ISSN 2284-7995, ISSN Online 2285-3952

Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 24 ISSUE 3
Written by Bozhidar IVANOV, Veselin KRUSTEV, Bojin BOJINOV

The article presents the post-hoc analysis on the crop yield forecasting on three crops across EU carried out by JRS-Mars: wheat, maize, sunflower. These crops, to less extent sunflower are one of the most widespread and grown crops across EU-27. The area occupied with those crops tallies up to 23 per cent of the utilized agricultural land and over 39 per cent of the arable land throughout EU, where in some members, including Bulgaria, their share exceeds 75 per cent of arable land. The main goal of the research is to investigate and through statistical analysis to reveal the statistical significance, effectiveness and accuracy of the crop yield forecast monitoring done by JRC-Mars, which is developed on remote sense monitoring and models set up in the of vegetation indices. The forecast results on March-April for wheat and June-July for grain maize and sunflower are juxtaposed by the actual data baseline yields. The goal of the paper is also complemented to analyze the differences in the forecast outcomes related to country’s specifics, crop sensitivity and forecast time coherences. The results demonstrate that such statistical analysis are quite relevant and convincing tools to illustrate and substantiate the level of reliability of yield forecasting and that vegetation indices are appropriate element for building up yield forecasting models.

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IVANOV B., KRUSTEV V., BOJINOV B. 2024, EFFECTIVENESS AND SIGNIFICANCE OF CROP YIELD FORECAST MONITORING CONSTITUTED ON VEGETATION INDICES . Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 24 ISSUE 3, PRINT ISSN 2284-7995, 457-464.

Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 24 ISSUE 3

The article contains the results of a study on the conservation, growth dynamics from birth to slaughter and economic efficiency of growing and fattening pigs depending on their live weight at birth and different feeding systems during the production cycle. It was found that piglets with a birth weight of just under one kilogram at weaning at 21 days of life had 30.3 % lower average and absolute gains, 29.4 % less live weight at this time and 4.5 % poorer maintenance in the post-weaning period compared to piglets whose live weight at birth was at the level of the line standard. During the suckling period, the weight difference between the animals at the beginning and end of the suckling period increased by 3.5 % in favor of the heavy piglets. During the rearing period and in the previous suckling period, animals with a lower birth weight had a 2.9 % worse preservation, grew 13.8 % slower and had a 13.8 % worse absolute weight at the end of rearing and at this time had a 17.7 % lower live weight and a 16.2 % worse feed conversion ratio at the same daily consumption, compared to animals born with a normal live weight. With the same costs for piglets with different birth weights and in the weaning phase, the difference according to this indicator is 8.4% in the rearing phase, 16.7% in the fattening phase and 13.2% for the entire production cycle in favor of the animals with normal birth weights. At the same time, these animals have a 3.2 % lower sales value, which leads to a 22.3 % lower income and a 31.4 % lower profitability of rearing and fattening a pig.

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MOISEI I., POVOD M., MYKHALKO O., POVOZNIKOV M., GUTYJ B., IEVSTAFIIEVA Y., BUCHKOVSKA V. 2024, EFFECTIVENESS OF REARING AND FATTENING OF LOW-WEIGHT PIGLETS DUE TO CHANGES IN THEIR FEEDING SYSTEMS . Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 24 ISSUE 3, PRINT ISSN 2284-7995, 577-588.

Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 24 ISSUE 3
Written by Volodymyr LADYKA, Yuriy SKLIARENKO, Julia PAVLENKO, Viktoriia VECHORKA, Olga BIRIUKOVA

Qualitative characteristics of milk depend on the genotype of cows for beta- and kappa-casein genes. An animal’s genotype for the beta-casein gene also has an impact on milk digestibility and human health. The rate of cheese yield depends on the genotype of the animal according to the kappa-casein gene. Genotyping of 349 animals of the Ukrainian Red-and-White dairy breed was carried out in order to establish the features of genotype formation by beta- and kappa- casein. The population of the studied breed (36% of homozygote A2A2 and 46% of heterozygote A1A2) can provide an increase in homozygosity by beta-casein (A2A2), that enables to increase the frequency of desired alleles under the conditions of compliance with the developed recommendations. The term of creation of a herd with genotype A2a2 is 10 years. For this, it is necessary to use breeders with the desired homozygous genotype and to cull cows and heifers with other genotypes. Breeding stock of the same breed (16% of BB homozygotes and 36% of AB heterozygotes) can also provide an increase in kappa-casein (BB) homozygosity in the next generation. Creating a herd with the desired genotype for the kappa-casein gene also requires the use of homozygous breeders. Obtaining animals with genotypes A2A2 for the beta-casein gene and BB for the kappa-casein gene will ensure boosting the economy of dairy farming.

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Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 24 ISSUE 3
Written by Alexandra NOVAC

Human capital is a vital element of the entrepreneurial ecosystem, playing a significant role in promoting economic growth and innovation. This study aims to investigate the distinctive features of human capital as a component of the entrepreneurial ecosystem, with a focus on urban and rural locations in the Republic of Moldova. Additionally, it aims to identify the challenges entrepreneurs encounter when accessing human capital. The assessment of human capital within the business ecosystem was based on primary data collected from surveys of 204 entrepreneurs in the Republic of Moldova between June and October 2022. The analysis was supplemented with secondary data sourced from the National Bureau of Statistics. The study's results indicate major obstacles in terms of human capital. These include a declining workforce, outward migration and a scarcity of highly-skilled employees, particularly in rural areas. Entrepreneurs in urban and rural regions of the Republic of Moldova expressed concerns about the availability of highly qualified specialists, the competence of graduates from educational institutions and the influence of migration on both the labor market and the business landscape.Disparities exist in the assessment of the competence of graduates from educational institutions, with urban entrepreneurs tending to be more pessimistic. On the other side, rural entrepreneurs place a greater emphasis on the impact of migration and emigration.

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NOVAC A. 2024, EVALUATION OF HUMAN CAPITAL IN THE ENTREPRENEURIAL ECOSYSTEM OF THE REPUBLIC OF MOLDOVA: THE URBAN-RURAL PERSPECTIVE . Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 24 ISSUE 3, PRINT ISSN 2284-7995, 589-598.

Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 24 ISSUE 3
Written by Nicoleta Florica PĂTRĂCHIOIU (GHEORGHE PATRACHIOIU), Miruna Daciana CIUBUC (ION), Valeriu Cristian BRATU, Constantin Adrian SURLEANU

The purpose of the paper was to study the dynamics of the population as a whole and by urban and rural area and of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) for a better understanding of the long-term sustainability of regional development, given that in a globalized economy, labor mobility and capital flows are dynamic, and regions that do not effectively manage the interdependencies between GDP and population risk losing competitiveness. The importance of the subject is given by the fact that these two variables can serve for strategic planning and sustainable development in the future. The study is based on the data provided by the National Institute of Statistics for the period 2020-2023 which were processed in their dynamics reflecting the growth rate in the whole period. Important comments were made on the population and GDP evolution both at the level of the South West Oltenia region, and in the urban and rural area. The South West Oltenia region is located in the South of Romania, and includes the Dolj, Gorj, Mehedinți, Olt and Vâlcea counties. It plays an important economic role. Its activity is based on agriculture and industries such as energy, but it faces economic challenges, with a GDP per capita below the national average and an infrastructure in need of modernization. The region is experiencing depopulation and an aging population, which affects its economic development. During the analyzed period, a general trend of the population decline was observed in the region, attributed to the overall decrease in both urban and rural zones, with Dolj county being the most impacted. While the rural population experienced a slight decline across the region, Gorj and Dolj counties demonstrated signs of stability or even growth, whereas Mehedinți, Olt, and Vâlcea counties experienced a sharper drop. Despite this, the South-West Oltenia Region continued its economic growth between 2020 and 2023, indicating an expanding regional economy driven by various industries, trade, and specialized services.

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PATRACHIOIU (GHEORGHE PATRACHIOIU) N.F., CIUBUC (ION) M.D., BRATU V.C., SURLEANU C.A. 2024, EVOLUTION OF POPULATION AND GROSS DOMESTIC PRODUCT IN THE SOUTH-WEST OLTENIA REGION, ROMANIA, IN THE PERIOD 2020-2023. Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 24 ISSUE 3, PRINT ISSN 2284-7995, 621-628.

Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 24 ISSUE 3
Written by Olesia TOTSKA

The purpose of this article is to analyze seasonal fluctuations in the export of agricultural crops from Ukraine in the period March 2022–January 2024. The research used data from a dashboard created by the Office for Entrepreneurship and Export Development together with the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine and the Ministry of Infrastructure of Ukraine. In March-April 2022, the total export of a number of types of agricultural products was very low, but over time began to increase significantly and reached its peak in March 2023. This happened due to the adaptation of Ukrainian producers and exporters of agricultural products to the emergence of new challenges. Among Ukrainian agricultural products, corn and wheat have the greatest export potential (over 1.1 million tons per month on average), sunflower oil, meal, rape, soybeans, barley, and sunflower seeds have less potential (over 150,000 tons per month on average), the smallest potential has soybean oil (more than 20,000 tons per month on average). Most types of agricultural products have two distinct phases of export seasonality: growth and decline. In the analyzed period, a seasonal increase in exports was observed for corn – in November-March; wheat – September-February; meal – August-February; rape – August-December; soybeans – October-February. For other types of products, export growth and decline phases changed more often: the increase in sunflower oil exports occurred in November-February and September; barley – in September-February and July; sunflower seeds – in October-December, February and May-July; soybean oil – in October-January and May-July.

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TOTSKA O. 2024, EXPORT OF PRODUCTS OF THE AGRICULTURAL INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX OF UKRAINE IN THE PERIOD MARCH 2022–JANUARY 2024: ANALYSIS OF SEASONAL FLUCTUATIONS . Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 24 ISSUE 3, PRINT ISSN 2284-7995, 923-928.

Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 24 ISSUE 3
Written by Le Canh DUNG, Nguyen Thanh NHIEN

Using industrial bionitrogen fertilizer for crops is a new trend to improve the quality and value of agricultural products while helping to improve the soil environment and can completely replace traditional chemical nitrogen. Industrial bionitrogen fertilizer is gradually being produced and consumed in Vietnam and the Mekong Delta. However, the level of industrial bionitrogen fertilizer consumption is still limited for many reasons. This study interviewed 250 rice farmers in the Mekong Delta provinces who consumed industrial bionitrogen fertilizers, then used exploratory factor analysis to evaluate the influence of factors on their decisions of purchasing industrial bionitrogen fertilizer. The results show that there are at least 5 factors that have a positive impact on purchasing decisions, arranged according to their importance: consumer awareness, subjective standards, product quality, distribution system and sales promotion. On this basis, some policy implications and solutions have been proposed.

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DUNG L.C., NHIEN N.T. 2024, FACTORS AFFECTING THE DECISION TO PURCHASE BIO-ORGANIC FERTILIZER FOR RICE PRODUCTION IN THE MEKONG DELTA, VIETNAM . Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 24 ISSUE 3, PRINT ISSN 2284-7995, 297-306.

Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 24 ISSUE 3
Written by Manan ASLAM, Hamza AKHTAR, Mudassar YASIN, Muhammad Ali IMRAN, Mahboob RIAZ

Many vegetables are grown throughout Pakistan's provinces, but tomatoes, potatoes, cauliflower and onions are among the most common ones. Pakistan has a 150 thousand acres of tomato farming, producing 57094 tonnes of tomatoes per year, making it the world's 35th largest producer. Due to importance of tomatoes in our daily routine, there is need to explore marketing system of tunnel grown tomatoes, analyze current marketing margins, as well as to quantify the impact of significant variables affecting marketed surplus of tomatoes. The study was confined to areas of the district Lodhran because there is an increasing trend to produce tomatoes by using tunnel system in the region. Then Lodhran tehsil was chosen purposively. After selecting region then 100 tomato farmers (50 tunnel growers and 50 non tunnel growers), 20 commission agents, 20 wholesalers, 20 retailers, and 100 tomato consumers were chosen as sampled respondents. Convenient sampling technique was used to select the sample. The frequencies and percentage of sampled respondents was calculated by using descriptive statistics. The impact of factors affecting tunnel tomato growers' marketed surplus was determined by using multiple regression analysis. The regression results showed that the selected traits (experience, area, marketing cost, sale price, and distance from the output market) are influencing significantly on the marketed surplus. So, both public and private sectors should engage to organize and rain the tomato farmers regarding tunnel farming in the region.

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ASLAM M., AKHTAR H., YASIN M., IMRAN M.A., RIAZ M. 2024, FACTORS INFLUENCING MARKETED SURPLUS OF TOMATOES IN PUNJAB, PAKISTAN . Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 24 ISSUE 3, PRINT ISSN 2284-7995, 83-90.

Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 24 ISSUE 3
Written by Daniela CREȚU, Radu Andrei IOVA, Oana Roberta CREȚU, Elena LASCĂR

Feminine leadership is an increasingly relevant field of research, having a significant impact on organizational development and progress. Studies show that women in leader positions bring an unique and valuable perspective, contributing to innovation and performance within the organizations they lead. However, the perception of feminine leadership is often influenced by gender stereotypes that can create barriers to women's professional advancement. The main objective of this study was to identify and analyze leadership styles in feminine entrepreneurship in Călărași county, with a particular focus on how female entrepreneurs adapt and respond to the specific challenges of the local business sector. The selection of the sample was carried out through a stratified methodology, ensuring a proportional distribution for each of the demographic and professional categories specific to feminine entrepreneurs. This approach allowed a detailed and specific analysis of the distinctive features of female leadership in entrepreneurship in Călărași. Sample variables: age: the sample included women entrepreneurs between the ages of 25 and 52, thus ensuring the representation of a wide spectrum of life and professional experiences; level of education: from high school to postgraduate studies, including master and doctorate; residence area - urban and rural women, highlighting how geographic context and access to resources can impact leadership styles; the type of Commercial Company - from individual enterprises, to limited liability companies and joint-stock companies, highlighting the flexibility in choosing the business structure; field of activity: the participation of women entrepreneurs in a wide range of fields, from trade and services, to manufacturing and IT, highlighting the diversity and adaptability of businesses led by women. The methodology used in carrying out this research includes a combination of qualitative and quantitative analysis. Quantitative data were collected through a questionnaire distributed to a sample of 120 women entrepreneurs from Călărași county, Romania. The qualitative analysis involved detailed but unstructured interviews with the sampled participants to gain a deeper understanding of their experiences and perceptions regarding the challenges they face in a diverse and competitive business sector. In order to evaluate the results of the questionnaire and the association with the sample variables, the χ2 test was used, the null hypothesis was formulated, to determine if there is a causal relationship between the two variables-questions. The obtained results revealed significant insights about the leadership dynamics in the region. The analysis indicated a diversity of leadership styles, with a notable prevalence of the collaborative style, suggesting a general trend towards participative leadership models within the investigated organizations. Despite all the challenges they faced, women entrepreneurs demonstrate resilience and innovation, contributing significantly to the socio-economic development of the community. Their success highlights the importance of implementing policies and initiatives that promote gender equality in entrepreneurship and support the development of businesses led by women.

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CRETU D., IOVA R.A., CRETU O.R., LASCAR E. 2024, FEMININE LEADERSHIP AND CHALLENGES IN THE BUSINESS SECTOR. CASE STUDY: CALARASI COUNTY, ROMANIA . Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 24 ISSUE 3, PRINT ISSN 2284-7995, 247-256.

Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 24 ISSUE 3
Written by Horia Nicolae CIOCAN, Agatha POPESCU, Toma Adrian DINU, Elena STOIAN, Ioan Daniel MOLDOVEANU

This study explores the role of informal agricultural consultancy through Facebook groups in Romania, particularly in the absence of a formal agricultural extension system. With no structured support in place, Romanian farmers have turned to social media platforms, especially Facebook, to seek advice, share knowledge, and engage in peer-to-peer learning. This study analyzed 20 Facebook groups from January 2023 to May 2024, focusing on group dynamics, user engagement, and the quality of discussions. Findings highlight that while these groups offer valuable real-time discussions on critical topics such as machinery maintenance, pest control, and sustainable farming practices, they also suffer from inconsistencies in the quality of information shared. The absence of expert moderation has led to varying degrees of accuracy, with some groups being prone to misinformation. The study suggests that integrating these informal platforms with a formal agricultural extension system could improve the quality of advice provided to farmers. A hybrid system, modeled after successful international frameworks like the American agricultural extension service, could combine grassroots knowledge-sharing with expert-backed guidance and structured training. However, risks such as misinformation, over-reliance on social media platforms, and the absence of a cohesive extension service continue to pose significant challenges. In conclusion, while Facebook groups play a crucial role in filling the advisory gap, they cannot replace a formal agricultural extension system. Further research is needed to explore how these informal platforms can be better integrated with professional services to enhance Romanian agriculture and rural development.

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© 2019 To be cited: Scientific Papers. Series “Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and Rural Development“.

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