ISSN 2284-7995, ISSN Online 2285-3952

Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 21 ISSUE 1
Written by Inna LOZYNSKA, Olena SKRYPNYK, Denys SKRYPNYK

The recent statistical data and market studies have shown that today Ukraine electricity market requires certain changes and modifications. Reform is necessary to build a new model of interaction between all participants in the energy market. The problem is too monopolized the electricity market, lack of understanding of the marketability of the category, transparency of electricity pricing, the ability to freely choose contractors and so on. Therefore, we can safely say that the new model of the energy market of Ukraine should be a powerful impetus to the energy sector development, which will lead to key indicators of sustainable economic development - energy efficiency, energy sufficiency, energy independent, use of renewable resources. This study surveyed households using solar photovoltaics to determine the prospects for solar energy in rural communities. Like methodology of research options for the development of alternative energy households, were considered traditional, technical and economic factors such as technological readiness and ability to pay, access to information and experience, if you want to implement sustainable energy solutions in rural communities. Were also identified factors that influence the household's decision to install a photovoltaic module. The survey asked about the demographic data of the respondent (gender, age and level of education) and household (household size, type of business and income) to find out their level of electricity needs. These findings indicate that the positive experience of rural users undoubtedly offers business opportunities to interact with rural households in meeting the unmet energy needs for further market growth.

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Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 21 ISSUE 1

The strategic development of the scientific and intellectual potential of the agri-food complex is a driver for increasing the efficiency of agricultural production. The purpose of the article is to study the constraining and accelerating factors of strengthening the scientific and intellectual potential of the agri-food complex and to develop a methodology for assessing the level of its development. The study clarified the theoretical and methodological aspects of the development of the scientific and intellectual potential of the agri-food complex. The restraining and accelerating factors of the development of the scientific and intellectual potential of the agri-food complex are systematized. According to the results of the analysis, disparities in the efficiency of the functioning of scientific and intellectual potential and its structure were revealed. The assessment of the values of these indicators makes it possible to substantiate proposals aimed at increasing the number of people employed in the scientific field and at attracting additional public and private funding for research and development to the national average level. This will increase the economic, social, technological, and budgetary efficiency of managing the scientific and intellectual potential of the agri-food complex. In the agri-food sector, first of all, an increase in budget financing will be required, taking into account the achieved level of development based on the results of the assessment. As a result of substantiating the conditions and factors for the development of scientific and intellectual potential and the author's methodology for its assessment, strategic directions will be developed to increase the efficiency of the production potential of the country's agri-food complex, taking into account the possible effect of the implementation of national projects.

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Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 21 ISSUE 1
Written by Maroš VALACH

The Common Agricultural Policy belongs to the oldest and most important policies of the European Union. One of its aims is to support economic performance of farms. The objective of the paper was to analyse the support of agricultural sector in the Slovak Republic from 2010 to 2017. The second part of the paper provides an overview of agricultural support in other countries of the world by using the Producer Support Estimate. The results show that support from EU funds as well as from the state budget was very important for maintaining competitiveness of the Slovakia ́s agriculture sector. Provided support was classified to five basic groups: market organization in agricultural commodities, direct payments, rural development, state aid with national measures and general services. The most important tool for supporting farmers is direct payments. They aim to stabilize farmers' income, improve the competitive position of farmers, prevent the negative impact of cross-border subsidy competition from neighbouring countries and revitalize livestock production.

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Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 21 ISSUE 1
Written by Delyana DIMOVA

The information about the food products has been organized in a created relational database. It has been extracted from the web site of the Bulgarian National Statistical Institute. The paper surveys the purchasing power of households concerning certain milk products (milk, yoghurt, white cheese and yellow cheese) in Bulgaria for the period 2005-2019. These data are searched from the database tables. Subsequently, they have been processed and analyzed. The percentage change in the purchasing power of households concerning each product for current year in comparison with the previous year has also been calculated. The results showed that a process of almost continuous decrease of the purchasing power of households concerning milk was observed for 2007-2011. A gradual growth of this indicator is obtained during 2012-2019. Approximately the same dependences were established for the purchasing power of households concerning yoghurt in the considered period. An increasing tendency of the studied indicator for the white cheese was observed in the interval 2015-2019. A similar situation is obtained for the purchasing power of households concerning yellow cheese for 2012-2019.

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Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 21 ISSUE 1
Written by Nadezhda BLAGOEVA, Vania GEORGIEVA

The government can use different ways to stimulate certain industries or categories of taxpayers. It can be achieved with direct payments and subsidies that increase the budget revenues. It is also possible to achieve this aim by reducing budget revenues by failing to collect some of them to be ceded to preferred groups of taxpayers. These are so-called tax expenditures. In Bulgaria, official statistics on their value and impact have been kept since 2007. Following the requirements of the EU, a national definition of the term tax expenditure is adopted in Bulgaria, which should correspond to the specifics of our tax system. Despite the relatively small share of the tax expenditures - about 2% of total tax revenues in Bulgaria, their values are subject to continuous analysis and control of their effectiveness. The lower it is, the state fails to collect additional revenues without generating benefits for the economy. At the same time, how our tax policy can use them to stimulate an industry such as agriculture, where employment is still quite high, is a priority of this study. The purpose of this article is to assess and analyze the tax expenditures applicable for agriculture in Bulgaria. Modern approaches and methods such as the method of analysis and synthesis have been used in solving the research tasks and achieving the main goal in the research; inductive and deductive methods, comparative methods, and logical description. Continuous analysis and assessment of each tax preference and relief are necessary to be made to establish their effectiveness. This also concerns tax expenditures. If they are ineffective, the state simply fails to collect additional budget revenues without creating benefits for society and the economy The tax legislation in Bulgaria provides for the application of a small number of tax revenues due to its broad tax base and low tax rates. However, a significant part of them is intended for agriculture. It can be concluded that along with tourism, agriculture enjoys the most tax reliefs.

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Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 21 ISSUE 1
Written by Tetyana KUTS, Oksana MAKARCHUK

This paper aims to provide analysis of current state and perspectives of the economic efficiency of sunflower seed production in Ukraine. There are investigated economic efficiency indicators of sunflower production in contemporary conditions; price analysis; main factors of further development of sunflower growing. According to the research results, the world market of sunflower seed and products of its processing (i.e. oil and meal) is developing rapidly. Ukraine occupies a significant place in this market segment. Our research has shown the close integration of the Ukrainian sunflower, oil and meal markets with world markets. The supply of sunflower seed depends primarily on production volumes and demand is determined by the consumption level of Ukrainian processing enterprises. Production cost influence significantly on the economic efficiency of sunflower seed. In this framework we analyzed one of production cost component - crude oil prices that in turn reflect on sunflower seed prices. Co-integration results showed that in the long-run Ukrainian sunflower seed could follow crude oil prices in common path.

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Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 21 ISSUE 1
Written by Agatha POPESCU

The paper aimed to analyze in what measure the Covid-19 pandemic has influenced tourist flows in Romania's tourism in the year 2020 comparatively with the year 2019 and the 2020 forecast. The main indicators taken into consideration have been tourist arrivals, overnight stays and travels abroad. The data provided by the National Institute of Statistics have been processed using the annual average growth for setting up the 2020 forecast, and the index method allowed to quantify the percentage differences carried out in 2020 versus 2019 and the forecast level. In 2020, in Romania, tourism arrivals declined by 53%, but less compared to Europe 70 % or 74% at the global level. Romanians represents 93% of total arrivals, but their number decreased by 45% compared to 2019. Also, overnight stays declined by 51.65% and the residents' travels abroad by 58.8%. A critical situation was in case of foreign tourists' flow which diminished by 83.2% and the number of overnight stays by 81.1%. The most difficult period for tourism in the year 2020 was March-June, but in July-September, it was noticed a recovery. However, tourism industry was also affected regarding its receipts, turnover, personnel, and tourism units, many of them being closed and a few of them failed due to the imposed restrictions by authorities to diminish the spread of the pandemic. Romanians saved tourism rediscovering the beauty of the natural, cultural and historical treasures of their own country, spending their vacations at the seaside, in the mountains and in the rural areas, and, in general, preferring accommodation in small hotels and tourist and agri-tourist guesthouses. Rural tourism was a niche which offered safer stays, more activities in nature and benefiting of hospitality suitable for families and small groups of friends. Romania's tourism has to be more flexible in the year 2021 and the coming years in adapting the development strategy paying attention to the increased demand for domestic tourism including offers and experiences in open-air, nature-based and slow travel destinations. At international level Romania has to be promoted as a rural destination which is able to offer a high quality hospitality and the beauty of the country.

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Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 21 ISSUE 1
Written by Liviu MARCUTA, Agatha POPESCU, Alina MARCUTA, Cristina TINDECHE, Dragos SMEDESCU

The Covid Crisis - 19 meant for each of us an experience that we have never lived before and that we saw as a form of isolation from all that means socially, the negative impact on the economy being at the same time an undisputed one. And yet, can't it be the beginning of a new path? Can't it also have positive effects on our lives and on the entire planet? Doesn't it mean sustainability, doesn't it mean reinvention and the beginning of a new road, more modest, more relaxed, less aggressive with the environment? In this paper we aimed to analyze how the Covid - 19 crisis has influenced the tourism industry and how this could contribute to its reinvention, to the promotion of a sustainable tourism, to the finding of new ways to practice tourism. The study is based on the analysis of different bibliographic sources, on the analysis of statistical data, on the experience of some creators of sustainable forms of tourism that could be extended and that could contribute to the good of the planet and ours.

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Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 21 ISSUE 1
Written by Burcu ILGAZ, Yusuf DÜNDAR, Cemal Ersin SİLİK, Mükerrem ATALAY ORAL

The purpose of this article is to inquire about potential consumer behavior of individuals to participate in domestic tourism activities in Turkey when the COVID-19 outbreak is over. In other words, it is aimed to anticipate the effects of the pandemic on consumer behaviors of local Turkish tourists in the upcoming periods. A survey was conducted over 426 local tourists accommodating in Antalya and previously involved in domestic tourism activities. The research data were analyzed via Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). The most important and fundamental finding concluded in the current study is that respondents will attach greater importance to the hygiene and safety of tourist attractions and public recreational areas after the COVID-19 outbreak. In addition, it is observed that people’s considerations about the dimensions of “general impact”, “attitude and preference”, “hygiene and safety” differ on the basis of demographical characteristics.

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Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 21 ISSUE 1
Written by Eugeniu ALEXANDROV

Each genotype has a specific way of responding to environmental factors that are regulated by the genetic code. In the process of development, organisms have formed certain qualities that allow them to individually respond to climatic conditions. The main task of sustainable development of the wine and wine sector is to obtain high-quality derivatives, using minimal resources, in conditions of high economic efficiency and the use of technological methods that contribute to reducing energy dependence. The light curve allows us to determine the efficiency of photosynthesis and get an idea of the ecophysiological characteristics of a species, and, in turn, these indices allow us to compare different genotypes of plants in more or less similar conditions, thus determining productivity and resistance to environmental factors. The monitoring was carried out using the phytomonitor PTM-48A, which records data in automatic mode with an interval of 10 minutes, for 24 hours. The light curve can be used as a test method for assessing the photosynthetic activity of plants, and thereby, determining the productivity of intraspecific and interspecific genotypes of grapes at the early stages of study. And this, in turn, allows you to study a large number of hybrids and reduce the time of their assessment.

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© 2019 To be cited: Scientific Papers. Series “Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and Rural Development“.

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