Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 23 ISSUE 3
Written by Liviu MARCUTA, Mihaela Gratiela ONEA (STANCIU), Alina MARCUTA
Considering the importance that circular economy models have in today's society and the concerns that both decision-makers and other interested parties have regarding this concept, in this paper we have proposed to analyze the relationship between the economy circular and tourism, starting from the fact that this is one of the sectors of activity that is characterized both by a high consumption of water, energy and natural resources, as well as by a large food waste, being also a producer of important CO2 emissions, as a result of the link it has with road, air, maritime transport, and not only that. The research methodology assumed the review of the specialized literature, being inventoried scientific papers indexed Web of Science, and starting from 2 keywords: "circular economy" and "tourism". From the 340 identified scientific works, following the application of several filters regarding language, title, keywords, 33 publications resulted. By applying a restriction regarding the relevance of these works, assessed on the basis of a minimum number of 3 citations, it was possible to establish a sample of 15 publications that were analyzed, identifying both the results presented by the author/authors, as well as the conclusions and the way in which that they could influences the application of circular economy principles in tourism. The analysis carried out showed us that the number of specialized papers in this field is relatively small, which is why, in order to obtain the most conclusive results regarding the proposed theme, we believe that, considering the importance of the theme, it will be necessary to continue the research on tourism and the circular economy. In this way, it will be possible to identify the solutions that will accelerate the sustainable development of tourism., which could thus meet both the leisure needs of tourists who, in turn, are increasingly concerned with the issue of sustainability, as well as the need to protect the environment, so that we allow future generations to enjoy what the new Planet offers us.
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