ISSN 2284-7995, ISSN Online 2285-3952

Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 24 ISSUE 1
Written by Rozi Liliana BEREVOIANU

The paper presents the analysis of the profitability threshold of bell pepper cultivation in the solar system in conventional farming and organic farming with proposed for the crop year 2022/2023. Thus, by using a system of indicators (specific indicators, result indicators and profitability indicators, production costs, capitalization prices and the degree of profitability per product unit can be estimated. Economic profitability is evaluated in terms of the use of production framework technologies in the production process and the rational use of raw materials, human and financial resources with the aim of obtaining low-cost and high-quality products. Agribusiness actions will always be based on crop profitability.The findings of the undertaken study can favourably influence farmers, giving them the opportunity to adjust their existing farm resources and capacities to achieve higher yields.

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BEREVOIANU R.L. 2024, THE ECONOMIC PROFITABILITY OF PEPPER CULTIVATED IN SOLAR SYSTEM IN CONVENTIONAL AND ORGANIC AGRICULTURE – CASE STUDY IN ROMANIA. Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 24 ISSUE 1, PRINT ISSN 2284-7995, 117-122.

Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 24 ISSUE 1
Written by Casiana MIHUT, Anisoara DUMA COPCEA, Adalbert OKROS, Vlad MIRCOV

This study addresses a very topical issue, climate changes, increasingly present recently, with negative effects on our entire existence, with repercussions on agriculture and the way food is produced in general. In the last decade, climate changes have been increasingly present and adapting to these changes is essential. In this paper, two crops, barley and alfalfa are presented, and how these climate changes produced in the Sânnicolau Mare area during 2020-2022 had negative effects on the soils and, above all, on the production of barley and the number of mows in alfalfa. In the elaboration of the paper, the bibliographic study was combined with a series of laboratory analyses regarding the properties of the two types of soil identified. The idea was developed on the basis that we monitored the annual thermal and pluviometric regimes impact on crops and on soil evolution, through their distribution and through the specific adaptability of the plants to risk conditions in a short period of time. These climatic changes are obvious not only from one year or from one season to another: they appear within the same locality bringing obvious changes in terms of the amount of precipitation in a certain area of that locality.

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MIHUT C., DUMA COPCEA A., OKROS A., MIRCOV V. 2024, THE IMPACT OF CLIMATE CHANGES ON AGRICULTURAL LANDS IN THE SÂNNICOLAU MARE AREA, ROMANIA. Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 24 ISSUE 1, PRINT ISSN 2284-7995, 607-618.

Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 24 ISSUE 1
Written by Nataliia PARKHOMENKO, Lucia VILČEKOVÁ, Peter ŠTARCHOŇ

The purpose of the paper was to assess the impact of climate changes on agricultural development and food security in Ukraine and Slovakia using statistical data from Statistical Office of the Slovak Republic, State Statistics Service of Ukraine, Eurostat, Food and Agriculture Organization and other sources. The comparison method was used to evaluate changes in agricultural development indicators, as well as climate changes in 1998-2021 in Ukraine and Slovakia. The main indicators of agricultural development used in the research were agricultural raw materials exports(%), agricultural raw materials imports (%), agriculture value added (% of GDP), agriculture value added (annual % growth), agriculture value added (current US$), cereal production (metric tons), cereal yield (kg per hectare), crop production index, food production index. Correlation and regression equations were used to establish the relationship between climatic factors and agricultural development indicators. The multiple correlations between air temperature and indicators of agricultural development was r=0.75 for Ukraine, r=0.69 for Slovakia. Using neuromodeling tools, the indicators of cereal production volumes and cereals yields in Ukraine and Slovakia in 2024-2033 were predicted. Tables were used to summarize the results. In conclusion, it should be noted that climatic conditions should be analyzed in each sector of crop production, and measures should be taken to adapt technologies for the gradual expansion of obligations for the production and export of agricultural products to world markets.

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PARKHOMENKO N., VILCEKOVA L., ŠTARCHOŇ P. 2024, THE IMPACT OF CLIMATE CHANGES ON THE DEVELOPMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND FOOD SECURITY (CASE OF UKRAINE AND SLOVAKIA) . Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 24 ISSUE 1, PRINT ISSN 2284-7995, 733-742.

Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 24 ISSUE 1
Written by Silvia CHIOREAN, Iulia Diana ARION, Tudor SĂLĂGEAN, Mircea-Emil NAP, Elemer Emanuel ȘUBA, Alexandru COLIȘAR

The purpose of this paper is to estimate the market value for the agricultural properties - agricultural lands located within the Casimcea Administrative Territorial Unit (UAT), Tulcea county, Romania. What was analyzed is the fact that a well-executed market analysis can help a lot in the evaluation process. Thus, after choosing the case study, the exact identification of the agricultural land was made. The next stage was the realization of the market analysis. Thus, the current state of agricultural land transactions was analyzed at the European, national and local level. The actual evaluation of the land was done through the market approach and all the adjustments were explained in the content of this paper. The results revealed the fact that the final market value falls within the range found following the market analysis. The analysis is carried out also at the processing level, the results indicating also a quite high coefficient of variation. This paper has achieved its goal, that is to see the impact that the market analysis has in determining the market value of an agricultural land.

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CHIOREAN S., ARION I.D., SALAGEAN T., NAP M.E., SUBA E.E., COLISAR A. 2024, THE IMPACT OF MARKET ANALYSIS IN DETERMINING THE MARKET VALUE OF AGRICULTURAL LAND IN ROMANIA. Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 24 ISSUE 1, PRINT ISSN 2284-7995, 177-186.

Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 24 ISSUE 1
Written by Murat AYDIN, Metin TETİK

This study examines the trade relationship between Turkey and Uzbekistan, particularly in sesame exports, with the aim of strengthening Uzbekistan's competitiveness. Based on the theory of comparative advantage and using key indicators such as the Revealed Comparative Advantage (RCA) Index, the Revealed Symmetric Comparative Advantage (RSCA) Index, and the Normal Revealed Comparative Advantage (NRCA) Index, this study highlights the robust competitiveness of Turkey in exporting agricultural machinery designed specifically for sesame production. Through a comprehensive analysis of these indices, the study highlights Turkey's particular strength in this sector, sheds light on its comparative advantage and emphasises the country's strategic position in the global market for sesame-related agricultural machinery. However, Uzbekistan currently lacks competitiveness in sesame exports. The study underlines the key role of effective technology transfer, especially in machinery exports from Turkey, in improving Uzbekistan's position. Econometric models show the significant impact of exchange rates and domestic demand on Uzbekistan's sesame exports. The study's findings highlight ways to improve the efficiency of agricultural machinery exports between the two countries. This provides policymakers with valuable insights to strengthen sustainable trade relations and increase the volume of agricultural exports.

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AYDIN M., TETIK M. 2024, THE IMPACT OF TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER ON SESAME EXPORT COMPETITIVENESS: INSIGHTS FROM TURKEY AND UZBEKISTAN . Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 24 ISSUE 1, PRINT ISSN 2284-7995, 87-96.

Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 24 ISSUE 1
Written by Gökhan SEZGİN, Muhsin ATAK, Buket KARATURHAN , M. Çağla ÖRMECİ KART

The main objective of this study is to examine the consumption preferences, trends, and purchasing behaviors of consumers residing in Izmir Province towards bee products before and after COVID-19. The main material of the study consists of online surveys conducted in March-April 2023 with consumers living in the seven districts of Izmir province with the highest population. The survey form comprises of three sections: consumption and purchasing behaviors of bee products, attitudes towards bee products, and questions on demographic characteristics of consumers. Since the first days when coronavirus cases began to emerge in our country, natural products that support the immune system such as bee products have been met with intense interest. The sustainability of bees and bee products in agriculture is always among the important issues. However, during the pandemic period, people's attention has been more focused on this issue. The value of honey and bee products, the miraculous food of nature, has been better understood, and this has been reflected in sales. If natural and economic conditions are favourable, this rise in the sector will continue.

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SEZGIN G., ATAK M., KARATURHAN B., ORMECI KART M.C. 2024, THE IMPACT OF THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC ON THE CONSUMPTION OF BEE PRODUCTS IN IZMIR PROVINCE, TURKIYE . Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 24 ISSUE 1, PRINT ISSN 2284-7995, 879-888.

Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 24 ISSUE 1
Written by Oleksandr MYKHALKO, Mykola POVOD, Bogdan GUTYJ, Olga KORZH, Olena MIRONENKO, Tatiana KARUNNA, Vasyl BILOKOPYTOV, Nadiia KREMPA

The article investigated the influence of systems for creating a microclimate with uniform pressure and geothermal negative pressure in combination with liquid and dry feeding systems on the parameters of the microclimatic environment in the piglet rearing room and the intensity of their growth. For this purpose, four groups of 150 pigs each were formed, two of which were kept with a uniform pressure ventilation system and two with negative pressure geothermal ventilation. For each ventilation system, one group was fed dry granulated compound feed, and two groups were fed liquid mixtures based on the same compound feed with an addition of 2.7 liters of water per kilogram of feed. The pigs were kept under the same conditions and were fed a diet that was equivalent in composition and nutritional value. Group I included piglets that received dry feed and were raised in a room with uniform pressure ventilation. The animals in the group II were kept in the same room, but consumed liquid feeds. Pigs in the III and IV groups were kept in rooms with geothermal ventilation. Piglets in the III group were fed dry feed, while piglets in the IV group were fed liquid feed. The results of the study showed that the ventilation system has an influence of 76.48% on relative humidity, 76.96% on ammonia content, 65.77% on carbon dioxide content and 65.07% on hydrogen sulfide content. The feeding system only affects the hydrogen sulfide content with a strength of 5.79%. Better microclimate parameters were provided by uniform pressure ventilation. Higher average daily gains, higher feed consumption, better feed conversion and lower cost per 1 kg gain were found in groups of pigs fed liquid feed and kept with geothermal ventilation.

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Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 24 ISSUE 1
Written by Floriana-Bogdana CIOBANU, Marius VLADU

The LEADER programme provides new opportunities for rural development, identifies the local gaps/needs and implements the new solutions using a bottom-up approach. The publication follows the evolution of the programme both at European and national level, namely in Romania. The information was generated by the Ministry of Agriculture website and Rural Development and by the European Commission. They were processed by the Court of Accounts. In the European Union it was first introduced 32 years ago while in Romania only 16 years ago. The central mechanism and at the same time the beneficiary of this programme is the LAG (Local Action Group), meant to facilitate implementing the LEADER principles. The programme became compulsory to every member state between 2014–2020 and each state had to provide 5% of the rural development fund for the LEADER policy, excepting Croatia since it had just adhered to the EU, in 2013.In Romania, between 2011–2012, 163 LAGs were established while currently the number goes up to 259. However, parts of the Romanian territory are still not covered by any LAG, although they are eligible for the LEADER implementation. On the other hand, between 2014–2020 some LAGs’ functioning authorizations were canceled. In Europe, a number of 143,487 LEADER projects were registered. Although the EU planned to provide funding of up to Euro 9.2 billion, the real amount was of 7 billion.

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CIOBANU F.B., VLADU M. 2024, THE LEADER PROGRAMME EVOLUTION IN THE EUROPEAN UNION AND ROMANIA . Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 24 ISSUE 1, PRINT ISSN 2284-7995, 247-252.

Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 24 ISSUE 1
Written by Natalia MOCANU, Andrei BOTEZATU, Andrei MULIC

Digital technologies represent a new direction increasing the efficiency of the agro-industrial sector and the sustainable development of agriculture. At the current stage, we can note the role of the transmissibility of new technologies and innovations in the agri-food complex, vis-a-vis regional improvement and development, the need for economic-financial and human sources for the implementation of innovations, as well as the efficiency of their implementation in practice. Management efficiency is treated through the complex and synergistic approach of economic, financial and ecological efficiency of enterprises. The purpose of the present article is to propose the digital assurance chain and to analyze the importance of current digital services in the development of intelligent management in agriculture. In the process of developing the objectives proposed in this article, the authors used the following methods, such as: analysis and synthesis, the statistical and mathematical method, the comparative method, the survey, the interview that would ensure the development of the entire economy by ensuring the sustainability of the agri-food sector. The proposed proposals will be used by agricultural entrepreneurs, not taking into account specialization and fields of activity, as well as by certain state institutions in the Republic of Moldova.

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MOCANU N., BOTEZATU A., MULIC A. 2024, THE ROLE OF THE IMPLEMENTATION OF DIGITAL TECHNOLOGIES IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE AGRICULTURAL SECTOR IN THE REPUBLIC OF MOLDOVA. Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 24 ISSUE 1, PRINT ISSN 2284-7995, 627-634.

Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 24 ISSUE 1
Written by Sunday B. AKPAN, Glory E. EDET, Aniefok A. UMOERN

The production of oil palm fruit and its derivatives was once the prime mover of the Nigeria’s economy a few decades ago, but currently, the country is a net importer of these commodities. The sub-unit holds great potential in terms of job creation, poverty reduction, raw materials for agro-based industries and overall growth of the country’s economy. In recent times, the governmenthas articulated and implemented numerous policies, programs and institutions to re-brand the sub-unit but to no avail. Beckoned on these evidences, the study was developed to examine the production trends in this sub-unit and investigate its link with some selected macroeconomic variables as alternative ways of examining the problems of the sub-unit. The research utilized secondary data from the years 1981 to 2023. The data were gathered from the United State Department of Agriculture (USDA), Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO), World Bank, and Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN). The properties of the series were tested to confirm their stability. The co-integration of the series was establish by autoregressive distributed lag (ARDL) bound F-test. The trends analyses revealed a 1.68%, 3.50%, 4.63%, 4.83%, and 2.19% annual exponential growth in oil palm fruit, palm kernel, palm kernel oil, palm kernel meal and palm oil respectively. The study found significant relationship between the outputs of oil palm fruit, palm kernel, palm kernel oil, palm kernel meal and palm oil and the domestic credit injected in the economy, per capita income, nominal exchange rate, and inflation rate in the short and long run periods. To upsurge the sub-unit production, it is strongly recommended among others that adequate credit facilities should be provided for the production of the primary product (oil palm fruit) and the expanding value chain.

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AKPAN S.B., EDET G.E., UMOERN A.A. 2024, TREND ANALYSES AND MACROECONOMIC VARIABLE DETERMINANTS OF OIL PALM FRUIT AND ITS DERIVATIVES PRODUCTION IN NIGERIA . Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 24 ISSUE 1, PRINT ISSN 2284-7995, 39-54.

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© 2019 To be cited: Scientific Papers. Series “Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and Rural Development“.

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