ISSN 2284-7995, ISSN Online 2285-3952

Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 14 ISSUE 2
Written by Svetlana SASU, Svetlana DARII

The social aspect of rural tourism enhances its value as a communicative process because Tourism is an industrywith a difference. There is an undeniable exchange between places and people. This exchange is what is meant bycommunication. Communication happens at many levels (even for one single action), in many different ways, andfor most beings, as well as certain machines. Communication requires a sender, a message, and an intendedrecipient, although the receiver need not be present or aware of the sender's intent to communicate at the time ofcommunication; thus communication can occur across vast distances in time and space. Communication requiresthat the communicating parties share an area of communicative commonality. The communication process iscomplete once the receiver has understood the sender. Thus, communication is a two- way process. The interactionof the tourist with the places he visits and the people he meets is therefore, a form of communication in which boththe visitor and the visited form a communication cycle. A considerable amount of weight age is given to the power ofimpressions on the mind of a person living in the twenty-first century. One of the most important aspects of ruraltourism is the communication of the impressions created in the minds of tourists. These include non-verbal aspects -- sights and sounds communicate a general impression-- and the verbal aspect of communication-- language playsan important role in creating impressions.

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Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 14 ISSUE 2
Written by Alexandra Patricia BRAICA

The university is a small nation which has it’s own beliefs and values. The culture, image and the personality of each andevery higher education establishment are created in the first place by the people that compose the establishment. The study ofthe culture of an higher education establishment is essential because an organization can’t be ruled without knowing it’svalues. The university is a center of research and innovation which forms the professional competences according to thenational and European market demands of labor by taking over and applying the evolved knowledge as a source ofinventions, innovations and development in the technological and socioeconomically plan, provider of specialized servicesfor the community. The culture of the organization exerts a very powerful influence on everyone which compose it: teachersand non-teachers, beneficiaries teachings thus meaning the whole academic community. It’s effects are not directlyquantifiable, but they create a frame which allows to mend the obtained results, the efficiency of the activity and of theacademic demarches as well as it’s effective evolution. In order to succeed and resist in the future, in the context of Europeanintegration, of the rank of the higher education institutions, they will be needed to utilize direct methods, strategies andstructures adapted to the labor market, but also some indirect methods which can have behavior influences, especially inenhancing or if it’s the case, systematic transformation of the culture of the organization. To successfully transform auniversity in Romania with bureaucratic accents, mostly protected and isolated, inside a flexible institution, frequent able andopened if time is needed, trust and perseverance, but also of an adequate legislation that can answer to the needs of thecontemporary society in the context of allegiance to the European space. Surely a change program won’t solve the situationwithout being accompanied by changes at the structural levels.

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Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 14 ISSUE 2
Written by Stejărel BREZULEANU

Solutions and development proposals for agriculture and for increasing of business performance must be sustainedby an analysis of the factors involved in agriculture, of the causes which affects the development of agriculture innormal conditions, of the advantages offered by the natural and economical conditions. First of all must be analysedthe possibility of agriculture development function of human resources involved in this sector. In establishing theresearch plan we have in mind the development level of agri-foods units from Romania and in the studied area, IașiCounty, Romania and also the strategic priorities of this domain in the context of creating of new jobs in ruralareas. As gathering technique for the information presented in the current paper we utilised the explicative casestudy, because we wanted a deep and complex investigation at Societatea Agricola Moldova (Moldova AgriculturalSociety) from Ţigănaşi village, Iaşi County. From the main indicators of the agricultural production were analysedfor a period of three consecutive years the physical main production and merchandise production, and fromeconomical indicators were analysed: turnover, added value, revenues, expenses and profit. Based on this system ofindicators could be identified organizational structures, activity domains and products at which were recorded anunfavourable dynamics of profitability or a favourable dynamics, but which is not at the level of competitivenessdegree requested by the domestic and foreign market, giving the possibility of applying of some measures forincreasing of profitability of the whole economical-financial activity at a high level. At the end of the current studythe conclusion is that the society have a profitable activity obtaining profit in all three analysed years, respectively2010, 2011, 2012 resulting that the performance is a synthetic form of expressing the efficiency of the wholeeconomical activity of the firm.

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Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 14 ISSUE 2
Written by Valentina TUDOR, Romeo DENUNTZIO, Ioan Niculae ALECU, Marius Mihai MICU, Georgeta TEMOCICO, Reta CONDEI

The purpose of this paper is to present a method of perfecting the audit of the social requirements of the qualitysocialaccountability-health and safety integrated management system with the social requirements of BusinessSocial Compliance Initiative (BSCI) and Supplier Ethical Data Exchange (SEDEX). The method used was tosupplement the social requirement of SA 8000:2008 standard with the additional requirements of BSCI and SEDEX.The results are based on a correspondence between the requirements of SA 8000:2008 standard and therequirements of BSCI and SEDEX codes of conducts, because some of BSCI and SEDEX requirements are moredetailed than SA 8000:2008 standard requirements which are the base for the implementation of socialrequirements of the quality-social accountability-health and safety integrated management system. A check list waselaborated with the integrated social requirements of SA 8000:2008, BSCI and SEDEX. The check list is related tochild labour, forced and compulsory labour, health and safety, freedom of association & right to collectivebargaining, discrimination, disciplinary practices, working hours, remuneration and management system. Theconclusion of the paper is that the elaborated check list allows the quality-social accountability-health and safetyintegrated management system audit to match to the requirements of BSCI and SEDEX.

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Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 14 ISSUE 2
Written by Dragoş CIMPOIEŞ, Adrian SÎRBU

The positioning of research institutions from Republic of Moldova through Research Gate score will be analyzed inthis paper. The aim of Research Gate score ranking is to help researchers and scientists to measure and leveragetheir standing within the scientific community. Research Gate provides the researchers with a metric that iscalculated based on how all of their research is received by their peers, not just the work that have been published.The Research Gate Score focuses on scientists, an ever-growing community of specialists. By opening up the idea ofwhat the research institutions can gain credit for and handing the power to evaluate it, the Research Gate Scoreputs reputation back into the hands of researchers. The Research Gate Score provides scientists and researchinstitutions with an alternate way to measure its reputation and performance. In this context, it is a useful tool forassessing the research activity of Moldovan universities, but also of comparing the research activity of universitiesfrom the Republic of Moldova with those from neighborhood countries.

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Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 14 ISSUE 2
Written by Agatha POPESCU

The paper aimed to the relationship between milk cost in terms of material cost and labor cost and estimate theinfluence of these costs on returns coming from milk and profitability in 5 small dairy farms from the SouthernRomania. The main economic indicators taken into consideration were: material cost, Xi, (feeding cost, replacingheifer, equipment and shed depreciation, electricity and water cost, fuel and lubricants cost) , labour cost, Y, andincome coming from milk, Z. The Cobb-Douglas regression function Z= a xα yβ was used to determine the variationof the studied economic indicators and relationships between them. Taking into account the close relationshipbetween income from marketed milk and material cost and labor cost, it is enough to use it as the only criterion infarm classification. Profitability in dairy farms depends both on cost input and milk output as well as milk marketprice.

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Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 14 ISSUE 2
Written by Agatha POPESCU

The paper aimed to analyze the effect of marketed milk production and milk production cost on profit in dairyfarming in Romania. In this purpose, the data from 10 dairy farms situated in the Southern Romania were collectedin the period 2011-2013. The average marketed milk per cow accounted for 5,507 kg with a variation coefficient of10.90 %. The average milk production cost registered Lei 1.07/kg milk, while the average milk price was Lei1.23/kg. The average profit coming from marketed milk accounted for Lei 984.89 per cow and yaer with a variationbetween Lei 2,375/cow/year, the highest level and Lei 314.4/cow/year, the lowest level. The variation coefficient,69.90 % reflected a large variation from a farm to another. Based on the equation of the regression plan, Z = 1.187x +11.46 y - 4,262 which assured the minimum residual variance, three variants of simulation were set up. Aconstant milk production cost, Y= Lei 1.07/kg, and a 100 kg growth of marketed milk could determine Lei 18.7additonal profit per cow and year. For a constant marketed milk of 5,507 kg, and an increased milk production costby Lei 0.02/kg has no influence on profit level. When marketed milk increases by 100 kg and milk production cost byLei 0.02 per kg, farmers' profit could increase by Lei 118.9/cow and year. Marketed milk and milk price have apositive impact on profit, while production cost has a negative impact.

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Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 14 ISSUE 2
Written by Mihai BERCA, Roxana HOROIAŞ

The present study was conducted in order to highlight a big problem that breeders are facing with nowadays,namely the relations which are formed between the plants root system and the soil, that constitutes their living anddevelopment environment. There were identified three main ways through which the breeding of the roots-soilsystem can be achieved for its optimization: the factors related to soil, the soil technologies and, finally, thebreeding, genetics and molecular genetics path. Taking into account all the principles mentioned above, wereevaluated the yields obtained at Premium wheat in two agricultural years, years that were totally different fromclimatic point of view (2011-2012 and 2012-2013). The importance of the connection between plant roots and soilwas especially visible in 2011-2012, when were registered extreme drought conditions. The phenomenon was alsoextended to neighboring plains (The Pannonian Plain in Austria, Hungary, examples being conclusive in this sense).Data obtained from our own experimental lots, where have been taken into account elements like soil amelioration,farm management, seed quality and varieties used in culture, are indicating significantly positive differencescompared to those plots that were planted randomly, without taking into account all these aspects. In the same time,this paper presents the correlations between the wheat root system development and the yields level. Researcheswere performed in several areas of the country, making the relevance of the study and of its results even greater,while its utility for farmers increases directly proportional to the demonstrated importance.

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Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 14 ISSUE 2
Written by Romeo Cătălin CREŢU, Petrică ŞTEFAN, Sorin BIBICIOIU

In regions that today form the Romanian space, vines grew wild thousands of years ago. Vitis Silvestris, nativeCarpathian oak forests, was the basis of the famous Dacian vines. In Prahova, wine road reissuing older segment ofthe wine road used by the Romans, which traversed Europe. It goes through the famous vineyards of the county andincludes stops at the mansion, court and monasteries. The road passes through villages: Filipeştii Fair, Băicoi,Boldeşti, Bucov, pleasant Valley Călugărească, Iordăcheanu, Urlati, Ceptura, Fântânele Tohani, Gura Vad, and toexploit fully, liquid gold, it was introduced tourist circuit wine cellars from Urlaţi and Azuga which are offered fortasting exceptional wines and sparkling wines, with traditional rustic menu.

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Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 14 ISSUE 2
Written by Adina IORGA, Elena TOMA, Carina DOBRE, Alexandra MUSCĂNESCU

The paper aimed to analyse the main characteristics of Romania’s rural labour force by concentrating ondynamics and structure of economically active population in the period 2007-2012. We analysed the mainlabour market indicators provided by statistical surveys like active population, unemployment, activity rate,unemployment rate, etc. by age, educational level and group of occupations. Our analysis points out thecurrent dimensions of labour force from rural areas, and more importantly the main problems on this market(lack of jobs, the increase of unemployment, the aging process of population (the continuous reduction ofyoung population) and the low level of education) and also the real necessity of SME development supportand training opportunities for economically active rural population.

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© 2019 To be cited: Scientific Papers. Series “Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and Rural Development“.

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