ISSN 2284-7995, ISSN Online 2285-3952

Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 21 ISSUE 1
Written by Anatolii KUCHER, Alina HRECHKO

The purpose of this study is a comprehensive assessment and mapping of resource-saving land use in terms of regions of Ukraine as a basis for the organization of sustainable land management in the agricultural sector. The rating of regions of Ukraine was compiled by a comprehensive assessment of land use savings, which made it possible to identify regional features and reserves of increasing resource saving land use. It was found that land capacity index had the most significant impact on the degree of land use savings. This paper is one of the first article where a comprehensive assessment and analysis of the current state of resource-saving of land use in the agriculture of the regions of Ukraine and the search for factors of increasing land use savings based on regional differences was carried out, making a contribution to the lack of literature on this issue. The results of the study can be used to make economically sound management decisions to increase land use savings in Ukrainian regions. The practical use of the obtained results can help to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of sustainable land management at national and regional levels.

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Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 21 ISSUE 1
Written by Marianna VASILCHENKO, Elena DERUNOVA

In the context of the transition to a new technological structure and the formation of an export-oriented economy, the achievement of sustainable agricultural development is inextricably linked with the search for new forms, methods, and mechanisms to stimulate the development of the investment potential of agricultural production. The study aims to assess the contribution of investment potential to improving the efficiency of agricultural production and to develop innovative policy measures to stimulate its development. The theoretical aspects of the development of investment potential have been developed. The role of foreign investment in agriculture in increasing the productivity of the industry and meeting the needs of the industry for various resources has been substantiated. The specificity of the provision of investment resources in agriculture has been studied. An empirical assessment of the multiplier effect of investments was carried out using a pool of indicators. Based on the proposed private indicators, an integral indicator for assessing the effectiveness of the investment potential of agricultural production was calculated. A typology of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation has been carried out on the contribution of investment potential to innovative development and growth of export potential; groups with a low, medium and high level of development are identified. The article proposes measures to stimulate innovative development based on expanding the forms of interaction and methods of investment policy, science, and agribusiness in the context of framework conditions, project, and institutional measures. The practical significance of the results of the study is to improve the methodology for assessing the level of development of investment potential and increase the efficiency of agricultural production based on improving government support measures at all stages of the innovation process.

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Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 21 ISSUE 1
Written by Adelani Abayomi ADEOYE, Bababunmi Alaba AJAYI, Jessie Ezekiel UDOH

Lack of conventional weighing scales in the rural areas makes the use of body measurements to predict live body weight in rabbits an important study. The objective of this study were to: examine the effects of sex on body weight and other growth traits at eight (8) week, to determine the phenotypic correlations between the body weight and linear body measurements and to predict live body weight of the rabbits using linear body measurements. Measurements were taking on body weight, body length, ear length, tail length, fore arm length, heart girth and abdominal circumference from 61 females and 39 males of American Standard Chinchilla rabbits. The results show that, the values for body weight, body length, ear length, tail length, fore arm length, heart girth and abdominal circumference for female were 1.19 ± 0.02, 31.97 ± 0.25, 10.67 ± 0.13, 9.89 ± 0.19, 15.61 ± 0.14, 21.61 ± 0.17 and 23.75 ± 0.14 respectively, while the corresponding values for male were 0.88 ± 0.04, 28.00 ± 0.37, 10.44 ± 0.25, 8.95 ± 0.14, 14.74 ± 0.17, 19.62± 0.20 and 21.67 ± 0.29. Means were statistically higher (p<0.05) in the female compared with male in virtually all the traits considered except in fore arm length. The correlations between body weight and the linear body measurements ranged between -0.011 to 1.000 in the overall population. It is significant in most cases, except in body weight and ear length (-0.156), body weight and face length (- 0.011), heart girth and ear length (-0.046), abdominal circumference and ear length (-0.235). Others are: face length and heart girth (-0.086) and face length and abdominal circumference (-0.216). Coefficient of determination was highest when body length was fitted in the model. When two variables were included in the model highest coefficient of determination was observed in body length and ear length. When all the variables were fitted, the coefficient of determination was the highest. Increased variables in the model showed that, the coefficient of determination also increased. The best predictor of live body weight at eight weeks in American Standard Chinchilla rabbits was body length.

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Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 21 ISSUE 1
Written by Delyana DIMOVA

Data about rabbit meat production are provided from the web site of Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. The mentioned information for the studied three Balkan countries (Bulgaria, Romania and Greece) has been extracted and organized in a created relational database. Different parameter queries have been used for visualization of certain subsets from the indicated database. Subsequently, they have been processed and evaluated. The article presents comparative analysis of the rabbit meat production in these Balkan countries for the period 1984-2018. Hierarchical cluster analysis has also been applied to the considered data. The grouping of the investigated indicator is discussed. The obtained results showed that the rabbit meat production in Romania increased significantly for 1984-1990. The same process was observed in Bulgaria and Greece during 1987-1997 and 1988-1993, respectively. The values of this indicator for Greece and Bulgaria are quite higher in comparison with those ones in Romania for 2006-2018. A decreasing tendency in the rabbit meat production in the listed three countries was established for the last five years of the time interval.

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Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 21 ISSUE 1
Written by Cristina Maria STERIE, Eduard Alexandru DUMITRU

South Muntenia is an extremely important region from an agricultural point of view, so the European funds granted through the two National Rural Development Programs have contributed to the development of the component counties of the region. The purpose of the paper is to highlight the specificity of the measures accessed from county to county, influenced by certain factors, but also to identify the necessary measures that need to be implemented in the next National Strategic Plan. In the elaboration of the paper were used the qualitative analysis comparing the results of the two National Rural Development Programs, but also the quantitative analysis by processing the obtained data. As a conclusion, there are differences among the counties of the South Muntenia region of Romania regarding the use of the funds allotted within NRDP 2014-2020, but the counties with the most accessed funds are Teleorman, Dambovita and Prahova. Calarasi and Teleorman counties, having a predominant agricultural profile, concentrated investments for purchasing modern machinery and equipment in the agricultural holdings. Also, Calarasi and Ialomita counties have attracted important funds for investing in the development, modernization or adaptation of agricultural and forestry infrastructure, such as investments in irrigation infrastructure.

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Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 21 ISSUE 1
Written by Amir Ali FARIDI, Mohammad KAVOOSI-KALASHAMI, Hamid EL-BILALI

Iran, and especially its northern provinces, lose a large amount of agricultural soil annually due to erosion, and this is one of the reasons why productivity in Iranian agriculture is low. Hence, there is a great need for measures to protect water and soil resources and prevent their pollution, which are called “water and soil conservation measures” (WSCM). The main purpose of this study was to investigate the factors that were effective in determining the adoption of WSCM by farmers in Lasht-e-Nesha district (northern Iran). Binary logistic regression was used to analyze the data. The results showed that the variables of the total amount of rice production, cooperation with other farmers and participation in development-extension and training courses, which all are quantitative, had a positive and significant relationship with the adoption of WSCM. Other quantitative variables used in this study (e.g. number of household members, farmer's experience in rice cultivation, farm size, number of paddy plots, dealing with other agricultural activities) showed a negative and significant relationship with the adoption of WSCM. Also, all the attitudinal variables used in this study, including behavioral intention, facilitating conditions and initial trust, had a strong, positive and significant effect on the adoption of WSCM by Lasht-e-Nesha farmers. The strong suggestion of the authors of this article is that by holding various meetings in rural areas and the presence of experts in all branches of agriculture, especially water and soil, farmers should be more familiar with the benefits and efficiency of WSCM.

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Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 21 ISSUE 1
Written by Elena DERUNOVA

The scientific and intellectual potential of the agri-food complex is the most important determinant of the process of innovative development of the agri-food complex of the national economy. The aim of the study is to improve the theoretical and methodological provisions for the formation of the institutional structure of the scientific and intellectual potential of the agri-food complex at the federal and regional levels and practical recommendations for its development based on the development of mechanisms for increasing the effectiveness of interaction of its stakeholders. The author's paradigm for the development of the institutional structure of the scientific and intellectual potential of the agri-food complex is described by the concept of the national innovative agrosystem (NIS), and the interaction between its stakeholders is described by the triple helix model. The theory of the triple helix has been developed by including, along with science, agribusiness and the state, such institutional elements as society and the institution of information support; specific features of the formation of an innovation system in the agricultural sector of the economy have been identified. Based on the results of the analysis, disparities in the structure of scientific and intellectual potential and indicators of the effectiveness of its functioning were revealed. The systemic-functional approach to the development of scientific and intellectual potential by linking the identified systemic problems with specific functions of innovative development, taking into account the characteristics of the agri-food complex, has been substantiated. The practical implementation of the proposed approach consists in the possibility of forming strategies for the innovative development of agriculture at the sectoral and regional levels based on the synergistic effect of the complex interaction of the stakeholders of the innovation process based on improving the organizational, economic and legal conditions.

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Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 21 ISSUE 1
Written by Mirela PARASCHIVU, Otilia COTUNA

The COVID 19 pandemic is one of the greatest threats of the 21st century that disturbed whole human's life and all sectors of the global economy. Due to highly infectious and spreading capacity of SARS-CoV-2 the governments took unprecedented measures worldwide with a great impact on the most vulnerable groups (people affected by chronically hunger, malnourished children and small farmers) and sectors. Agriculture is the most important economic sector that cares the responsibility for food security and human development. The present paper identifies and synthetize relevant literature to provide an integrated overview of the current state-of-knowledge on the economic impact of COVID 19 pandemic on agriculture and food security, including also forward-looking statements on future measures to mitigate the effects on crop production, food demand, agricultural products supply, inputs supply, agricultural products market, farmers' income and rural poverty. The study emphasizes that due to the mobility restrictions, decline in international trade, reduced purchasing power, disturbance in food production and food processing, food insecurity may arise affecting especially the small farmers from the regions already affected by poverty, climate change and conflicts. Therefore, the governments and international organizations should enforce the measures to control the pandemic, with minimum economic losses, without disturbing the food supply chain and re-enforcing the food security of their citizens.

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Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 21 ISSUE 1
Written by Mishela TEMKOV, Elena VELICKOVA, Viktorija STAMATOVSKA, Gjore NAKOV

The aim of this study was to investigate the consumers’ attitude towards the use of food industry waste in newly formulated cookies as well as the consumers’ acceptance of these cookies incorporated with grape pomace powder (GPP). Total of 13 varieties of cookies were evaluated by sensory trained panel using hedonistic analysis including an attitude survey. Cookies were prepared with dried grape skin and seeds milled into powder as a replacement for the flour. Four different concentrations (2.5, 5.0, 7.5, and 10.0 %) of GPP with 3 different granulations (0.25, 0.50, 1.00 mm) were prepared and compared to the control sample (without GPP). More than a half of the surveyees are aware of the term functional food and they are eager to try food that contain food waste in it, but unfortunately they are not well informed on how the food waste is disposed and managed. The sensory analysis showed that newly developed cookies are well accepted from the panellists due to their good appearance, likable colour, pleasant aroma and taste with those that contain GPP in granulation 1.00 mm being the best ones.

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Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 21 ISSUE 1
Written by Nataliia ANTONIUK, Oksana PERKHACH, Olena BOCHKO

The current state of economic development in Ukraine is characterized by the escalation of crisis processes that affected all spheres of public life. This is especially critical in rural areas. Modern approaches to crisis management in rural areas under conditions of decentralization are proposed by authors. The main concepts of the topic are considered and the authors’ definition of the concept of "crisis public-private partnership in rural areas" is proposed. Crisis public-private partnership in rural areas is interpreted as a form of crisis cooperation between state, social and private sectors, based on the recognition that all parties benefit from the pooling of resources, innovations and managerial decisions for the purpose of realization of crisis principles and socio-economic development of rural areas. The basis of this is the application of the risk factor, which characterizes the ratio of the probabilistic value of the maximum possible loss to the normative value of the socio-ecological-economical component of rural areas. The purpose of the paper is to argue the necessity of decentralization of rural areas and to introduce proposals on its practical implementation. The research on decentralization of rural areas and its practical implementation is recommended to conduct by three stages. The anti-crisis approach to rural area management in decentralization conditions, which is based on the fundamentals of the public-private partnership is proposed. It is suggested to make calculation of the decentralization ratio, which will determine the category of the crisis level for the rural area in decentralization conditions and will supply adequate suggestions for its development.

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© 2019 To be cited: Scientific Papers. Series “Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and Rural Development“.

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