Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 24 ISSUE 1
Written by Tarek FOUDA, Abeer ABDELSALAM, Atef SWILAM, Mohamed El DIDAMONY
The main objective of this research study is the use of 3D printing to manufacture of a metering plates with different materials and slots shapes for the planting of faba beans. Also, testing the manufactured metering plates by the finite element, fatigue, and topology optimization. Metering plates were designed and tested at department of agriculture engineering, faculty of agriculture, Tanta university, Egypt. through 2022.the maximum values of finite element indices such as von mesies, yield strength, INT (stress intensity), TRI (triaxle stress), ERR (energy norm error), static displacements, RFRES (resultant reaction force), ESTRN (equivalent strain), SEDENS (strain energy density), and ENERGY (total strain energy) were (9.72e+05, 4.04e+06, 8.53e+05, 3.87e+06, 1.00e-16, 1.58e-02, 3.40e-02, 1.52e-4, 8.27e+01, and 4.72e-07) respectively. Also, the minimum values for same indices were (2.54e+04, 7.89e+05, 1.33e+04, 4.71e+03, 1.00e-16, 2.84e-5, 9.19e-03, 1.04e07, 5.06e-07, and 7.88e-08) respectively, with different shapes index of first, second, third, and fourth metering plates were (1.76, 1.78, 3.01, and 1.65) respectively. And for fatigue analysis results, damage, load factor, total cycles, and stress amplitude were (3.36e+05, 5.32e+06, 1.39e+06, and 1.60e+00) respectively. Also, the minimum values for same indices were (2.92e+00, 2.26e-07, 2,21e+04, and 8.26e+00) respectively. And for topology optimization analysis results, the maximum values of topology optimization indices such as best stiffness, and displacement were (4.82e-02, and 3.90e-10) respectively. Also, the minimum values for same indices were (7.97e-2, and 2.61e-06) respectively, and the maximum efficiency of the metering plate was 98% for the first metering plate with TPU material.
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