ISSN 2284-7995, ISSN Online 2285-3952

Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 21 ISSUE 1
Written by Luxita Georgiana STAIC, Marius VLADU

This article aims to draw attention to the way in which the main instrument of the innovative LEADER approach in the territory, the Local Action Group, is set up, functions and is evaluated. Also, an analysis of their evolution is presented, as from the beginning, the analysis wishing to highlight, with predilection, information on the situation of llocal action groups in Romania, in the two programming periods, focusing on the South West Oltenia region. The data presented reveal the degree of absorption of the funds allocated to the local action groups, at national and regional level, taking into account a certain reference period. It will highlight the way in which local action groups are penalized or rewarded and the connection between developed or less developed areas and the absorption of funds, by correlating certain relevant factors: rewarded and penalized local action groups and the relative poverty rate. At national level, there are 18 rewarded local action groups, respectively 18 penalized local action groups, the value of the penalties being equal to the value of the bonuses, 2,522,162.40 euros. In the South West Oltenia region, 1 local action group was penalized, 4 local action groups were rewarded, the surplus attracted in the region being of 481,786.05 euros.

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Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 21 ISSUE 1
Written by Daniel Valeriu ULIU, Marius VLADU

The importance of knowing the financial indicators of companies in the field of meat processing, is to know their evolution and compare them with those of previous financial years, which gives the company management the opportunity to make economic and financial analysis that will have an impact on decision making. The purpose of this paper is to analyze these indicators from the annual financial statements from the period before accessing the non-reimbursable funds, but also from the monitoring period of these companies. At MATRA SRL the net asset had a constant increase in this analysis period, in 2015 it had the value of RON 9,453,864 and in 2019 it reaches the highest value of RON 11,810,270. At TELDOTRANS SRL the net asset had an increase throughout the analysis period, in 2015 it had the lowest value of 709,135 RON and had a constant increase until 2018, where it reached the value of 2,407,842 RON, after this year the value of this index increased considerably, reaching in 2019 the highest value of RON 6,303,358. At AVICARVIL SRL the net asset had a considerable increase in this analysis period, in 2015 it had the value of 58,319,684 RON, in 2016 it had the value of 61,953,476 RON, and in 2019 it reached the highest value of 86,630,011 RON , which highlights that the financial situation at the enterprise level is very good, being the consequence of reinvesting part of the net profit, but also due to accessing non-reimbursable funds in 2016 and 2019.

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Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 21 ISSUE 1
Written by Oana Roberta CREȚU, Valentina Constanța TUDOR, Cecilia NEAGU

Romania is one of the European countries with the most favorable soil and climate conditions in order to obtain quality agricultural productions and in significant quantities, which can cover an important segment of the domestic demand for agri-food products. Despite the considerable potential, the profitability in Romanian agriculture is still modest, indicating a use of production factors below the level of optimal values. Based on these considerations and predicting that in 2021, the population need for agri-food products consumption will increase, as a result of the repatriation of approximately two million Romanian citizens, who worked in the European Union countries due to the crisis generated by Covid-19, we initiated the present study on the agricultural production evolution in Călărași county, in comparison to South Muntenia Region, of which it is part and with the production at national level. For the data processing and interpretation, the method of statistical indicators was used, respectively, the comparative analysis of the researched phenomena. The comparison method was used in the analysis of the data series that covered time periods between 2000 and 2007 and 2008 and 2018, depending on the available data. For each period, the indicators were calculated: average, standard deviation, coefficient of variation and annual growth rate. It results clearly that for the next period it is important to intensify some measures to provide subsidies, to use on large scale the need for irrigation, fertilization and other activities that will give perspective to evolution in this area and lead to the agrio-food security and independence of Romania.

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Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 21 ISSUE 1
Written by Andora Evelina SIMINA

The current study highlights the main forms of ownership of agrotourism pensions, a classification of agrotourism pensions in the Apuseni Mountains area, a presentation of agrotourism pensions according to the period of business development in this field of activity, as well as a grouping of agrotourism pensions by funding sources. The Apuseni Mountains areahas been and is a special attraction for both Romanian and foreign tourists, due to the traditional tourist attractions in this region. Following the increase in the flow of tourists, we are witnessing a diversification of the forms of accommodation and catering. Currently, tourism entrepreneurs orient themselves towards the establishment of agrotourism pensions because they have found that tourists are increasingly attracted to the practice of tourism as close to nature as possible. In order to achieve the objectives proposed from the beginning, it was necessary to carry out a quantitative study based on questioning. It was applied to a number of 110 managers from agrotourism pensions in the Apuseni Mountains area. On the one hand, statistical data taken from the Ministry of Tourism were used in the paper, and on the other hand, the information obtained from the application of the questionnaire was used.

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Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 21 ISSUE 1
Written by Jenica CĂLINA, Aurel CĂLINA, Andi CIOBANU

The paper aims to draw attention to the need, importance and efficiency of obtaining high quality fruits both in terms of taste and food, by cultivating them in the classic system in households and agritouristic farms. It was also considered very important to promote this traditional way of producing fruit, applying environmentally friendly natural and built cultivation technology, as the effects of climate change are increasingly felt, even if some important states of the world no longer recognize this. We support this mode of cultivation even if it is known that the productions obtained in intensive and super-intensive cultivation system are much higher, but from the research carried out in over 25 years of activity in the field of agrotourism we found that the production obtained in agrotourism capitalized on a higher price, by selling "directly from the farm" as organic products or by serving tourists as fresh fruit or as culinary preparations in a local cuisine specific to the area, households or agritouristic farms. Fruits obtained in this type of crop are generally much tastier and must not contain any chemical residues, as the amount of inputs such as pesticides, insecticides and herbicides applied to crops is much lower or even absent, pensioners must to be very responsible, as they have the obligation to ensure the health and food safety of the guests who visit the tourist reception structure.

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Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 21 ISSUE 1
Written by Elena LASCAR

The objective of this study is to find out the level of English language skills and knowledge of the persons who work in the agricultural sector. The young graduates graduate a faculty knowing very well a foreign language. The effort to learn foreign languages must be made daily, especially for the persons in the agricultural sector who get in touch with foreigners and develop international business affairs. A foreign language is the key for communication. The study was carried out based on a questionnaire on 50 respondents with the occupation in the rural area. The questions were clear, easy to understand and the answers to the questionnaire provide information about the English language skills of the persons who work in the agricultural sector and the modalities to improve their language skills in the future. The respondents were from 5 communes in Calarasi County. From this study, we draw the conclusion that English language is important for the persons in the agricultural sector, those who have farms, associations in the agricultural area, as they can extend their business, they can form partnerships with foreigners and gains new experience from them

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Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 21 ISSUE 1
Written by Jenica CĂLINA, Aurel CĂLINA

The paper aimed to carry out a detailed and complex study on the possibility and opportunity of applying total management to the boarding house Frații Jderi in Păscoia, Vâlcea County using a modern research methodology and perfectly adapted to the proposed topic. First of all, the tourist potential of the area, represented by the richness and beauty of the natural and anthropic tourist resources, was analyzed very well from all points of view. Also, data were collected on the position and accessibility in the area, the architectural style of the pension which is one adapted to the specifics of the area with a perfect fit in the beauty and harmony of the local landscape. At the same time, the main indicators that define the application of total quality management in the "Frații Jderi" holiday village and which reflect the evolution of the rural tourism activity as: accommodation capacity, number of arrivals in boarding house, number of overnight stays in boarding houses were realistically and pertinently analyzed. Along with them, other indicators were approached: indicators of tourist demand, indicators of tourist circulation, indicators of tourist offer, indicators of the quality of tourist activity. At the end of the research, it was found from the processing of all data, that the administrator and staff working in the pension apply a management that fully respects the principles of total quality, because almost all indicators analyzed have grown steadily from year to year, significantly exceeding average values national.

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Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 21 ISSUE 1
Written by Alina MARCUTA, Agatha POPESCU, Liviu MARCUTA

In a globalized economy in which more and more companies are operating, expanding their activity in different fields and by setting up different groups of companies, covering different markets, the issue of transfer pricing is not only important, but also necessary in considering the implications that they have not only on the profitability of the companies, but also on the budgets of the states of which they are part. In this paper we aimed to analyze the not easy issue of transfer prices, exemplifying through case studies, the choice and use of various valuation methods that aim to strengthen the tax base and determine the taxable profit within the group of companies in a way that is as correct as possible and that does not have fiscal consequences on them. The methods used were: the price comparison method, the plus cost method, the resale price method and the profit sharing method. The study highlighted that the application of the methods is based on the characteristics of the entities, the characteristics of the transactions subject to analysis and the comparability of the data. But regardless of the applied method, the preparation of the transfer pricing file is useful both for the fiscal authorities and for the entities, considering the fact that they can contribute to the increase of the company's profitability and to the assurance of competitive advantages.

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Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 21 ISSUE 1
Written by Andreea LINCA, Elena TOMA

The paper aimed to analyse the evolution of mountain tourism and rural mountain tourism in Romanian Carpathians for us to understand our tourists’ preferences, and their reasons for that. To be able to do that, we checked the number of tourist arrivals by years and months, in each part of the Romanian Carpathians, we analysed the dynamic of the tourists number between 2014-2019 and we checked the seasonality index, to see what season they love the most. All these research were done with the help of the reports from National Institute of Statistics (NIS). We discovered that one of the main reasons that helps people on to decide about the destination is the climate and the activities that they can perform. In addition, the fact the infrastructure is in a continuing development, and that the investments in tourism are constantly growing, and also that we have lots and many Museums, castles, monasteries, memorial houses, landscapes, hiking, waterfalls and cages make our mountains attractive for our tourists. They can recharge themselves after a hard time, after a crowded city life, in an unbelievable place: Carpathians. The study showed that the tourists are very excited about the rural tourism and all that this is offering them. We have an amazing country, with amazing landscapes that can make everyone love our mountains.

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Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 21 ISSUE 1
Written by Elena SOARE, Irina-Adriana CHIURCIU

The present study highlights aspects related to the production and marketing of strawberries in Romania, in the period 2014-2019. Specific indicators were presented and analyzed in the paper, such as: areas cultivated with strawberries; strawberry production; the price for strawberries; quantitative imports and exports; value imports and exports, for the category "Strawberries". Romania imports annually the equivalent of 40% of the strawberry production made domestically, which highlights the fact that there are a number of opportunities for local farmers who want to start businesses in this sector of activity. The strawberry crop is suitable in most regions of Romania and can have a yield of over 20 tons of fruit per hectare. The aspects regarding the production and commercialization of strawberries in Romania were captured especially, from a quantitative point of view. The statistical data underlying this study were taken from the FAOSTAT website.

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© 2019 To be cited: Scientific Papers. Series “Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and Rural Development“.

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