 5; 7 buds - as biplot). According to PCA, PC1 explained 93.597% of variance and PC2 explained 5.635% of variance. Cluster analysis generated a dendrogram of the variants association, based on the Euclidean distances, according to each cutting system (Coph.corr.=0.828 for cutting to 2 buds; Coph.corr=0.884 for cutting to 5 buds; Coph.corr=0.732 for cutting to 7 buds).
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