ISSN 2284-7995, ISSN Online 2285-3952

Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 14 ISSUE 2
Written by Boris COREŢCHI, Olga SÂRBU, Elena MOROI

An old traditional form of foreign economic relations is represented by foreign trade. Republic of Moldova,Featuring a geographical position that represents the area of intersection the numerous trade routes and regionalconnotation communications, should use these advantages in order to extend the export-import relations; there for,Republic of Moldova follows to use the internal potential in intensive and effective way. Competitiveness of externaltrade with agricultural food products has a particularly important role which is steadily increasing, it determine theincreasing or decreasing of the national income produced outside depending upon the ratio between the nationaland international amount of goods. Ensuring the economic efficiency of production requires a certain minimumvolume of its. If the volume exceeds the absorption capacity of the internal market, ensuring efficient productionrequires a call to the external market. On the other hand, certain products can not be obtained either domesticproduction or isn’t justified from the economic point of view can be obtained only from the external market.

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Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 14 ISSUE 2
Written by Anatolie IGNAT, Victor MOROZ

The agriculture of the Republic of Moldova is particularly prone to natural risks, especially droughts. The purposeof this paper is to present the state of sustainable development of the agricultural sector and opportunities forimplementation of the innovative land cultivation technologies. There are a number of socio-economic constraintsfor increasing the productivity in the traditional agricultural systems. In order to meet the growing competition onthe regional markets of agricultural products, modernization of agriculture in the Republic of Moldova is veryimportant. For investigation of the actual state of implementation of the conservative land cultivation technologieswere used specific methods and techniques such as statistical and economic analysis of economic indicators, casestudy approach, semi-structured interviews of agricultural producers. The study is also based on the statisticsreceived from the National Bureau of Statistics and the Ministry of Agriculture and Food Industry of Moldova.Economic analysis confirms that implementation of the No Till technology will reduce essentially the directproduction costs compared to traditional technology. However a more visible effect occurs starting with the 5-6year of the conservative land cultivation technologies’ implementation.

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Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 14 ISSUE 2
Written by Liliana POPESCU

This writing paper suggests tracing out a field that the public in our country approached much more at least in thelast years: “Direct advertising”. All through this field of promotion, they lay stress on the preferential relations withclients and firms like IBM, American Airlines practice many relations since the end the eighties. Direct advertisingcovers a large area of activities starting with the informing of the consumers and the conclude of the transaction.For a better understanding of the notion this work is given with a few special studies.

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Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 14 ISSUE 2
Written by Muhammad Rabi’u JA’AFAR-FURO

The study examines the role of beekeeping amidst condition of abject poverty among the majority of the populationin northern Nigeria, and the much popularised Afforestation Programmes of the public sector. Data were collectedboth from primary and secondary sources. The findings indicated that while the activities/livelihood of the peoplehad devastating effects on the environment (felling of trees) of which massive adoption of low-technologybeekeeping would play immense role in reviving the situation, the attitude of the government towards promoting treeplanting campaign in the area has not been encouraging. Its concluded that the livelihoods of the poor majority ofthe people of northern Nigeria had devastating effects on the Afforestation efforts in the area, and beekeepingenterprise could be used as a bridge between the two (poverty and afforestation). It is therefore, stronglyrecommended that policymakers should address the dynamics between poverty, deforestation and beekeeping withthe hope of stabilising the economic situation of the people of northern Nigeria and by extension improves theirincomes and livelihoods.

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Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 14 ISSUE 2
Written by Muhammad Rabi’u JA'AFAR-FURO, Yusuf ABDULLAHI, Buba Enoch BADGAL

A study was conducted using two (2) sets of 400 levels students to determine the effects of a combined demonstrationand lecture methods of teaching apiculture on one hand, and lecture method on another, on performance of learnersin the Faculty of Agriculture, Adamawa State University (ADSU), Mubi, Nigeria. Data were collected byobservation of students’ scores, and personal verification of records/files to obtain information on age, gender andqualification at admission of both sets of students, whereas cost of instructional materials were determined throughthe Departmental Store Invoice (DSI). Descriptive statistics, computed cost components and correlation analyseswere employed in the analyses of the data. Results revealed that while majority (52.00%) of the ConventionalStudents (CS) fell within the age range of 20-25 years, a larger proportion of the Sasakawa Students (SS) werewithin 31-35 years. Gender-wise, males accounted for the bulk of the students with 68.00% and 78.26% for CS andSS, respectively. In spite of the fact that Lecture Method (LM) had lower cost implication, it was found to be moreefficient as a method of instruction among the students than a combined Demonstration and Lecture Methods(DLM). The male students slightly (0.456) performed better than their female (0.246) counterparts, with bothcoefficients significant at P<0.05. Its concluded that the application of LM of instruction was slightly more efficientthan a combined DLM among the agriculture students of ADSU. Also, the male students were found to performslightly better than the females. While the DLM could be more appropriate at primary and secondary schools, theLM is being recommended at tertiary level based on the findings of this study.

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Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 14 ISSUE 2
Written by Veronica PRISĂCARU, Tatiana SEVCIUC

The basic aim of our investigation was to elucidate the problems of young people as part of the human potential ofrural areas. As a result of processing statistical data related to the evolution of the labour market in the Republic ofMoldova, there were highlighted the differences between the average indicators of the labour market in the country,both in urban and rural areas, putting a particular emphasis on young people. Also, according to the generalizationof a survey data there were found the causes that repress the desire of graduates of agricultural educationinstitutions to find jobs in rural areas. The final conclusion is that even if in the country at governmental level,certain attempts are made to attract young people to work in villages, their efficiency is still insufficient.

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Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 14 ISSUE 2
Written by Titin RULIANA

land and building tax . Basis of property tax is the Sales Value of Object Tax. Sales Value of Object Tax is the averageprice obtained from the market price , and the price is based on the Decree of the Mayor [3]. Determination Sales Valueof Object Tax based on Laws number 12 of 1985 amended by Laws number 12 of 1994 [1]. Determination Sales Valueof Object Tax based Formulation of the problem in this paper is as follows : "Is it the Sales Value of Object Tax on Landand Building Tax in Year 2012 in accordance with Laws number 12 of year 1994". This research used a sample of fiftyone taxpayers from Income Tax Payable in 2012. Target of research is Sales Value of Object Tax on land and building bycomparing the Sales Value of Object Tax contained in the Notification Letter of Tax Payable to the actual situation.Based on the background and formulation of the problem, that : "Calculation Sales Value of Object Tax on Land andBuilding of 2012 in the District Palaran of Samarinda City not in accordance with Law Number 12 of 1994" . I wasconcluded that the calculation Sales Value of Object Tax on Land and Buildings in the District Palaran been calculated inaccordance with Law on number 12 of 1994 . Difference in the amount of Land and Building Tax to be paid based on TheNotification Letter of Tax Payable with the results of research in the field due to lack of public understanding about TheLand and Building Tax, so that the taxpayer did not immediately report the wide changes to the tax object owned by theOffice of Tax services.

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Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 14 ISSUE 2
Written by Daniela POPA

Moldova's foreign trade value will exceed 10 billion U.S. dollars, exports increased by 12 percent annually andimports by about 9, 4 percent in the years 2014 to 2016, according to preliminary forecasts prepared by theMinistry of Economy. For 2013, an increase of 7,5 percent and 6 percent of exports imports. The foreign tradetrends may come back in 2011, when supplies of Moldovan goods to foreign markets grew faster than imports. In2012 exports fell by 2,5%, while imports rose 0,4%.

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Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 14 ISSUE 2
Written by Simona FRONE, Dumitru Florin FRONE

As we have stated in the previous year conference paper, the human right to water and sanitation entitles everyoneto water and sanitation services which are available, accessible, affordable, acceptable and safe. Developmentprograms for water and sanitation services, as many other socio-economic development programs have often beenassumed to be neutral in terms of gender. However, sometimes there can be failures in the implementation andharnessing of such projects because of errors arising from lack of adequate integration of gender equality. In thispaper are highlighted some aspects and issues of gender mainstreaming in water supply and sanitation developmentprojects, including conclusions from a case study conducted by an NGO in a commune of Romania and ownrecommendations.

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Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 14 ISSUE 2
Written by Elena COFAS, Dana Maria (Oprea) CONSTANTIN, Iuliana ZAHARIA

As knowing the impact of weather phenomena and their effects on agriculture represents a primary necessity, atpresent the importance of agro-meteorological information for economy, in general, and for the agriculture sector,in particular, involves a complex approach of the relation environment–plant. The agro-climatologic resource’sassessment is multi-way needed: to choose the product and to cultivate varieties; for different phyto-technicalinterventions used to improve soil fertility; it is also economically fundamental in order to obtain optimum yields.This article frames an analysis and a synthesis of the main agro-climatic parameters, the air temperature and theprecipitation for the region of Muntenia, considering the period between 1961- 2009. As this region has the largestagricultural land in Romania, is it useful and necessary for everyone who aims to carry on agricultural business orstudies to be well informed on the agro-climatologic potential that characterizes it.

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