ISSN 2284-7995, ISSN Online 2285-3952

Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 24 ISSUE 4
Written by Horia Nicolae CIOCAN, Stefan Laurentiu BATRINA, Igori BALTA, Paula Ioana MORARU, Dragos Ioan SACALEANU, Abigail BORRON

This study proposes an university-based agricultural extension model, inspired by the U.S. agricultural extension system, to address systemic challenges in Romania’s agriculture. By integrating research, education, and community engagement, the model aims to bridge the gap between academia and rural communities while promoting sustainable rural development. The model was developed through the Fulbright-RAF Scholar Award program, where Romanian scholars collaborated with U.S. extension experts at the University of Georgia. Romanian scholars acquired valuable expertise through field visits, stakeholder engagement, and institutional analysis, which formed the foundation for adapting the U.S. system to Romania’s unique agricultural context. The model proposes the establishment of extension hubs within Romanian agronomic universities, leveraging existing resources and involving students at all academic levels in extension activities. Key initiatives include tailored advisory services, a centralized knowledge platform, and community engagement programs such as workshops, online resources, and farmer interactions on social media groups. The proposed model fosters innovation and ecological practices by aligning academic activities with regional needs and ensuring effective knowledge transfer. This phased, cost-effective system empowers farmers to overcome systemic challenges, strengthens rural communities, and positions universities as leaders in agricultural modernization and rural development. Through the integrating collaboration and optimizing resources, the model provides a transformative framework for a sustainable agricultural future in Romania.

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Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 24 ISSUE 4
Written by Mirela STANCIU, Cristina DANCIU, Iuliana ANTONIE, Camelia SAVA, Anca TULBURE, Agatha POPESCU

The issue of preventing and reducing food waste (FW) at the household level is of paramount importance and must be analyzed in relation to food purchasing, handling, and consumption habits. This study examines food purchasing and consumption habits in the context of food waste avoidance, among consumers in Romania. An online survey (N = 369, 67.21% women) was conducted to analyze food purchasing and consumption behavior, shopping planning routines, and food waste avoidance behavior. The average age of the respondents was 30.22 years. The collected data was analyzed, processed, and interpreted. Main findings: In 76% of the households surveyed, some of the food needed is produced in the household. The primary source of food supply is the hypermarket, regardless of the food category. About 84.55% of consumers cook at home very frequently and eat meals with their families. The highest scores for shopping planning routines were recorded for the habit of checking food stocks (3.82) and creating a shopping list (3.32). Nearly half of the respondents are responsible for both food purchases and cooking at home. Personal motivation for reducing food waste primarily involves assuming social responsibility (3.92), followed by concern for the environment. Over 87% of consumers believe that a national policy is necessary to implement educational and informational programs and projects aimed at preventing and reducing food waste.

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STANCIU M., DANCIU C., ANTONIE I., SAVA C., TULBURE A., POPESCU A. 2024, A STUDY OF ROMANIAN CONSUMERS' FOOD PURCHASING, CONSUMPTION BEHAVIOR, AND MOTIVATION TO AVOID AND REDUCE FOOD WASTE . Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 24 ISSUE 4, PRINT ISSN 2284-7995, 781-790.

Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 24 ISSUE 4
Written by Daniela CREȚU, Radu Andrei IOVA, Cecilia Violeta NEAGU, Elena LASCĂR

The transformations that took place in accounting over the last ten years have been profound, the Romanian accounting system being subject to an extensive and serious reform process, in order to adapt it to the new economic, political, legal and, social conditions. In the public sector, the changes made aimed at optimizing the budget execution so that they reflect, in a real way, the way in which public money is spent in order to achieve the objectives of general interest of the community. The current state of this paper, with a case study in a locality in Călărași county, resides in the fact that, being an accounting of commitments, public entities are obliged to organize and conduct accounting according to the approved income and expenditure budget, and its effective management, has direct implications on the development of the rural community, on all levels. As research methods, documentation, information and analysis were used, used in several stages undertaken in the research, as well as the method of comparative analysis and graphic representation. We observe that the total revenues (collected) of the local budget of the analyzed commune increased in the period of 2022 compared to 2021, after the restrictions imposed by the Covid-19 pandemic prevented the development of economic activities bringing income to the local budget, by 21.10 %, so that then, in 2023, we see a slight decrease in them by 0.04%. The total expenses of the commune budget have in the analyzed period the same trajectory as the budget revenues, in which they were totally incorporated. Investments are required in the education sector, because the training of human capital is the most important in a community. At the same time, we appreciate the fact that the representatives of the local public authority are concerned with attracting European funds to the community and implemented projects with European funding, which came to support the community, the socio-economic development of rural communities also depends on these funds.

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CRETU D., IOVA R.A., NEAGU C.V., LASCAR E. 2024, ACCOUNTING AND INFORMATIONAL VALUES OF THE REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE BUDGET IN PUBLIC INSTITUTIONS. CASE STUDY . Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 24 ISSUE 4, PRINT ISSN 2284-7995, 213-222.

Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 24 ISSUE 4
Written by Damilola ADEOSUN, Dorcas ADEGBITE, Rahman SANUSI, Simeon AYANSINA, Kazeem ABOABA

This study analyses access to credit and factors influencing credit utilization among cassava farmers in Southwest, Nigeria. Multi-stage sampling procedure was used to select 210 small holder cassava farmers for the study. A structured questionnaire was used to collect data on respondents’ access to credit, sources and volume of credit granted, and factors influencing amount of credit utilized by cassava farmers. Results show that 49.5% of the cassava farmers had access to credit, 23.3% obtained credit from cooperatives, 33.3% requested for less than ₦100,000.00 credit while the mean amount of credit requested and granted were ₦125,923.08 and ₦105,346.15 respectively. Ordinary least squares regression results show that farm experience (α = 2.8609, p<0.05), educational level (α = 4.7334, p<0.01), farm size (α = 9.6706, p<0.05) and membership of cooperative society (α = 47.9905, p<0.05) significantly influenced the amount of credit utilized by the smallholders cassava farmers. The study determined that the credit use of cassava farmers in southwest Nigeria is influenced by several characteristics, including their level of farm experience, educational attainment, farm size, and participation in a cooperative organization. Therefore, it is imperative for farmers to actively seek out opportunities to get further expertise, expand their land holdings, pursue adult education, and establish cooperative societies. These actions will enable them to secure financial support from stakeholders and enhance their ability to obtain and effectively utilize loans in the study area.

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ADEOSUN D., ADEGBITE D., SANUSI R., AYANSINA S., ABOABA K. 2024, AN ANALYSIS OF ACCESS TO CREDIT AND FACTORS INFLUENCING CREDIT UTILIZATION AMONG CASSAVA FARMERS IN SOUTHWEST, NIGERIA . Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 24 ISSUE 4, PRINT ISSN 2284-7995, 15-24.

Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 24 ISSUE 4
Written by Kamen PETROV, Nikolay TZONKOV, Tzvetelina BERBEROVA-VALCHEVA

This article is devoted to analyzing and assessing the impact of disasters and accidents on the conditions for the socio-economic and demographic development of rural areas in Bulgaria. The topicality of the topic is caused by the necessity of the new conditions of globalization to overcome regional and local risks related to the population's way of life. To a large extent, the processes of urbanization and the relocation of the population in urban areas lead to the creation of threats to its security, mainly by disrupting the reliability of the functioning of the natural-ecological and socio-economic systems. Therefore, rural areas and their potential for security and regional development must be strengthened. In this regard, it is important to create the necessary basic conditions for the life and development of the population - minimum infrastructure, taking measures to reduce natural and environmental risks through a system encompassing activities and facilities for monitoring, maintaining, and cleaning riverbeds and forests in sparsely populated areas in Bulgaria.

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PETROV K., TZONKOV N., BERBEROVA-VALCHEVA T. 2024, ANALYSIS AND ASSESSMENT OF THE IMPACT OF DISASTERS AND ACCIDENTS ON THE FUNCTIONING OF RURAL AREAS IN BULGARIA . Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 24 ISSUE 4, PRINT ISSN 2284-7995, 607-620.

Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 24 ISSUE 4
Written by Esra YAZICI, Sait ENGINDENIZ, Duran GÜLER

The purpose of this study is to analyze the factors affecting the tendency of farmers to grow hemp in Rize province of Türkiye. The data was collected by face-to-face survey method from 90 farmers with proportional sampling. A five-point Likert scale was used to evaluate farmers' knowledge levels, opinions and attitudes regarding hemp growing, and their tendencies and expectations towards hemp growing. Best-Worst analysis was performed to determine the most important support practices that farmers expect from the government to grow hemp. The Fuzzy Paired Comparison method was used to determine which criteria farmers will attach importance to when growing hemp. According to the study results, 46.7% of the farmers have grown hemp before. However, it has been determined that farmers need more information about hemp growing. 48.9% of farmers are willing to grow hemp individually and 35.6% under contract. Farmers do not find the current supports sufficient and think that they should be diversified. For example, land use, seed supply and grant support are among their expectations. 36.6% of farmers think that hemp growing is profitable. 56.6% of farmers argue that hemp growing will not be more profitable than other products such as tea and hazelnuts. 56.7% of farmers stated that they would turn to hemp growing if government support was increased. The most important criteria that farmers will consider for growing hemp are climate conditions, soil structure and yield, respectively. For hemp growing to develop in this region, farmers' expectations regarding supports and market alternatives must be met.

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YAZICI E., ENGINDENIZ S., GULER D. 2024, ANALYSIS OF FARMERS' HEMP GROWING TENDENCIES AND EXPECTATIONS: THE CASE OF TÜRKİYE . Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 24 ISSUE 4, PRINT ISSN 2284-7995, 909-919.

Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 24 ISSUE 4
Written by Bektaş KADAKOĞLU, Mevlüt GÜL

This study analyzed changes in lettuce prices and seasonal fluctuations in Türkiye. In addition, the development of lettuce production in the world and Türkiye was determined. In this study, world lettuce production data cover the period 2000-2022 and Türkiye lettuce production data cover the period 2000-2023. The Lettuce price data cover the period 2010-2023. Türkiye ranks 8th in the world in terms of lettuce production and 30th in terms of lettuce exports. In 2023, 26.61% of the total lettuce production in Türkiye was achieved in greenhouses and 73.39% in open fields. In this study, seasonal index values of lettuce prices were calculated and compared in three ways: simple average, moving average, and trend analysis. According to all three methods, lettuce prices increased in August and September and decreased in May and June. It was determined that there are seasonal fluctuations in lettuce prices throughout the year. Based on the results of the research, August and September were determined to be the most profitable production periods for lettuce producers. If producers can adjust their production planning according to these months, their earnings will increase.

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KADAKOGLU B., GUL M. 2024, ANALYSIS OF LETTUCE PRICES IN TÜRKİYE: SEASONAL FLUCTUATIONS . Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 24 ISSUE 4, PRINT ISSN 2284-7995, 449-454.

Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 24 ISSUE 4
Written by Asli DALGIC, Ozgur KOSKAN, Vecdi DEMIRCAN

Poultry farming is an important sector in terms of meeting the need for animal protein for human health, realizing production in a short time and converting feed into meat in the best way. In this study, it was aimed to analyze the performance characteristics of broiler farms in Turkey. The main material of the study consists of data obtained from face-to-face interviews with 139 producers for the production period of 2022. Multidimensional Scaling (MDS) analysis was used to determine the similarities and differences between farms in terms of performance characteristics. The following variables were used in the analysis: duration of training, experience in broiler rearing, production period, mortality rate, chick entry weight, live weight, number of veterinary visits and feed intake per chick. The farms were divided into three groups according to their capacities and analyzed. According to the results of the research, it was determined that the similarities and differences changed as the size of the farms changed. Since there is a close relationship between education level and breeding experience and live weight of broiler chickens, it is thought that extension activities should be increased for producers on broiler breeding. In addition, a heterogeneous structure emerged due to the difference between the chick weights given by the companies among the farm size groups. For this reason, it is thought that producers should form an agricultural organization that will enable them to be strong in the face of the companies they contract with.

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DALGIC A., KOSKAN O., DEMIRCAN V. 2024, ANALYSIS OF PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS OF BROILER FARMS IN TÜRKİYE USING MULTIDIMENSIONAL SCALING (MDS) METHODS . Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 24 ISSUE 4, PRINT ISSN 2284-7995, 233-240.

Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 24 ISSUE 4
Written by Bektaş KADAKOĞLU, Mevlüt GÜL

In this study, the development of cucumber production in the world and Türkiye and the changes and seasonal fluctuations in cucumber prices in Türkiye were analyzed. The price data used in this study cover the period 2010-2023 and were obtained from the Antalya Fruit and Vegetable Wholesale Market. Production data covers the period 2000-2022 and was obtained from the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO). Türkiye ranks 2nd in the world in terms of cucumber production and therefore has significant cucumber production potential. Cucumbers, which are produced both in greenhouses and open fields, are supplied almost every month of the year. In 2023, 57.42% of the total cucumber production in Türkiye came from greenhouses and 42.58% from open fields. In this study, seasonal index values of cucumber prices were calculated and compared in three ways: simple average, moving average, and trend analysis. According to all three methods, cucumber prices increased in December, January, February, and March and decreased in May, June, and July. The reason for this is that field cucumbers are harvested in the summer, which increases their supply and decreases their prices. We also found seasonal fluctuations in cucumber prices throughout the year. This can be explained as follows; since cucumber is a perishable product, its storage period is short, and they should be consumed immediately after harvest. Therefore, the demand for cucumber is high during the harvest season, whereas the demand for cucumber continues throughout the year. In this case, supply is delayed to match demand and causes price fluctuations.

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KADAKOGLU B., GUL M. 2024, ANALYSIS OF SEASONAL FLUCTUATIONS IN CUCUMBER PRICES: THE CASE OF TÜRKİYE . Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 24 ISSUE 4, PRINT ISSN 2284-7995, 443-448.

Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 24 ISSUE 4
Written by Larisa DIMA, Mihai TRIFAN, Aurelia BALAN

This study analyzes the financial performance of agribusiness firms in Romania, focusing on the determinants of profitability and economic sustainability. Various aspects of financial performance will be examined, including number of agri-business companies, as a whole and also by sub sectors; their turnover; the number of employees; import and export value of agricultural products; basic prices of agricultural products; production cost index for cereals, fruit and vegetable and livestock; government support (aid per ha) in 2023, to better understand the dynamics of this crucial sector of the economy. The study gives a summary of the difficulties and possibilities that agricultural companies encounter, emphasizing how market volatility and economic policies affect these businesses' financial stability. The report, which covered the years 2020–2023, offers a thorough examination of Romanian agriculture companies' financial performance, focusing on the essential factors that determine profitability and economic sustainability in this sector. The results show a significant diversity in the distribution of firms by sub-sector, with a predominant focus on grain and livestock production, while highlighting the importance of exports and government support per hectare in maintaining financial stability. Analysis of turnover, number of employees and value of imports and exports highlights the challenges of high production costs and volatility of base prices. The study also reveals the influence of government financial support, showing that firms in subsectors with higher subsidies tend to be more financially stable. The research methodology of the financial performance of Romanian agribusiness companies involved the collection of data from official sources, the analysis of time series to identify trends and financial stability, the comparison of performances between subsectors and the assessment of the impact of government policies, especially subsidies, on financial stability. The obtained methodology allowed for the formulation of some strategic conclusions and recommendations for the long-term support of the agricultural sector.

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DIMA L., TRIFAN M., BALAN A. 2024, ANALYSIS OF SOME PERFORMANCE INDICATORS OF AGRIBUSINESS FIRMS IN ROMANIA IN THE PERIOD 2020-2023 . Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 24 ISSUE 4, PRINT ISSN 2284-7995, 249-254.

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© 2019 To be cited: Scientific Papers. Series “Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and Rural Development“.

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