ISSN 2284-7995, ISSN Online 2285-3952

Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 15 ISSUE 2
Written by Olga SÂRBU

Agriculture continues to be the largest user of rural land and a key determinant of the rural development quality. The importance and relevance of the agriculture and rural development in the Republic of Moldova have increased with the enlargement of the EU and prospects of our country in this context. The present study proposes an analysis of the evolution of agriculture in its many aspects, focusing on rural development concepts in terms of durability and multifunctionality. During the research have been used traditional research methods quantitative and qualitative analysis, comparative and logical analysis. Preference was given to monographic study method applying the elements of observation, selection, induction and deduction. Investigations conducted allow us to conclude that accelerating reforms outlined in the agro-food sector will contribute to the formation of new enterprises, efficient functioning of market mechanisms, modernizing techniques and technologies, improving the legal framework in agriculture, increase the degree of diversification of the rural economy; educating economic behavior of farmers and creating a flexible mindset to various changes. All these would contribute to supply a competitive and efficient agriculture that would allow its integration in the European markets.

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Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 15 ISSUE 2
Written by Victor MOROZ, Anatolie IGNAT

Over the past ten years, Moldova’s economy has gone through significant structural changes. The main drivers of growth have been retail and wholesale trade and other services, including the financial sector. The migrant’s remittances have become one of major source of capital formation. The article examines how the impact of external factors has affected productivity and structure of the agricultural sector in the Republic of Moldova. To capture a comprehensive picture of the rural transformation this study integrates analysis into the different quantitative and qualitative surveys during last ten years. In small transition economies the diagnosis of the structural transformations is based on scarce data and incomplete information. In order to investigate the actual state of agri-food sector were used specific methods and techniques: statistical and economic analysis of macro economic indicators, semi-structured interviews of key stakeholders, analysis of the impact of public policies on the agricultural sector. The main conclusion of this paper is that the agricultural sector has undergone major structural changes, including fragmentation of land, rural depopulation, degradation of irrigation systems, and rapidly changing trade conditions in traditional markets. Public and private policies should exploit innovations and technology transfers, as well as improving professional skills of the labour force employed in agriculture.

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Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 15 ISSUE 2
Written by Aliona ȘARGO, Elena TIMOFTI

This paper presents a research in the operation and devolopment areas of the agricultural sector of Moldova. The mechanisms used to achieve the objectives of agricultural policies applied in the Republic of Moldova combine a set of specific agricultural tools and mechanisms traditionally applied in the developing countries. De facto, this combination of agricultural policy mechanisms directs important financial resources for transitory objectives fulfilled in order to promote a lasting development of the agricultural sector. The purpose of this paper is to investigate the structure of the financing mechanism of the agricultural sector in Moldova.The basic methods of the research is analysis and synthesis of the date of the Ministry of Agriculture, Agency for Interventions and Payments for Agriculture, Ministry of Finance, National Bank's and commercial Banks reports. With the signing of trade liberalization with the EU, local farmers begin to face strong competition with farmers from the European Union and will have to invest more in agricultural machinery and technology to achieve competitive production. This thing will be more difficult to achieve as long as loans to the agricultural sector in Moldova come mainly from two sources: commercial banks and non-bank financial institutions that are not accessible to all farmers.

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Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 15 ISSUE 2
Written by Ion BOZGA, Olimpia PANDIA, Ion SARACIN, Ioan Christi GANEA

The main objective of this paper was the research and controlled study of the main physiological processes of the garden pea, the type Redondo, with the purpose of knowing adaptability the natural conditions in the area. In this purpose, was observed the special behavior of the garden pea Redondo, at the meteorological conditions that exist in this study (temperature, moist, light intensity) determining physiological that took place: photosynthesis, chlorophyll, perspiration, absorption and index of the foliar surface. During the vegetation have been realized observations regarding: moment of arising, apparition of the first real leaves, dynamics of formation leaves and their dimensions, the number of plant leaves, formation of ramification of the roots, apparition of the floral buds, opening flowers, formation of fruits and reaching full maturity.

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Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 15 ISSUE 2
Written by Dana Maria (OPREA) CONSTANTIN, Elena COFAS, Iuliana ZAHARIA

The analysis and interpretation of data on the agro-climatic resources of a cultivated area offer the possibility to characterize the degree of favorability for cultivated species depending on the climate and soil bid. Depending on the climate, soil and the agricultural species requirements, the agro-technical management system must be applied properly, so as to allow the improvement of agricultural productivity. The aim of this study is to assess the agro-climatic resources of the Oltenia region, for the period 1961–2008 and especially of the Olt County, in terms of thermic and precipitation resources for the period 1990–2013. The knowing of these conditions is required for choosing the cultivated product and the crop production interventions used for obtaining optimal economic crops.

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Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 15 ISSUE 2

The result predicted that major causes of greenhouse gases were found ‘high use of inorganic farm inputs’ (2.88), ‘intensive tillage practices’ (2.75), ‘mechanization of farm practices’, (2.66), ‘non- adoption of diversified agriculture’ (2.52), ‘non-adoption of crop rotation; (2.46), and ‘burning of crop residue in field’ (1.95) with their respective weighted mean scores. The losses due to greenhouse gases were found ‘crop benefit ratio decreased’ (1.23), ‘crop damaged due to adverse climatic uncertainty’ (1.07), ‘crop production decreased’ (0.89), ‘sowing season change (0.86), ‘loss in bio-diversity’ (0.84), ‘less income from agriculture’ (0.81), ‘soil water holding capacity decreased’ (0.68) based on their ‘Z’ scores. Results pertaining adoption of remedial measures for sequestration of greenhouse gases for sustainable agriculture were ‘evolution of new crops cultivars’ (2.95), ‘crop diversification’ (2.90), ‘use zero tillage practices’ (2.81) ‘integrated farming system’ (2.79) ‘adapting cultivars against drought, pests, diseases, resistance’ (2.78), ‘soil/water testing for soil status’ (2.77), ‘encouraging of rice varieties that emit less CH4 (2.73), ‘campaigning for sequestration of GHGs (2.67)’, ‘growing intercrops/mixed cropping to compensate crop failure’, (2.62) and ‘management of natural resources soil, water and biodiversity’ (2.61) considered very effective remedial measures with their mean scores, respectively.

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Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 15 ISSUE 2
Written by Carmen ROBA, Cristina ROȘU, Ioana PIȘTEA, Alexandru OZUNU, Horia MITROFAN

The underground water is the only source of drinking water in Buzău County. As a consequence the investigation of the underground water has a major importance. In the present study, a number of seven groundwater sources, located in Bisoca commune, NE of Buzău County, were selected in order to investigate the underground water quality. Several physico-chemical (temperature, pH, total dissolved solids, electrical conductivity, oxidation-reduction potential, salinity and turbidity) and chemical (Li+, Na+, K+, Mg2+, Ca2+, NH4+, F-, Cl-, Br-, NO2-, NO3-, PO43-, SO42-, Cu, Cd, Cr, Zn, Fe, Ni and Pb) parameters were analyzed. The waters proved to have low salinity values (0.1- 0.8‰) and electrical conductivity (89.5 – 1993.0 μS/cm). The dissolved ions distribution is dominated by the presence of sodium (3.6 – 232.9 mg/l), calcium (6.8 – 365.43 mg/l), sulphates (10.9 – 1301.4 mg/l), bicarbonates (427 – 793 mg/l) and chloride (5.1 – 166.1 mg/l). In the case of iron and lead there were registered exceeding’s of maximum permissible limits for drinking water.

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Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 15 ISSUE 2
Written by Liudmila TODOROVA

In most countries and regions in the scientific community is increasingly a question about the level of economic development of the primary and secondary branches of national economy. Here the degree involvement in the innovation process is no less important aspect of sustainable development of small and medium-sized enterprises, in particular, engaged in agricultural production, which is now regarded as generators of the most innovative ideas, implementing successful innovation projects. But, most of the financing of innovative projects in the Republic of Moldova at the expense of public funds, and to a lesser extent with additional private or foreign investments. Therefore, is required a deep analysis of the composition and structure of the innovation environment in the country and develop a mechanism for enhancing innovation through the effective interaction of significant economic and political instruments. The article draws on statistical and economic research methods. The main methods of processing and analyzing statistical data are: economic grouping, comparison and analysis of variance. Research results indicate the need for the formation of venture investment in the innovation process through the development and adoption of the corresponding legal and regulatory framework, and the establishment of closer ties between private entrepreneurship and the scientific community.

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Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 15 ISSUE 2
Written by Cornel COȘER, Sergiu CHILIMARI

The article aims to determine the state of development of infrastructure ensuring the quality of agrifood products in the Republic of Moldova through analysis and deduction of the related elements - regulatory basis, inputs, post-harvest network, quality of exported products; the involved working methods are present through the analysis of genesis of quality infrastructure, scientific abstraction of the institutional framework, logarithm of agrifood exports' unit value as well as quantitative analysis by exposing numerical values for each structural component. Study results highlight a quality infrastructure in formation, both legislative and institutional, also we witness a continuous connection to international/regional standards under the conditions of some degrading but still qualitative land resources, of more efficient plant varieties, with some minor exceptions. Concluding, we understand that both post-harvest network, as well as private investment in modern equipment of the agrifood industry continue to be the major challenges of the chain; as for the quality of products exported to the European Union/Commonwealth of Independent States, their highest index proved to be that for nuts, fruit and vegetable juices and sugar, in relation to the EU; sunflower oil, sugar, dairy products and natural honey in relation to the CIS.

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Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 15 ISSUE 2
Written by Dariusz KUSZ, Stanisław GĘDEK, Ryszard KATA

In an era of increasing competition and the need to meet increasing consumer demand for food quality and safety, as well as the obligatory requirements of sanitary-hygienic and environmental protection, or the need to meet the challenges of climate change and increasing demand from a growing world population, agriculture requires significant investment. Investment activity of farmers depends on many determinants related to both the agricultural farm and its socio-economic environment. The aim of the study is to identify the macroeconomic factors determining the dynamics of investment in agriculture on the example of Poland. It was found that the factors determining the dynamics of investment are mainly factors of demand nature.

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