ISSN 2284-7995, ISSN Online 2285-3952

Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 21 ISSUE 2
Written by Oleksandr SHUBALYI, Nadia RUD, Iryna SHUBALA, Antonina GORDIICHUK, Olena POTOMKINA, Petro KOSINSKYI

In the article we proved that the transformations taking place in the labour market lead to radical changes in the economic activity and inactivity of the rural population, which requires additional analysis and finding ways to address existing disparities. In the research we grouped the regions of Ukraine by the level of economic activity of the rural population in 2019 at the age of 15-70 years and in working age, the results of which are presented in the form of cartograms The results of the analysis revealed that the level of education has a stronger positive impact on the level of economic activity of women. This means that education is more important for women in terms of improving their position in the labor market. The article has proven that currently, the level of economic activity of the rural population and the rural labour market in Ukraine remain underdeveloped, need constant change and adaptation to world standards. In modern conditions, the main factors influencing the processes taking place in the rural labour market are: structural adjustment of the economy, in particular the predominant development of agriculture; accelerated economic growth; building the potential of entrepreneurship; scientific and technological progress, digitalization of society; state regulation of labour potential development, labour market, and employment.

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Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 21 ISSUE 2
Written by Silvia ZAHARCO, Maria COJOCARU, Tatiana COVALSCHI

Sales revenues are considered the determining factor of economic and financial performance of agricultural enterprises in the Republic of Moldova. Their ascending evolution during the period 2005 - 2019 is analyzed by the authors in the light of the polynomial trend of the second degree. The statistical tests performed demonstrated the validity of the model to make predictions. At the same time, the performance of enterprises, which carry out activities in agriculture, hunting and related services, expressed by the financial result before taxation, shows that performance is influenced by other factors, which need to be analyzed at the level of the agricultural entity. The size of sales revenue depends largely on internal factors, specific to the field of activity of the enterprise. These include the quantity sold of products, the unit cost of sold products and the ways in which production is marketed. These factors can be considered as internal reserves to increase sales revenues, which the authors want to demonstrate in this research paper. Internal reserves capitalized to increase sales revenues are analyzed based on the activity of an agricultural enterprise in the Republic of Moldova - LLC „Lemisona”. In order to highlight reserves to increase production capacity, the correlation between sales revenues and fixed expenses is analyzed, emphasizing the importance of fixed expenses in reflecting the productive potential of agricultural enterprises.

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Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 21 ISSUE 2
Written by Nelly BENCHEVA, Teodora STOEVA

The concept of social entrepreneurship is relatively new, both as a theory and as a practice, and is entirely determined by the economic and cultural challenges in Bulgaria. The promotion of innovative ideas in public policy plays a crucial role in supporting the values of an active-oriented problem-solving social system. These views are fundamental to the ongoing social reforms in Bulgaria and focus on the development of social entrepreneurship and policies that support social enterprises. The purpose of this article is to explore and identify the challenges and policies for social enterprises and social entrepreneurship in Bulgaria and their sustainable development. This research presents the results of a pilot study held in Bulgaria under the SESBA Project - Social Enterprise Skills for Business advisors. The field studies were carried out on the basis of primary and secondary data. The collection of the primary data included a questionnaire survey to collect information by using a face- to-face interview. The secondary data were extracted from official data, reports and official websites, etc. The challenges for Bulgaria regarding the development of social enterprises can be formulated as follows: need for sectoral reforms, opportunities for capacity building, opportunities for startup funding available and prioritizing a target group.

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Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 21 ISSUE 2
Written by Teodora STOEVA

Vegetable production has always been a specific sector of agricultural production. It is characterized by the possibility of growing a wide range of cultivated plant species, many of which are of important significance for the economic contribution of the plant production sub-sector not only to the agriculture, but also to the national economy. The social and economic changes that followed after 1990 have had a catastrophic impact on vegetable production in Bulgaria. What was known as large-scale specialized vegetable production has become multi-assortment, small-scale, low-performance and precarious production. Bulgaria has lost its strong position as a traditional vegetable producer and exporter. A major challenge facing Bulgarian vegetable production is its modernization – it would help increase the production competitiveness so that the vegetable products meet the current quality requirements and compete with the imported vegetables. The purpose of this article is to analyze the challenges and trends in the development of Bulgarian vegetable production which is characterized by great intensity related to the context of the Common agricultural policy with a view to enhancing its competitiveness and sustainable development. For the purposes of the research different information sources have been used - scientific journals, publications by Bulgarian authors, as well as the author's own research. Based on the analysis of vegetable production in Bulgaria and the economic results obtained from the production of the main vegetable crops grown we can draw the following conclusions: The land productivity in Bulgaria regarding field vegetable production is low despite the favorable soil and climatic conditions typical of the area; Average yields of the main vegetables grown in Bulgaria are lower than their potential biological productivity; Enhancing the national support for the vegetable production sector; A major challenge facing Bulgarian vegetable production is its modernization – it would help increase the production competitiveness so that the vegetable products meet the current quality requirements and compete with the imported vegetables.

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Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 21 ISSUE 2
Written by Marina KADOMTSEVA

Agroconsulting plays an important role in helping farmers to sustainably develop and modernize agricultural production. Nevertheless, the classic set of services provided has become less and less satisfying the needs of consumers and almost everywhere falls below their expectations. At the same time, the development of digitalization processes in industries is uneven; differentiation in the use of innovative solutions in agricultural production among large, medium and small forms of business is increasing. The proposed hypothesis consists in that global digital trends require a significant expansion of the scientific and production infrastructure, transformation of the functions of the elements of the institutional system, leading to a change in their significance. To disclose this hypothesis, this paper examines the impact of digital trends on changing small farm advisory practices. The analysis of the current level of development of agricultural consulting in the Russian Federation; the structure of users and their requests is investigated; the data obtained are compared with the indicators of the use of digital technologies in agriculture. It is proposed to improve the efficiency of consulting services by including "digital" components in the classic set of functions

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Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 21 ISSUE 2
Written by Vasiliki A. GKOUNTANI, Giannis T. TSOULFAS

Food production systems have been in the spotlight for a sustainable conversion due to their environmental, economic, and social impacts. On the other hand, the concept of circular economy has been promoted as a promising alternative for various production systems. By decomposing the agri-food supply chain to its core components, i.e. primary production, food processing and distribution, certain interventions may be assessed through the lens of circular economy. In this paper we focus on the stages of food processing and manufacturing in order to analyze how the application of circular economy perspectives in closing material loops contributes towards minimizing the economic and environmental impacts of food production systems, in opposition to the widely applied linear economy model. Moreover, we explore from a managerial perspective the new technological advancements for waste minimization and valorization and critically discuss the new business models that emerge, along with the redefined value chains.

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Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 21 ISSUE 2
Written by Sergey ANDRYUSHCHENKO

After the signing of the 2015 Paris Climate Agreement, the documenting decline in the carbon balance will play an increasingly important role in strengthening the competitiveness of products in the global market. In early 2021, the Russian Federation clarified the methodology for accounting for the deposition of greenhouse gases by natural ecosystems, which takes into account forests on agricultural land as part of "managed forests", which allows agricultural producers to demonstrate their contribution to reducing greenhouse gas emissions. A significant reduction in the area of agricultural crops in Russia at the beginning of the XXI century opens up the possibility of expanding the area of "managed" forests on agricultural land. In the Russian Federation, the accounting of emissions into the atmosphere of combustion products, including carbon dioxide, has been conducted for several decades. In modern conditions, it is worth studying the experience of monitoring forests planted in the late twentieth and early twenty-first centuries in Russia as part of the implementation of the Kyoto Protocol in order to sell carbon sequestration quotas. The implementation of the RUSAFOR – SAP project has shown the feasibility of using unused agricultural land for afforestation using technologies that provide the maximum increase in carbon dioxide deposition. This experience can be used to finance carbon-dependent forest plantations to confirm the commitment of food producers to zero carbon emissions. To implement the identified opportunities, it is necessary to take a set of organizational measures, including combining the results of monitoring the state of agricultural land and the impact of agricultural production on the environment in a single information system.

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Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 21 ISSUE 2
Written by Gabriela Florentina GIMBĂȘANU (DUMITRU), Daniela Elena REBEGA, Valentina Constanța TUDOR

The sunflower crop is one of the most important crops from an economic point of view for Romania, being cultivated on large areas. The pedoclimatic conditions in our country allow the cultivation of sunflower in different areas, and the drought resistance of this crop helps farmers to obtain high yields. In this study, the main technical indicators were compared, such as: area, total production and average production for two distinct periods 1994- 2006, respectively 2007-2019, thus delimiting the period before accession and after accession to the European Union. Based on these indicators were the comparisons of the averages of the two periods using the Student Test method, as well as the estimation of the main technical indicators until 2030. The aim of the paper was to determine statistically the dependence of the averages of the two periods the evolution of the main technical indicators.

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Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 21 ISSUE 2
Written by Gabriela Florentina GIMBĂȘANU (DUMITRU), Daniela Elena REBEGA, Valentina Constanța TUDOR

Rapeseed and sunflower are the crops that recorded the largest increase in the selling price, in the analyzed period, determined by significant increases in demand for such products and determined by Romania's accession to the European Union, when new markets opened for the sale of agricultural production. In this paper was analyzed the evolution of the selling price of rapeseed and sunflower, for two distinct periods, respectively 1998-2006 and 2007- 2019, calculating the main statistical indicators. The averages of the two periods were also compared, using the Student Test method, in order to determine from a statistical point of view the dependence of the averages of the two periods.

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Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 21 ISSUE 2
Written by Ivan Sergeevich NOVIKOV, Dmitriy Valerevich SERDOBINTSEV, Elena Aleksandrovna ALESHINA

In this article, we investigate classical and modern approaches to the formation of a scientifically grounded concept of information transformation based on the digitalization of a typical agricultural enterprise. In the context of weakening financial stability and a shortage of resources, the potential for lockdowns and quarantine restrictions, profitable operation of an agricultural enterprise is not possible without comprehensive automation and digitalization. In most cases, the introduction of digital technologies into real agricultural production is spontaneous and often intuitive, the "digital business model" in our view is a complex model of digital technological and management processes of an enterprise that characterizes the production, technological, innovation, financial and marketing strategies of the enterprise. in the process of creating added value of manufactured products, expressed in the form of a digital database and presented in the form of an information flow on a digital medium. We show that digitalization is not effective without full-fledged strategic planning and building a digital business model of an agricultural enterprise. Moreover, the classical approach to modeling may not be applicable, and the author's concept of building an integrated digital business model is preferable.

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© 2019 To be cited: Scientific Papers. Series “Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and Rural Development“.

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