ISSN 2284-7995, ISSN Online 2285-3952

Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 14 ISSUE 2
Written by Olimpia PANDIA, Ion SARACIN, Ion BOZGA, Daniel NIJLOVEANU

The section is equipped with a mechanism for the movement transmission of several elements which are pot bearers,whose position to the soil in vertical plan remains constant to the slope of the terrain. It receive the rotationmovement by Gall chain from a wheel which copies the soil and it presents the possibility of the adjustment of thedistance between the plants in the row. The section may be a component of a seedling planting machine in pots in 1– 2 rows, when the terrain is covered with foil mulch or from 1 to 6 rows on uncovered terrain. It may be acomponent of an agricultural aggregate for soil processing, for mounting foil mulch, for mounting hose for wateringby processing. The transmission of the movement from the copy wheel presents the possibility of the adjustment ofthe revolution for the adjustment of distance between the rows, and the elements that support the pots bearer’s partspresent the possibility of the length modification in the same purpose.

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Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 14 ISSUE 2
Written by Tatiana ŞEVCIUC, Veronica PRISĂCARU

Subsidizing is the method that is argued by the followers of the free change. Anyway it is necessary as the means oforientation, adjustment and stimulation of some products and as the means of producers and consumers protection.The subsidies are given by the state in order to encourage those branches and sub-branches that are important forthe state's economy. The biggest part of the budget expenses for subsidizing is given to agriculture. The subsidiesare more oriented to agriculture because this branch is very important in the macroeconomic balance and inproviding food security. This research aims to show some aspects concerning the accounting of the subsidies givento agricultural entities taking into account the provisions presented in NAS "Equity and liabilities" and in NAS"Accounting peculiarities in agriculture". To achieve this aim we'll expose the accounting of the subsidies related tobiological fixed assets, the subsidies related to biological depreciable fixed assets. We will also examine thesituations in which the subsidizing conditions don't comply with the prescribed rules.

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Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 14 ISSUE 2
Written by Crina TURTOI, Camelia TOMA, Camelia GAVRILESCU

Most agri-environmental indicators subscribe to the general principles of sustainable development, in whicheconomic, social and environment are interrelated. Measuring sustainable development must be based on indicatorsthat indicate: (i) the pressure of society on the environment, (ii) the resulting environmental conditions (particularlychanges) and (iii) response to human activities, especially in terms of socio- economic decisions, respectively theagricultural and agri-environmental policies adopted. These indicators must be consensual and should provide arepresentative picture of the three dimensions of sustainable development: society, economy and environment.Equally, it is necessary that they should be very clear, robust and reliable in statistical terms and they shouldderived from the best data sources, harmonized in terms of methodology with international standards. Agrienvironmentalindicators must guaranty comparability for EU Member States and provide the opportunity forcomparability in accordance with the methodologies used by the United Nations and the OECD. At the same time,the selected indicators must be able to be collected timely and easily to be revised and update further on. InRomania, the design of the system of indicators to monitor sustainable development is closely linked to theobjectives and targets set out in : (i) National Strategy for Sustainable Development of Romania Horizons 2013-2020-2030 (ii) Reports on the millennium development goals (iii) Development Strategy of Romania "Horizon2025". The paper aims both at defining statistical indicators for monitoring implementation of agri-environmentalmeasures and identifying possible sources of data for quantifying them.

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Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 14 ISSUE 2
Written by Olimpia PANDIA, Ion SARACIN, Ion BOZGA, Daniel NIJLOVEANU

Since herbal medicine makes strides to improve or cure of diseases or serious diseases to human, wherepreparations obtained by chemical are replaced successfully with herbal preparations obtained herbs, aromatic orthose of spontaneous. Thus, in this paper, several attempts are made to prepare a capsaicin based creams antrheumatic. This product is an environmentally friendly product, 100% vegetable produced in the laboratory as abase flossing a chilli extract obtained from private household, beeswax, distilled water, alcohol and peppermint oil.By obtaining this cream was intended to improve or cure people suffering from rheumatism, to relieve pain causedby arthritis, you know, is a readily available even at home, easy to manage, with immediate good results withoutside effects.

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Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 14 ISSUE 2
Written by Ion BOZGA, Olimpia PANDIA, Ion SARACIN, Daniel NIJLOVEANU

The present work tries to establish the role of irrigation and applying variable doses of Nitrogen and Phosphorous,it also tries to ground, from the physiological point of view, the contribution of each factor in achieving highquantitative and qualitative productions. Within the experimental filed an important moment was followed,respective the 8 full-grown leaves phase, and lab tests were kept in order to perform physiological determinations.After lab determinations of physiological processes which took place in the case of this hybrid in two differentsystems and after applying different doses of fertilizers, the results were also graphically represented.

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Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 14 ISSUE 2
Written by Ioana NICULAE, Georgiana Melania COSTAICHE, Reta CONDEI

The purpose of this paper is to highlight the progress of Romania on sustainable agriculture and what are theprospects for this type of development, given the possibilities and restrictions it has. For Romania, European Unionmember state, sustainable development represents a rational national perspective, resulting in a new paradigm ofdevelopment, to establish the confluence of economic, social and environmental. To highlight the development ofsustainable agriculture in Romania was taken into account a number of indicators, and calculate the indices fixedbase.The calculations were based on data provided by the Romanian Statistical Yearbooks 2008-2013, and the dataprovided on the website of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development. To achieve sustainable development,Romania has important strengths such as: the soil that allows the practice of ecological agriculture, but there isalso problems, of which the most important are: scientific research in agriculture is low, the number of researchersis declining due to financial problems.

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Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 14 ISSUE 2
Written by Toma Adrian DINU, Elena STOIAN, Marius Mihai MICU, Reta CONDEI, Ioana NICULAE

The recent statistical data and market studies have shown that the organic products market is on a continuouslyupward trend in Europe and globally. For Romania, organic agriculture represents a market niche that is stillinsufficiently exploited, with a definite and real development potential of the agricultural sector. The role of theconsumer is decisive for the evolution trends and future prospects of any market. A questionnaire based quantitativeresearch was done to find out the Romanian consumers’ behaviour related to organic products, which allowed theestablishment of the weight of organic products consumers within the population interviewed, the extent to whichthe characteristics of organic products, brands and categories known and consumed are acknowledged. The studyalso pursued the evaluation of motivational factors which determine the purchase, market appraisal between thealleged favourable attitude towards organic products and product consumption, the evaluation of the way in whichthe Romanian organic products’ quality is perceived in relation with their price.The study shows an increase in consumer interest for “healthy” products, so that the change according to theirbehaviour shall generate an increase in the organic products market in Romania.

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Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 14 ISSUE 2
Written by Liliana CONDRAȚCHI

The role of production and supply chain is increasing worldwide due of the growing consumer concerns over foodsafety and quality together with retailer demands for large volumes of consistent and reliable product. In developedcountries, product losses (post harvest losses) are generally small during processing, storage and handling becauseof the efficiency of the equipment, better storage facilities, and control of critical variables by a skilled and trainedstaff. Recently, the concept of Agricultural and Food production has been under development as more effective andefficient management system is required for the food production planning, physical collection of primary producefrom fields and homesteads, processing and storage at various levels, handling, packaging, and distribution of finalproduct.

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Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 14 ISSUE 2
Written by Tatiana ŞEVCIUC

In banking practice the pledge plays an important role, it is often used to denote the pledge agreement, as well asthe real right that is the result of the pledge agreement conclusion and the good that is the object of the pledge. Thepledge is the only real security interest in the range of bank guarantees. Actually, each obligation can beguaranteed by the pledging. Assets diversification and trade needs have led to the development of a new pledgeform. Anyway, regardless of the number and content of the economic material, the licensed banks from the Republicof Moldova attach importance to the correctness of pledge accounting taking into account the deadline. Thus, thisresearch aims to present the accounting of the pledged assets passed to the licensed banks from the Republic ofMoldova for the repayment of the granted loan, taking into account the enforcement of the obligation secured by thepledge deadline, the right to possession of the pledged asset and not the least of its value. In the research there wasmainly used the method of monographic study applying elements of observation, selection, induction and deduction.

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Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 14 ISSUE 2
Written by Artur GOLBAN

This scientific work reveals the place of the horticultural sector at the economic growth of the Republic of Moldova.In today’s competitive marketplace, succesfull companies develop value added strategies to build and sustainimportant customer-supplier relationships that rise above the traditional confines of both product and price. It isvery important to concentrate the attention to the development of competitive high value added horticulturalproducts by using high technologies, know-how, inovations which will give us the possibility in the future to speakabout a modern high value added horticultural sector which will be competitive in the international markets. Highvalue added horticultural products means high value revenues, high value wages, the development of the country.

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© 2019 To be cited: Scientific Papers. Series “Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and Rural Development“.

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