Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 15 ISSUE 3
Written by Romeo Cătălin CREŢU, Petrică ŞTEFAN, Silviu Viorel ANDREI, Adina SCHNAIDER
Movement "raw food" is not an invention of the XXI century, not even of the twentieth century. The first studies occurred in the late nineteenth century, but the development of the movement happened only after ending of the Second World War. The name „row-vegan” was given by the great German physician Ernest Gunter who speaks and describes the many advantages of this harmonious way of life, about this natural diet in his book “raw-vegan – a hope for everyone". We must not confuse the natural or vegetarian style with this diet. Live-Food can change people's lives by improving health, physical and mental work capacity, by reducing expenses on medicines, doctors, hospitals, the disease risk transmitted by animals: trichinosis, tuberculosis, avian flu, swine flu, foot and mouth disease, and releasing "slavery cooking" of a huge number of people, especially women"
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