ISSN 2284-7995, ISSN Online 2285-3952

Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 19 ISSUE 4
Written by Ivan OPENKO, Oleksandr SHEVCHENKO, Ruslan TYKHENKO, Oleg TSVYAKH, Yanina STEPCHUK

General concept of the formation and functioning of a forecasting model of scientific and technological development of the region’s agriculture in the digital economy, which is forming in accordance with the well-known Federal program is proposed. It can be based on summary reporting tables of production processes in crop production and animal husbandry with electronic technological maps being connected to them, through which information about innovative products is passed in order to identify the expediency of their use in forecasting the development of agriculture. The calculation blocks are connected with an extensive and versatile information database, control and forecast modules. The main array of information on the activities of agricultural organizations is formed in the form of a multidimensional database (MO - LAP) and is subjected to full-format analysis by comparing data from full tables of different years or of different entities (organizations, regions, etc.) of annual financial statements for all types (groups) ) crops, animals, products. A selection of the most satisfactory innovations and a forecast of a possible level of development of organizations in a certain perspective are presented. For this purpose, parameters and target indicators from the Agricultural Development Programs and other sectors of the agro-industrial complex are used. In the process of forecasting, the optimization of the available own resources of organizations and the budget funds of all levels identified in the programs is given in order to obtain the maximum financial result through the use of the most acceptable innovations.

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Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 19 ISSUE 4
Written by Radu-Adrian MORARU, Vecdi DEMIRCAN, Andrei MELNICIUC, Dan BODESCU

Saccharomyces cerevisiae is a yeast that is rich in protein, carbohydrates and fat, can be used for human consumption. The alternative media can be used as S. cerevisiae growth media, with the condition that the contents in it, meet the requirements of yeast growing media, so it can reduce the use of commercial media. One alternative media is a formula consisting of bean sprouts and several other ingredients. S. cerevisiae growth curves on formula media based on optical density, pH and biomass of yeast, have a 0 to 5th hour lag phase, log phase 5th – 30th hour, stationary phase 30th – 60th hours and death phase 60th- 70th hours. In the death phase at 60th- 70th hours, there was an overhaul of the cell wall. Mannoprotein precipitate produced from yeast cell wall extraction can be used as bioemulsifier. Emulsification activity of mannoprotein from the yeast at the 1st and 24th hour is 50%. The appropriation of S. cerevisiae yeast mannoprotein has an effect on water holding capcity, while cooking loss and tenderness of sausage had no effect.

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Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 19 ISSUE 4
Written by Yetunde Olasimbo Mary OLADOKUN

The role of forests in shaping sustainable use of nature is crucial. One of the main factors in regulating the effects of global warming is the positive impact of forest plantations in the formation of climatic conditions on adjacent agricultural land. The main purpose of our study was to investigate the impact of deforestation on crop yields in Ukraine on the basis of the correlation method, and to outline the economic consequences of such interaction. Deforestation leads to a deterioration of the microclimatic conditions of agricultural production, farmers have to increase the rate of fertilizer application, to solve the problem of optimizing the water regime of the soil, which ultimately has the effect of increasing the cost of growing crops. Based on the calculations, it was proved that crop yields increase with decreasing forest cover (R = 0.58 – 0.61), the reason for this being an increase in fertilizer application volumes (R = 0.72).

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Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 19 ISSUE 4
Written by Viktor GARMASHOV, Viktor SHCHERBAKOV, Inna KOGUT, Pavlo LYKHOVYD, Oleksandr RUDIK, Ali KERIMOV

This research is aiming at exploration of some factors, influencing production cost of cow milk in Bulgarian dairy farms. Seventeen dairy cattle farmers in Bulgaria were enquired. Pearson correlation coefficients between the following variables were calculated and analyzed: cow number, average milk yield, clinical mastitis, calves' mortality up to 6 months of age, endometritis, expenses for medications per 1 cow, cows per 1 worker, and production cost per 1liter milk. Also a regression model with an application of the Ordinary Least Squares Method was developed. The model has the represented form: Pc = c + c1.Cw + c2.My + c3.Em + u, where: Pc – natural logarithm of the production cost per 1 liter of milk; Cw – natural logarithm of cows per 1 worker; My – natural logarithm of average milk yield; Em - natural logarithm of expenses for medications per 1 cow; c1, c2 and c3 – coefficients in front of the regressors; c – constant; u - error of the regression. Growth in clinical mastitis leads to drop down of milk yield while the medication expenses per cow become larger. Medication expenses per 1 cow also increment with the rise of calves' mortality and endometritis. The production cost is influenced significantly from the cows’ number per worker and average milk yield: with the increment of one of them, a decline in production cost per liter is observed.

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Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 19 ISSUE 4
Written by Eucharia Ogochukwu CHUKWUDUM

Pines stands from outside their areal were created from 1972 in field and plain areas with the purpose of substituting degraded stands (oaks) or derived ones (linden, hornbeam). These cultures had a good evolution up to the age of 30-35 years, after which they were affected by drought and/or breaks with an effect on their stability, protection, regeneration functions and forest continuity. The degree of damaged caused and the danger that this phenomenon poses in disordering the ecologic equilibrium requires the adoption and appliance of complex silvotechnical measures and works. The present paper shortly presents data regarding the current state of pine stands situated outside their areal as well as their ecological reconstruction solutions. These solutions were scientifically sustained based on the results of investigations realized during 2015-2018. The ecological reconstruction works of pine stands located outside their areal are necessary for improving their current structure, as well as their capacity for ensuring regeneration and their transition towards other forest zonal types. The recommended ecological reconstruction solutions intend to reestablish a natural forest type by substituting pine stands from lands located in “natural” stations or slightly altered towards a natural forest type. This can be achieved by restoring-substituting pine stands situated in moderately degraded lands with improved vegetation conditions.

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Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 19 ISSUE 4
Written by Liviu MARCUTA, Alina MARCUTA

Agricultural insurance is rightly considered by both researchers and practitioners as one of the main methods of managing risks in agriculture. However, a unanimous conception of agricultural risk classification has not been established in the literature. There are divergences of opinion regarding the systematization of clear criteria for grouping agricultural risks, and the risk be useful for both agrarian entrepreneurs and especially for managers groups are not integrated into a classification. In the author's opinion, such systematization will of insurance companies, who provide agricultural risks. Based on this systematization, advantageous insurance offers can be developed for agricultural producers because the insurance companies in the Republic of Moldova offer separate insurance products, mostly those that are subsidized by the state.

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Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 19 ISSUE 4
Written by Anifat IBRAHIM, Adedayo AJAYI

The paper presents an educational platform and provides a systematic approach to train and support young people to succeed in formulating, starting and running their own agribusinesses. The educational platform uses 3D virtual reality (VR) to teach entrepreneurship focused on the agriculture domain (AGRIENT). The 3D virtual world allows users to navigate and interact with different multimedia content, such as slideshows, notecards, quizzes, non-player characters, multimedia presentations, 2D/3D simulations as well as interacting with other learners and instructors. The virtual interaction through chats and document sharing is available leveraging the constructivism. The virtual world is composed of islands of knowledge representing topics related to entrepreneurship and technologies that can be used in the agriculture domain.

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Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 19 ISSUE 4

This paper is based on the analysis of the evolution of the demand and the tourist offer from Ilfov county, at a type of accommodation unit, respectively tourist pensions. The statistical indicators considered were: tourist accommodation capacity (as number and places), number of tourists, number of tourists per month of 2017, number of overnight stays, resident population and area. The statistical data regarding the tourist circulation in Ilfov county were taken from the National Institute of Statistics. The accommodation unit, at which the study was carried out, was the tourist pensions, for a period of 5 years, 2013-2017. As a research method, we used the analysis of the dynamics of indices and indicators regarding the tourist circulation. The most representative tourist indicators, calculated and interpreted, were: the change of the global tourist demand, the evolution of the domestic and external tourist demand, the evolution of the overnight stays, the average tourist stay, the density of the tourist circulation in relation to the population of the county and with the surface and the evolution, the occupancy degree of the accommodation unit, the coefficient of the monthly tourist concentration in 2017. The objective of this study is to establish what is the tourist evolution in the tourist pensions of Ilfov county, so that we can propose and adopt strategies of tourist arrangement in the area. Harnessing and promoting tourism potential and existing tourist attractions, is another deciding factor in the tourism development of an area.

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Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 19 ISSUE 4
Written by Ivan Mikhailovich KULIKOV, Ivan Alekseevich MINAKOV

The population-genetic analysis wascarried outby ISSR-PCR markers of animals of the local Lebedyn breed and breeds that participated in its formation and improvement: Swiss, Ukrainian Grey and original Brown Swiss. ISSRPCR technology showed a low level of genetic heterogeneity in all animals of investigated breeds having unique species-specific DNA fragments. The low levels of genetic polymorphy and heterozygosity, particularly in the subpopulation of Lebedyn breed animals, give evidence to the presence of genetic erosion and the threat of inbred depression. The results of evaluation of genetic differentiation between breed founders and based on them Lebedyn breed were proved to be used in the breeding programs for its gene pool restoration. Taking into account the results of population-genetic analysis, a fundamentally new scheme of reproduction of the genealogical structure of aboriginal breeds by the reciprocal population reproduction method was developed.

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Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 19 ISSUE 4
Written by Volodymyr LADYKA, Olena METLITSKA, Yuriy SKLIARENKO, Yuliia PAVLENKO

The paper reports on the results of the study of eleven cultivars and strains of winter soft wheat tested in the conditions of the submontane zone of the Central Caucasus. The average annual yield (2016-2018) varied from 0.66 to 1.05 kg/m2. A comprehensive assessment of the parameters of environmental plasticity and adaptability using various methods was carried out. According to the results of variance analysis, the genotypes of the studied samples (the “cultivar” factor) had the highest impact on the overall variability of productivity – their proportion was 50%. The proportion of variability caused by the influence of environmental conditions (the “year” factor) was 26.5%. To identify adaptive genotypes by productivity, regression, and correlation analyses were performed and various selection indices were calculated.

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© 2019 To be cited: Scientific Papers. Series “Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and Rural Development“.

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