ISSN 2284-7995, ISSN Online 2285-3952

Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 13 ISSUE 1
Written by Cecilia NEAGU

This paper aims to study the factors leading to eutrophication in Calarasi county and then in the Danube, due to the fact that this county has many cultivated areas. In this regard, many factors that lead to nitrate pollution, especially from agricultural sources have been taken into account. In order to model soil nitrate nitrogen in Calarasi county, which can be partially used by plants or leached, researches on soil with the largest share of the county, a chernozem, were made. This study tried to model in the laboratory the influence of three factors on which groundwater pollution by nitric oxide depends: soil type, environmental conditions (temperature and humidity) and the amount of mineral fertilizers incorporated. The amount of nitrate increased with dose of nitrogen fertilizer, the maximum temperature was 200C and was favourably influenced by humidity of 70-80% of field capacity.

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Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 13 ISSUE 1
Written by Sabina VITALIA

The present article exposes the summary of a research project whose purpose is measuring sustainable development in Romania at the level rural areas. Sustainable Development (Sustainable Development in English) means better quality of life now and for future generations. According to the vision of sustainable development, progress integrates immediate and long-term objectives, local actions and global economic and environmental issues, all of which are inseparable. Such a vision of society can not be imposed only by political society as a whole must adopt certain principles (political, economic, social, thinking). Sustainable development can be defined simply as a better quality of life for everyone, both now and for future generations. Sustainable development means: balanced and equitable economic development; high levels of employment, social cohesion and inclusion; a high level of environmental protection and responsible use of natural resources; generating a coherent political system open, transparent and accountable; effective international cooperation to promote global sustainable development (Gothenburg Strategy, 2001).

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Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 13 ISSUE 1
Written by Gheorghe MURESAN, Eugen JURCO, Stefan CIRCU, Cecilia POP

The research were made in farms of various capacities located in Bistrita-Năsăud on an effective by 1029 heads of cows, out of which 100 heads with 370 lactations in holdings with 15-30 heads, 168 heads with 638 lactations in holdings with 31-50 heads, 303 heads with 1068 lactations in holdings with 51-100 heads and 458 heads which produced 1692 lactations in holdings with over 100 heads. From data analysis results that all 15 analyzed holdings, achieved average productions over 4000 kg of milk on normal lactation and 7 holdings accomplished average productions over 5000 kg, with an average productions which varies between 3814 kg and 8668 kg of milk.

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Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 13 ISSUE 1
Written by Gheorghe MURESAN, Eugen JURCO, Stefan CĂRCU, Cecilia POP

This research aims to highlight the main cattle productive features of Romanian Black Spotted breed, raised for milk production in Bistrita-Năsăud county. A number of 386 milk cows were taken into research which produced a total of 1194 lactations. Production and reproduction data were obtained through the official control of milk production, the existing databases at UARZ units (origin, reproduction and production) from the named county and there were taken, processed and statistically interpreted. In Bistrita-Năsăud Romanian Black Spotted cows achieved performances between 1047 kg of milk and 17196 kg of milk, with an average production on normal lactation of 4212 kg of milk, and 4846 kg of milk on total lactation.

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Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 13 ISSUE 1
Written by Adelaida Cristina HONTUŞ

This paper is based on an analysis of tourism and mountain tourism trends nationally and internationally, the degree of capitalization of the mountain tourism in Romania, focusing on assessment of tourism in mountain tourist resort Bran, Brasov. The research study is to study the spatial tourist mountain resort of Bran. The objective of this study consists of analysis of tourist traffic at the county level and at the resort. To perform this study we used a series of documents provided by the Municipality representatives Bran on tourism and tourist traffic statistics on the county level and at the boarding house.

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<h6><span>Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 13 ISSUE 1 </span><br /><span>Written by Romeo Cătălin CREŢU, Petrică ŞTEFAN, Petronela Georgiana COSTIN</span></h6><p style="text-align: justify;">The main goal of the present survey is the modernization of the touristic product in Vrancea area. The first part of the study consists of a detailed analysis of the natural and anthropical touristic potential of the tourism patterns that can be developed based on the former and the present capitalization way. Despite a remarkable value of the potential, the insufficiency and, in some cases, the inexistence of adequate improvements, the old-fashioned or undersized infrastructure determine that numerous areas remain un-capitalized, although they are extremely attractive from a touristic point of view.   Taking into account the existing proclivities of the tourism market at the European level and also the particular situation of Vrancea County, the second part of the study purposes to establish several development guidelines with the corresponding investments to be enclosed in an average and long term strategy which should mainly address the population section having a low income. On the other hand, the modernization of the infrastructure in general and, especially of the roadways as well as of the water supply and sewage systems represents an advantageous and strategic investment where the touristic function must be equally correlated with the economic one.</p><p><a href="/pdf/vol.XIII/Art15.pdf" target="_self" title=" STUDY REGARDING THE EVALUATION AND CAPITALIZATION OF THE TOURISTIC POTENTIAL IN VRANCEA COUNTY ">[Read full article] </a>[Citation]</p><p> </p><p>

Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 13 ISSUE 1
Written by Sabina VITALIA

The present article exposes the summary of a research project whose purpose is measuring sustainable development in Romania at the level of rural areas. Sustainable Development (Sustainable Development in English) means better quality of life now and for future generations. According to the vision of sustainable development, progress integrates immediate and long-term objectives, local actions and global economic and environmental issues, all of which are inseparable. Such a vision of society can not be imposed only by political, society as a whole must adopt certain principles (political, economic, social, thinking). Sustainable development can be defined simply as a better quality of life for everyone, both now and for future generations. Sustainable development means: balanced and equitable economic development; high levels of employment, social cohesion and inclusion; a high level of environmental protection and responsible use of natural resources; generating a coherent political system open, transparent and accountable; effective international cooperation to promote global sustainable development (Gothenburg Strategy, 2001).

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Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 13 ISSUE 1
Written by Georgiana CRUDU

SC company TOMA LLC is wholly owned private company with limited liability organized and existing under the law 31/1990, the Romanian legislation and the Romanian state. As main activity is the cultivation of cereals, leguminous plant seed oil and spices and medicinal and aromatic plants as secondary activities, the following are provided in the statute of the company: tobacco farming, growing of textile fibers, growing shrubs, growing seed production and service providers in the agricultural field.

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Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 13 ISSUE 1
Written by Elena CONDREA

Food security has a complex determination which is dependent both on the agricultural sector policies and on the general macroeconomic framework, the revenue sharing policies, fiscal policies, social, commercial policies, etc. The concept of food security determines the main directions of the policy that favors the population’ welfare, poverty overcoming, changing of the consumption structure, demographic development, human health protection and improvement. In order to assure the foodstuffs of plant origin it was necessary to sow 741808, 85 hectares in 2012 year. The livestock of hens needed to assure the production of eggs for internal consumption, incubation and quantity of meat for 2012 year is 14, 5 million capita. The livestock of pigs needed to assure pork for consumption and the livestock for reproduction and export is 440076, 45 capita.

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Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 13 ISSUE 1
Written by Dana-Maria OPREA

The article discusses issues of air quality in the area of Slatina city regarding the pollution index – sulfur dioxide, describing the main characteristics of the polluter, emission sources, and especially its evolution in time and space of the concentrations and the annual trend, correlated with causes that may increase or diminish the monthly and annually concentrator’s values. Data was collected and provided by The Environmental Agency of Olt County and The Analysis Laboratory for Evaluation of Emissions of ALRO S.A. Company. During the analyzed period, 1996-2006, there were no average monthly levels in the time and space distribution higher than the maximum allowed concentration, which is of 0,125 mg/m3 in 24 hours; also, the annual average values of the index follow a decreasing trend. However, when put together with other urban polluters, the vegetation along with the population of Slatina city is put under discomfort. Towards the end of the article, there are presented conclusions mentioning the main effects over the environment.

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