ISSN 2284-7995, ISSN Online 2285-3952

Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 21 ISSUE 1
Written by Mary Cris F. PLEÑOS, Lydia V. PRESBITERO

This study estimates the catch per unit effort (CPUE) among fishers in Hilongos, Leyte, Philippines. The identified efforts included in the study were fishing expenses, the presence of companions in fishing activity, fishing hours in a day, fishing days in a week, membership in fisher’s organization and years of involvement in fishing activity. Descriptive statistics and regression analysis were the statistical methods used to facilitate the necessary analysis. Based on the results, fishing expenses, presence of companions in fishing activity, membership of fishers in organization, and fishing days were the significant variables that influences catch rates based on the available data. For future studies, more coastal barangays should be included and there should be a bigger number of fishers as respondents for each coastal barangay.

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Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 21 ISSUE 1
Written by Leontii KHMELNYCHYI, Bohdan KARPENKO

Researches have been conducted to study conformation type of firstborn Holstein breed cows of Ukrainian selection. Cows at the age of first lactation were evaluated in the period of 2-4 months of its course using two systems of linear classification as recommended by ICAR. The 9-score system described 18 conformation traits. Four groups of conformation traits that characterize dairy type, body, limbs and udder, were assessed on a 100-score scale. It was found that firstborn cows have a good development of exterior traits that characterize dairy type, with an average estimate of 83.8 score, body condition (score 84.4), limbs (score 83.3) and udder quality (score 84.2). Evaluation of descriptive traits of firstborn cows showed that the degree of their development, compared with group, has a significantly higher variability in the herd with coefficients of variation of 11.2-31.4%. According to the final assessment, firstborns of Holstein breed Ukrainian selection corresponded to the desired type on the international scale "good plus" (score 84). By the 100-score system of linear assessment, all group traits and final score were positively correlated with yield at the age of first (0.233-0.455) and third (0.203-0.356) lactation and for lifetime (0.278-0.468). About sufficient level for effective selection testified relationship with milk yield: height (0.211- 0.341), body depth (0.282-0.369) angularity (0.338-0.475), rump width (0.211-0.368), fore udder attachment (0.263-0.367), rear udder attachment (0.224-341), central ligament (0.233-0.362) and locomotion (0.221-0.382).

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Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 21 ISSUE 1
Written by Olga DRĂGHICI

Drying is a step in the processing of goat meat. This paper presented the influence of salt and pH on moisture ratio over time, when the goat meat dries at 103°C, at thermobalance. From the obtained data it was observed that the water-holding capacity of goat meat was influenced only by lowering the pH by one unit. In the case of goat meat containing 3% salt, moisture ratio varied over time as in the case of the control sample. The mathematical models which describe the process of drying goat meat was investigated under each experiment conditions. An exponential variation of moisture ratio over time was obtained and this was best described by the exponential model named "Wang & Singh".

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Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 21 ISSUE 1
Written by Cristina Vasilica ICOCIU, Ana-Maria IFRIM, Cătălin Ionuț SILVESTRU, Marius-Mihai MICU

In the current context, in which the pandemic crisis is wreaking havoc in all socio-economic fields, causing both loss of life and immeasurable economic losses, fundamental research conducted to identify directions for rapid and sustainable socio-economic recovery is of great importance. Over time, the agricultural sector has played a particularly important role in accelerating the expansion and economic development of the least developed countries and their integration into world trade. The basic hypothesis is that, over time, agriculture has been the premise for the economic development of the world's states, the agricultural transition being quite well correlated with general growth processes. By improving their competitiveness and strengthening their agricultural production capacities, the countries of the world can recover from any crisis, especially after a health crisis. The work aims to present the possible impact that agriculture can have on economic development by applying known principles and foundations. Making investments in agriculture, increasing the level of employability leads to the development of this branch of the economy and implicitly of the other branches of industry that are connected with agriculture, such as the food industry. Using a mathematical algorithm for studying the impact of the evolution of the agricultural labour (salaried) in the context in which it is desired that agriculture be a sustainable branch from the point of view of employability at the level of the European Union. The results of this study can then be materialized in strategic directions of development of every country, in the hope of moving to another level of development. In the context in which agriculture is the basis for the horizontal development of other industries (such as the food industry) it is necessary to carry out an investment program and research programs in the agricultural field. Applying Lewis's model of development, governments must strive to increase agricultural productivity while stimulating capital accumulation and in the other sectors of the economy.

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Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 21 ISSUE 1
Written by Ekaterina Vladimirovna KUDRYASHOVA, Sergey Germanovich GLUKHOV, Gennadiy Gennadievich KRYUCHKOV, Nataliya Vladimirovna PROVIDONOVA

The purpose of the research is to work out a model of socio-economic and demographic development of rural areas in the Privolzhskiy Federal District (PFD) of the Russian Federation. When preparing the article, the scientific works of domestic and foreign scientists on the topic under research, information from the Federal State Statistics Service of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation were used. Research methods – statistical and economic, computational and constructive, economic and mathematical, modeling, monographic, abstract logical, etc. The research developed a four-stage deterministic factor model of socio- economic and demographic development of rural areas, based on the calculation and interpretation of the integral depending on the objectives of the study, to assess the level of socio-economic and demographic development of rural areas, taking into account the impact of various indicators on the demographic indicators of population reproduction and social processes in terms of material conditions and the quality of life of rural residents, to identify the most successful rural areas to study their experience, conduct analysis of changes in the value of the integral indicator, taking into account the identified reserves for stabilizing the level of socio-economic and demographic development of rural areas and improving the life quality of the population in the Privolzhskiy Federal District.

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Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 21 ISSUE 1
Written by Sunday Brownson AKPAN, Monday IDIONG

The study examined the social and economic characteristics of fluted pumpkin farmers and determined the extent of farm resource productivity. The study was carried out in the southern region of Nigeria. 100 leafy fluted pumpkin farmers were used in the study. Results showed that majority of the farmers (72.00%) were females, 74.00% were married, the mean age and farming experience stood at 42.97 and 14.96 years respectively. Social capital formation was very poor, while the mean household size and farm income were 6.00 members and N188, 560.00 respectively. The empirical result showed that; family labour, hired labour, quantity of seed, manure, fertilizer and farm size were significant farm inputs that influenced the production of fluted pumpkin. Apart from fertilizer utilization which occurs in irrational stage in a classical production surface, all other farm inputs’ levels of utilization were in the rational stage. The study also found increasing rate of return (1.7847) among fluted pumpkin farms in the region. In addition, more family labour was substituting hired labour while more manure was substituting fertilizer usage in fluted pumpkin production in the region. The study recommends fertilizer subsidy and timely delivery to vegetable farmers in the rural areas of the State.

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Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 21 ISSUE 1
Written by Ioan Sebastian BRUMĂ

The North-East Development Region of Romania has a relatively longstanding history of practising organic agriculture. This paper introduces the way adopted by the farmers from this region, either they are certified or under conversion, for accessing the financing packages for organic agriculture within Measure 11 of National Programme of Rural Development (NPRD)2014-2020, in 2019. If we run a territorial profile analysis, there were requests for granting the compensatory aid for 81.17% of the organic agricultural area (certified or under conversion) in all six counties of the North-East Region. There are territorial differences within the region partly due to each county’s particularity along with the durable experience gathered in practising this type of agriculture. The analysis relies on the official data released by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (MARD) about the state of the areas utilized in organic system and, also by the Agency for Payments and Intervention for Agriculture (APIA) about accessing Measure 11 – Organic Agriculture in 2019.

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Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 21 ISSUE 1
Written by Lari HADELAN, Mateja JEŽ ROGELJ, Ornella MIKUŠ, Jernej PRIŠENK, Magdalena ZRAKIĆ SUŠAC

Food Geographical Indication (GI) are labels that guarantee consumers that this is an original food product of the highest quality whose origin is linked to a specific region. The aim of the study was to determine the current state of GI, i.e. the number and spatial distribution in the EU and to examine their relationship with the performance indicator of agriculture and tourism in the EU. At the time of writing the paper in the EU Geographical indications register, 1,507 food products were recorded, which were unevenly distributed in the members of the Union. Most of them are in the southern Mediterranean member states, while their number is decreasing towards the north of Europe. The results of the paper reject the assumption of a positive correlation between the number of GIs and the performance of agriculture in the EU28. Indeed, the leading EU members in terms of agricultural output are also those with relatively few GIs. On the other hand, most GIs are found in EU member states with below-average developed agriculture but with an important role of tourism in their economy. The conclusion of the paper is that in most countries with less developed agriculture, GIs cannot significantly improve unfavourable macroeconomic agricultural indicators but have a multiplier contribution to the development of the tourist offer and tourism in general.

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Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 21 ISSUE 1
Written by Maria BĂLA, Olimpia IORDĂNESCU, Alexandra BECHERESCU, Cristina TOȚA, Florin SALA

This research evaluated the different products as growth media influence on some Mammillaria species propagation, in order to ornamental plants obtained. Some Mammillaria species were tested: Mammillaria elongata - M.el; Mammillaria mazatlanensis -; Mammillaria neomystax -; Mammillaria obconella - M.ob; Mammillaria prolifera -; Mammillaria spinigemmatus - M.sp; Mammillaria blanckii - Different substances, as growth media,were used: sand - San; garden soil - GS; perlite - Per; peat - Pea; hydroculture - HydC; agar-based medium - InVitro. Based on these, resulted the experimental variants: San+GS - V1; Per+GS - V2; Pea - V3; San+Pea - V4; HydC - V5; InVitro - V6. In Vitro method (V6) provided the best spread rate for most Mammillaria species tested, but Mammillaria neomystax recorded the best result in the V5 variant. Some Mammillaria species had good propagation rate in more growth media (eg. Mammillaria neomystax in V1 - San+GS; V4 – San+Pea; V5 - HydC), and others only in a growth media (eg. Mammillaria spinigemmatus in V6 - In Vitro). Based on Principal Component Analysis, 56.171% of variance was explained by PC1, and 25.00% of variance was explained by PC2. Cluster analysis, based on Euclidean distances, facilitated the grouping of the studied Mammillaria species, in conditions of statistical safety (Coph.corr. = 0.857). Mammillaria mazatlanensis ( and Mammillaria prolifera ( species, showed the highest degree of similarity, SDI = 2.027.

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Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 21 ISSUE 1

The purpose of this study was to determine the heritability level of cow’s linear traits of Ukrainian Black-and-White dairy breed in herds of Ukraine, to define phenotypic relationships between linear traits and dairy productivity, and to study the impact of final assessment on traits of cow's longevity. The level of heritability coefficients of group traits testified about the efficiency of breeding on the results of cow's selection by dairy type (0,408), body (0,384), udder (0,417) and the final assessment (0,512). Heritability coefficients of descriptive traits varied by variability significantly, from 0.106 (hoof angle) to 0.477 (angularity). Correlation coefficients between group linear traits that characterize dairy type, body and udder, milk yield and milk fat for 305 days of first lactation were: 0.464 and 0.386; 0.452 and 0.463; 0.477 and 0.433, respectively. The correlation between descriptive traits and dairy productivity of cows distinguished by the high variability, from average negative (r = -0.376), between fatness and milk fat yield, to close positive (r = 0.495), between angularity and milk yield. According to longevity, economic use, and lactation, cows estimated “Very Good” were dominated by cows with lower “Good Plus”, “Good” and “Insufficient” scores, with highly significant difference, on 527-1,429, 526-1,423, and 451-1,180 days (P <0.001), respectively. Over the lifetime milk yield and milk fat, the preference was 10,050-26,012 and 373.1-941.2 kg, respectively (P <0.001). Statistically significant correlations of angularity, rear width, fore and rear udder attachment, central ligament and body condition score can be used as indirect predictors of selection to increase dairy cow productivity.

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© 2019 To be cited: Scientific Papers. Series “Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and Rural Development“.

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