Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 15 ISSUE 3
Written by Agatha POPESCU
The paper aimed to present a few considerations on the development of medical tourism at international level and in Romania, based on the existing literature abroad and in the country. The medical tourism is dynamics branch of tourism creating patients flows and incomes for the receiving countries, which are providers of healthcare services at international standards and certification. Most of the "suppliers" of medical services are in Asia, but also in the Latin America, Europe and the USA. The medical services of interest for medical tourists are: cosmetic surgery, dentistry, cardio surgery, orthopaedic surgery, bariatric surgery, fertility, organ, cell and tissue transplantation, eye surgery, wellness, analysis, tests, scans etc. The medical tourist flow is created by the wish of the patients to be consulted and treated in another place or country because in their own country are not satisfied by the offer of medical services, the quality of services, the price/procedure, for making savings. In Romania, about 70 % of the foreign tourists are represented the Romanians living abroad who return in the country for dental implants, cosmetic surgery, in vitro fertilization, heart diseases, orthopaedical problems, rheumatism treatments, physiotherapy in spas, because the average expenditure per procedure is about Euro 3,200, much cheaper than in other countries. The source of medical tourists for Romania are Germany, United Kingdom, Italy, France, Israel, USA. As medical tourism is a nich for Romania, a new strategy is required to improve the infrastructure, to assure the high tech endowment in hospitals and clinics, a high professional training and salary for the medical staff and a more efficient marketing to promote Romania's resources and quality and price of medical services.
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