ISSN 2284-7995, ISSN Online 2285-3952

Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 24 ISSUE 4
Written by Aysegül TANIN, Sait ENGINDENIZ

The main purpose of this study is to determine the level of input use, cost and profitability for farmers and entrepreneurs by making an economic analysis of grain maize production in Izmir province of Türkiye. The data of the study was collected by survey method from 93 farmers with proportional sampling. First, the socio-economic characteristics of the farmers were examined. Then, the activity results of the farmers regarding maize production were analyzed. Variable cost items in maize production were labour and machine costs, material (seed, fertilizer, pesticide, water, etc.) costs and interest on the total costs. Fixed cost items were land rent and management costs. To calculate the net return obtained from maize, production costs were subtracted from the gross production value. The average age of the farmers and average education period were determined as 46.47 and 7.81 years, respectively. The average maize land in the farms was 9.90 hectares. The average total production cost per hectare for maize was 27,953.30 TL. Farmers obtained an average of 15,885.16 TL/ha gross return and 11,406.71 TL/ha net return from maize production in the relevant period. The study results show that maize production in the region can be done economically.

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TANIN A., ENGINDENIZ S. 2024, ECONOMIC ANALYSIS OF GRAIN MAIZE PRODUCTION: A CASE STUDY IN TÜRKİYE. Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 24 ISSUE 4, PRINT ISSN 2284-7995, 827-836.

Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 24 ISSUE 4
Written by Cătălina POPOVICI, Alexandru – Dragoș ROBU, Valentin BOBOC

The field research was carried out in the North-East development region of Romania, during 2020-2023, on a cambic chernozem type soil, with a high humus content of 7%. The data were obtained from plots cultivated with corn, analyzed according to the irrigation rate, in order to verify the differences that appear in the crop within the plots. The drip irrigation method was applied using a system where the drip line is buried below the soil surface. In the growing seasons, when irrigation was applied, the increase in production was 63.41% higher than the average non-irrigated production. This method also had an influence in the valorization of water use. With water availability inside the soil, for plants of 1.1 mm/cm depth and with annual deviations of the precipitation with values between -51 and +27 mm, an average application of watering of maximum 4.25 l/m2/day was reached. The purpose of the research was to highlight and quantify the effects of drip irrigation in corn, on the significant increase in production, by improving the operating yields of irrigation facilities, by reducing water and energy consumption and the effective application of fertilizers, with results beneficial in increasing agricultural production. The present research demonstrated a significant average production increase of 63.41% during 2020 – 2023, the studied period. Also, during the same period, the share of irrigation in covering the total water requirement was between 29.6% and 48.7% as it will be detailed.

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POPOVICI C., ROBU A.D., BOBOC V. 2024, ECONOMIC EFFICIENCY ANALYSIS OF THE DRIP IRRIGATION SYSTEM ON THE CORN CROP . Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 24 ISSUE 4, PRINT ISSN 2284-7995, 679-686.

Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 24 ISSUE 4
Written by Olutope Stephen OJO

The study deals with Economics of underutilized crop production in Akoko North West Local Government Area of Ondo State, using pigeon pea as a case study. Specifically, the study describes the socio-economic characteristics of pigeon pea farmers, estimate the profitability of Pigeon pea production, identify factors that affect the profitability of Pigeon pea production and identify the constraints facing Pigeon pea production in the study area. To achieve these, 120 pigeon pea farmers were selected and interviewed with the use of a well – structured questionnaire. Multistage sampling technique was used for the study. This involved purposive selection of ten communities (Arigidi, Okeagbe, Oyin, Ogbagi, Afin, Ese, Irun, Ajowa, Ikaramu and Erusu) out of 18 communities in the study area. The second stage involved snowball sampling of which 12 respondents were selected from each village to make a total of 120 respondents in the study area. Descriptive statistics were used to analyze the socio-economic characteristics of respondents and constraints facing Pigeon pea production, Budgetary analysis was used to analyze the profitability of Pigeon pea production and Regression analysis was used to analyze the factors that affect the profitability of Pigeon pea production. The results of the estimate of Cost and return revealed that the average pigeon pea production for the last season was 105.4kg and the average price was ₦551.7. The BCR (Benefit Cost Ratio) was estimated to be ₦ 1.6 and this implies that for every one naira invested in pigeon pea farming, the farmer. Will realize ₦1 and 6 kobo. The result of the multiple regression of the factors affecting the output of pigeon Pea indicated that 96.1% of the total variation in the level of pigeon pea output is accounted for by all the explanatory variables in the regression model. The estimated coefficient of labour was negative and significant at 1 percent alpha level and the estimated coefficient of agrochemical, and quantity produce were positive and significant at 1 percent alpha level, indicating that increase in this variable will increase output and profit of pigeon pea of the constraints affecting pigeon pea farming poor road network was ranked the 1st and land problem was ranked 12th. It was recommended that government should provide funds for the Research institutes for the innovations of improved pigeon pea production and hence boost the production of pigeon pea in Nigeria. Also, more studies should be carried out to consider the future outlook of the crop. Inputs like fertilizer, improved seed varieties and farm machineries should readily be available to farmers at affordable rate and on time.

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OJO O.S. 2024, ECONOMICS OF UNDERUTILIZED CROP PRODUCTION IN AKOKNORTH WEST LOCAL GOVERNMENTAREA, ONDO STATE, NIGERIA: A CASE STUDY OF PIGEON PEA (Cajanus cajan) . Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 24 ISSUE 4, PRINT ISSN 2284-7995, 567-578.

Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 24 ISSUE 4
Written by Agatha POPESCU, Mirela STANCIU, Cristina TINDECHE, Alina MARCUTA, Liviu MARCUTA, Adelaida HONTUS

This research aimed to analyze ecotourism in the Danube Delta in 2023 versus 2019 using the data from National Institute of Statistics. The methodology included description of the main ideas from the studied literature, data processing using fixed indices, polynomial regression equations, R square, comparisons, and showing the results in graphics and tables. The results showed that ecotourism niches in the Delta are: bird watching, wildlife watching and studying, fishing, canoeing, kayaking, cycling, trekking, boat tours on the canals, admiring the sunrise and sunset, tasting the specific dishes of the local gastronomy, enjoying taking part to the local traditional folk events, visiting the Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve for getting knowledge and enriching the scientific horizon. In this way, both tourists and the locals become aware of the importance of ecotourism for the sustainable development of the environment, the preservation of biodiversity and assuring the economic and social development of the residents and their communities. In 2023, in the Danube Delta, there were 493 accommodation units by 94% more than in 2019. Also, in 2023, the number of beds reached 10,942, being by 51.8% higher versus 2019. In 2023, the Delta received 136,979 eco-tourists (82.3 % of the 2019 level. Romanians are dominant with a share of 93.4%. Foreigners' weight was only 43.8% in 2023 of the 2019 level. In consequence, the overnight stays were 286,255 in 2023, by 25.4% smaller and the Romanians' share was only 80%. The main causes are the Covid-19 pandemic in the year 2020 and the war in Ukraine. In 2023, 5,621 tourists, of which 72.4% Romanians visited the Biosphere Reserve. The key aspects which need more attention in the future are: investing more in infrastructure, assuring labor force according to the needs, diversification of facilities and tourism activities, making the resident population to be more involved in the management of natural resources and solving the community problems.

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POPESCU A., STANCIU M., TINDECHE C., MARCUTA A., MARCUTA L., HONTUS A. 2024, ECOTOURISM IN THE DANUBE DELTA. Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 24 ISSUE 4, PRINT ISSN 2284-7995, 645-660.

Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 24 ISSUE 4
Written by Miriam Chiazokam CHUKWU, Chioma Udo NWAOBIALA, Justin Nnaemeka OHAGWAM

Over the years, various agricultural programmes and policies that are both public and private sector driven has been developed, focusing more on increasing farm production with little or no emphasis on the food security status of farmers. The study determined the effect of USAID/MARKETS II Programme on the food security status of farmers in Akwa Ibom State, south-south Nigeria and was analyzed 2020. Specifically the determined the food security status, index and compared the differences in the food security status of programme beneficiary and non- beneficiary farmers. It adopted both purposive and multi-stage random sampling procedures to select one hundred and eighty (180) respondents made up of 90 programme beneficiary and 90 non-beneficiary farmers). The study made use of structured questionnaire to collect data and were subjected to analysis using food security index and Z-test analyses).Food security status result showed that the mean per capita household expenditure per month for programme beneficiary farmers was N21,120.46(69.02USD)as against the non-programme beneficiary farmers with N5,474.41(17.89 USD). More so, the food security index, showed that a moderate proportion of programme beneficiary farmers were food secured (43.33%) than non-programme beneficiary farmers (33.33%).The study concluded that the programme has impacted on the beneficiary farmers by increasing their food security status. Policies aimed at replicating the programme in other rural communities and encouraging farmers to engage in foreign sponsored programmes is thereby advocated in order to guarantee household food security.

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CHUKWU M.C., NWAOBIALA C.U., OHAGWAM J.N. 2024, EFFECT OF USAID MARKET II PROGRAMME ON THE FOOD SECURITY STATUS OF BENEFICIARY FARMERS IN AKWA IBOM STATE SOUTH-SOUTH, NIGERIA. Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 24 ISSUE 4, PRINT ISSN 2284-7995, 185-190.

Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 24 ISSUE 4
Written by Edvina POLAJ, Edmond KADIU

In the area of Vlora, there is no in-depth study on the role of brand with local indicators in olive oil. The purpose of this study is to prove the influence of the brand and local indicators on the development of the olive oil market in Vlora. In this study, the role of the brand with local indicators is analyzed, as is its impact on the increase in the consumption of olive oil and the increase in the income of the agro-processing industries in the study area. Focusing on the market in this area, it is examined how branding with local indicators can influence consumer preferences and increase product consumption. Through the analysis of factors such as price, design with local indicators, quality, and promotion, it is intended to discover the most effective strategy to increase sales of olive oil in the study area. The research was conducted with the participation of over 200 consumers. To analyze the questionnaire, nominal-type econometric models were used, a suitable model to evaluate the impact of products branded with local indicators on the purchasing decisions of consumers. The program used for quantitative data processing is STATA. According to the research findings, it turns out that the brand's local indicators play an important role in the purchase decision. Also, the results of the study provide valuable guidelines for agro-processing industries and decision-makers who should pay special attention to branding with local indicators as an effective strategy to maximize the market potential for olive oil in the study ar

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POLAJ E., KADIU E. 2024, EFFECTIVENESS OF BRANDING WITH LOCAL INDICATORS IN INCREASING OLIVE OIL CONSUMPTION IN VLORA, ALBANIA . Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 24 ISSUE 4, PRINT ISSN 2284-7995, 631-644.

Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 24 ISSUE 4

The study examined the performance of purebred, crossbred, and hybrid piglets during their rearing period and the efficiency of their results under a liquid feeding system. It was found that during rearing, purebred piglets of the Large White and Landrace breeds were inferior to their counterparts of the synthetic sire line PIC–337 in intra–line breeding by 29.2% and 24.1% in terms of average daily and absolute gains. They had a 29.4% and 24.3% higher mass at the end of this period but were inferior to them by 2.7% and 2.0% in terms of survivability. There was a trend towards a 4.1% improvement in average daily and absolute gains and a significant 4.0% difference in the mass of weaners at the end of rearing in favor of the Landrace breed. Hybrid piglets obtained from crossbred sows of maternal breeds in direct and reverse crossing with boars of the synthetic sire line PIC–337 outperformed their crossbred peers from direct and reciprocal crossing of these two maternal breeds by 8.0–15.7% in average daily and absolute gains, by 9.5–15.3% in live weight at the end of rearing, and by 0.7–1.3% in survivability during rearing. Crossbred animals from direct and reverse crossing of maternal breeds did not have significant differences in reproductive performance indicators. Hybrid piglets consumed and utilized 5.5–14.0% more feed daily and throughout the rearing period compared to their crossbred peers and 9.1–17.0% more compared to purebred animals of the maternal line. They also had better feed conversion by 0.6–2.8% compared to crossbreeds and by 3.8–5.0% compared to purebred peers of the maternal breeds. In turn, crossbred piglets consumed 0.7–4.8% more feed daily and throughout the rearing period and had 2.2–5.3% better feed conversion compared to the original maternal breeds. Piglets of the synthetic sire line consumed feed at the same level as their hybrid peers, 6.3–7.7% more than crossbreeds, and 9.1–11.2% more than purebred animals of the maternal breeds.

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Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 24 ISSUE 4
Written by Emanuela MARCU, Ionel Alin GHIORGHE, Daniel ȘERBAN, Gabriela Alina CIOROMELE, Maria Magdalena TUREK RAHOVEANU

The main objective of the research is to evaluate the efficiency of crops under the influence of drought. In the development of agriculture, a challenge is to obtain high yields under the action of climatic factors. During the research, numerous other secondary objectives were achieved, and starting hypotheses were established, which are verified at the end of the article. The objective of the research falls within the current guidelines of PAM 8, which aims at the efficiency of water use in Romania. The research is located at the Brăila county level, we aimed to evaluate the efficiency of the most vulnerable crops (maize, sunflower) under the impact of water shortage. The study was analyzed over the last 33 years, and the results suggested that the potential of crops is proven by the contribution to the turnover of over 8% that it has in the county's economy. Further research is needed to elaborate on these findings in other counties to have a comprehensive nationwide diagnosis for stakeholders.

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MARCU E., GHIORGHE I.A., SERBAN D., CIOROMELE G.A., TUREK RAHOVEANU M.M. 2024, EFFICIENCY OF MAIZE AND SUNFLOWER CROPS UNDER THE IMPACT OF DROUGHT IN BRAILA COUNTY, ROMANIA . Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 24 ISSUE 4, PRINT ISSN 2284-7995, 515-522.

Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 24 ISSUE 4
Written by Olga STRĂINU

The objective of this research is to ascertain how investments in innovations impact the performance of agricultural enterprises in the Republic of Moldova. Based on this analysis, the research will then argue the significance of investments for the economic prosperity of the given branch. In order to achieve the proposed goal, the following tasks were performed: a synthesis study of research in the field of innovation management and its impact on enterprise performance; quantifying the impact of investments in innovation on the gross profit as a relevant indicator of the enterprise performance. From a methodological point of view, it was made a bibliographical study and then it was conducted an opinion survey via semi-structured thematic interviews with a sample of 66 managers and specialists from agricultural enterprises. Also, it was used mathematical modelling of the cause-and-effect relationship between the volume of investments in innovations and gross profit through the application of the linear regression method, and the processes of inference and generalisation. The research findings revealed that 92% of the survey participants have implemented innovations, with 61% of them having invested amounts exceeding LEI one million. The investments are profitable, as evidenced by the fact that each 1 LEI invested in innovations generates an increase in gross profit by 1.37 LEI. The Pearson coefficient value is 0.74 indicating a sufficiently strong correlation between the volume of investment means and the performance of agricultural enterprises.

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STRAINU O. 2024, ESTIMATING THE IMPACT OF INVESTMENTS IN INNOVATION ON THE PERFORMANCE OF AGRICULTURAL ENTERPRISES: THE CASE OF THE REPUBLIC OF MOLDOVA . Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 24 ISSUE 4, PRINT ISSN 2284-7995, 791-796.

Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 24 ISSUE 4
Written by Leontii KHMELNYCHYI

The research was conducted in the aspect of preserving the gene pool of Brown cattle with the perspective of breeding animals with the desired conformation type, characteristic to the original Brown Swiss. In the Sumy region of Ukraine, a linear assessment of first-born cows of Brown cattle of different origin - Lebedyn, Ukrainian Brown dairy and Swiss breeds – was carried out. The level of interbreed variability in the development of linear type traits has been established. Results of the linear estimation revealed better indicators of the conformation type in cows of the Swiss breed, which characterize it as a specialized dairy. Lebedyn cattle correspond to the combined type by the linear type traits of linear classification. Ukrainian Brown dairy occupies an intermediate place between Lebedyn and Brown Swiss breeds. Linear assessment indicators confirmed the better development of limbs and body growth in the Lebedyn cattle compared to animals of the Brown Swiss and Ukrainian Brown dairy breeds. However, they were inferior in the development of technological features of the udder.

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KHMELNYCHYI L. 2024, EVALUATION OF LINEAR TYPE CLASSIFICATION BASED ON THE EXTERIOR CHARACTERISTICS OF THE BROWN CATTLE COWS OF DIFFERENT ORIGIN IN UKRAINE . Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 24 ISSUE 4, PRINT ISSN 2284-7995, 465-474.

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© 2019 To be cited: Scientific Papers. Series “Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and Rural Development“.

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