ISSN 2284-7995, ISSN Online 2285-3952

Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 21 ISSUE 2
Written by Gabriela MACRA, Florin SALA

The study evaluated the variation of some wheat quality indices in order to optimize the mineral fertilization with nitrogen and with the Super Fifty foliar biostimulator. Nitrogen (N) was applied in doses between 0 - 200 kg ha-1 , in five variants (N0, N50, N100, N150 and N200). Super Fifty foliar biostimulator (SF) was applied on each level of nitrogen fertilization in six concentrations, between 0 - 5 L ha-1 (SF0, SF1, SF2, SF3, SF4, SF5). The Alex wheat cultivar was cultivated under conditions of cambic chernozem soil, with medium fertility. The values of the quality indices of wheat grains, gluten (Glt), starch (ST) and Zeleny Index (Zel) were evaluated. Gluten content (Glt) ranged from 20.33 to 32.93 ± 0.78%. The starch (ST) content varied between 65.99 - 69.93 ± 0.21% and the Zeleny Index recorded values between 36.58 - 77.23 ± 2.56 units. Very strong positive correlations were recorded between the Super Fifty foliar biostimulator (SF) and gluten (Glt) on the N50 fertilization level (r = 0.964), on the N100 fertilization level (r = 0.909) and on the N150 fertilization level (r = 0.923). Strong positive correlations were recorded between the Super Fifty foliar biostimulator (SF) and the Zeleny index (Zel) on the N50 fertilization level (r = 0.893), and on the N100 fertilization level (r = 0.888). From the regression analysis were obtained equations that described the variation of quality indices in relation to N and SF, in conditions of statistical safety (R2 = 0.963, p<0.001, F = 129.793 for Glt; R2 = 0.918, p <0.001, F = 56.31099 for ST; R2 = 0.975, p <0.001, F = 202.4062 for Zel). The optimal doses were calculated for N and SF in relation to the quality indices studied.

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Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 21 ISSUE 2
Written by Eugeniu ALEXANDROV, Gheorghe ȘIȘCANU, Gheorghe SCURTU

Performance - Light saturation curve for photosynthesis is determined by the genetics of grapevine genotypes, through the physiological element - the degree of penetration of leaves by solar radiation, photosynthesis intensity, leaf structure, physiological state of plants, influence of ecological factors, etc. It results of the diurnal phytonomonitoring are exposed to different genotypes of grapevines under the influence of green operations, in the conditions of the drought of 2020. The research undertaken established the moment of initiation and gradual increase of the performance up to the level of solar radiation of 1,000 micromol/m2*s. The essential optimization is maintained between the parameters of the solar radiation of 1000-1500, the saturation at the level of the solar radiation of 1,400 and the stopping of the performance reaches the level of the solar radiation of 1,800 micromol/m2*s.

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Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 21 ISSUE 2
Written by Ioana Claudia DUNĂREANU, Dorina BONEA, Valeriu Lucian RADU

The present study aimed to identify barley varieties with high grain yield and quality for rain-fed conditions. The trials were conducted in the experimental field of the ARDS Șimnic during two growing seasons (2018/2019 and 2019/2020). The analysis of the results from the two years of study showed that the Simbol variety (5,842 kg/ha) performed the best for grain yield, while the Ametist variety (4,662 kg/ha) had the lowest grain yield. The highest average value of test weight was found in the Univers variety (61.5 kg/hl) and the lowest in the Ametist variety (55.5 kg/hl). The average protein content values ranged between 9.9% (Simbol) and 11.5% (Dana). The years (precipitation and air temperature) were the predominant source of variation in yields and test weight, representing 87.3% and 78.8%, respectively of the total sum of squares, thus indicating the relative importance of the climatic conditions in achieving of high yields and quality. Therefore, the Simbol variety is recommended for increasing barley yield and improving farmers' incomes in the central part of the Oltenia region and in areas with similar agro-ecologies.

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Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 21 ISSUE 2
Written by Maria KONTOPANOU, Giannis T. TSOULFAS

Sustainability consists one of the biggest challenges that the agri-food supply chains have to face. Examining agrifood supply chains from a “life-cycle” perspective has been promoted as an effective way to move towards more sustainable food production systems. The adoption of such viewpoints in the agri-food sector has a great impact on the environmental, the economic, the social and the institutional dimensions of agri-food supply chains. Relevant technical and managerial solutions have been gaining increasing relevance in the agricultural activities, and stakeholders have a variety of alternative solutions at their disposal to increase the efficiency of the agri-food supply chains. This review examines and categorizes the strategies that have been followed towards promoting sustainability in agri-food supply chains 'from farm to fork’. Moreover, our aim is to shape an analytical framework to accommodate decisions concerning supply chain design and operation towards sustainability.

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Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 21 ISSUE 2
Written by Daniela IACOB (PETRE), Elena TOMA

The main purpose of this paper was to assess quality in Romanian rural touristic boarding houses by completing a questionnaire-based survey. The survey was made in the summer of 2020 by interviews with 139 managers from 28 villages from Maramures County. The research was based on over 100 items questionnaire structured on 40 questions and 4 sections: the description of the buildings and facilities, the description of the environment, the characteristics of accommodation facilities, the characteristics of the offered services (food, cleaning, hospitality). The main results of our survey revealed that the analyzed rural touristic boarding houses have procedures and methods to assure the quality of buildings and services which are implemented for years. In this way the adaptation to safety measures needed to assure the quality of accommodation and services during COVID period is easier to be implemented.

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Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 21 ISSUE 2

According to the United Nations forecasts, by 2050 the number of Russian citizens will decline to 132.7 million, mainly due to a decrease in the number of rural residents. Negative demographic trends are also noted in the Penza region, where over the past 25 years the population has decreased by 235 thousand people. In this context, the goal of the paper was the identification of socio-economic problems in rural areas based on a comprehensive analysis of the demographic situation, production potential, social structure and other factors, taking into account their potential change in conditions of turbulence in the external environment. The article analyzes the size of the rural population, its distribution by major age groups, household sizes. Indicators of life expectancy, natural movement and migration of the population of the Penza region and the Volga Federal District are reflected. Taking into account the actual socio-economic problems of the rural population and trends in the rural demography, the state should develop a new strategy for increasing birth rate, for decreasing mortality, assuring jobs and a corresponding living standard and life quality.

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Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 21 ISSUE 2
Written by Claudiu Stelică COADĂ, Valentina Constanța TUDOR

Taking into account the fact that the trade balance with fruits, in the case of Romania, presents an accentuated deficit, which worsens from one year to another. The main solution for this sector is the association of fruit growers, but their association is poorly developed. The main purpose of this study is to identify the reasons behind the fact that fruit growers are poorly organized and there is a small percentage of those who are part of an associative form, in order to identify solutions. The questionnaire method was used in this paper, in which 388 fruit growers responded. Also, the statistical interpretation was performed by analyzing the Pearson and Cramer indicators, but also the non-parametric Chi-square test.

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Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 21 ISSUE 2
Written by Claudiu Stelică COADĂ, Camelia Maria PROCOP, Valentina Constanța TUDOR

The trade balance in the fruit sector of Romania shows significant deficits, which are accentuated from one year to another. In order to identify the causes leading to these issues, the main source of the problem, namely fruit farms, was analyzed. The aim of the paper is to identify the causes, based on which, the best solution for this problem is the association of fruit growers. In this paper, the fruit farms were analyzed in the period 2005-2016 (being the most recent data available), depending on the legal form, physical size and economic size, using quantitative and qualitative methods of data processing.

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Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 21 ISSUE 2
Written by Dan-Marius VOICILAȘ, Ion CERTAN

The paper analyses the effects of cross-border cooperation. We have in view the cross-border cooperation between Romania, Rep. of Moldova and Ukraine. Some of the results of this cooperation are the present Euro-regions created between all three countries. We identified the main determinants of development, as well as the main barriers that influenced socio-economic development. The SWOT analysis performed shows the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats for these countries. There were used data from national institutes of statistics, divided into several categories like population and labour force, social and cultural dimensions, agriculture and forestry, other economic activities, transport and technical infrastructure, also there were used results from different publications in this field, including the previous research of the authors. The results show that, at present, there are many differences in the investigated Euro-regions caused by the different national policies applied or the institutional strategies implemented. Each country and each Euro-region has its own opportunities and constraints, also common objectives and they can be the basis for future common inter-state projects or governmental, regional or local economic scenarios.

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Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 21 ISSUE 2
Written by Marianna VASILCHENKO, Ivan SANDU, Vladimir DERUNOV

Overcoming the shortage of investment resources for the development of the agro-industrial complex of Russia makes it necessary to mobilize both internal and external sources of investment. Attracting foreign direct investment in the agro-industrial complex, creating favorable conditions is one of the most difficult tasks. The purpose of the study is to assess the available mechanisms to stimulate the attraction of foreign investment and determine their contribution to the innovative development of the agricultural sector and increasing the possibilities of food exports; identification of the relationship between the scale of foreign direct investment and the investment attractiveness of Russian regions. Studied foreign and domestic theoretical and methodological approaches to assessing the conditions, opportunities and limitations of foreign direct investment, macroeconomic and globalization effects from their use. The necessity of increasing the inflow of foreign investment in agriculture in order to activate the process of innovative structural transformation of the Russian economy has been substantiated. Investigated the provision of foreign investments in agriculture. An empirical assessment of the scale of foreign investment in agriculture has been carried out, measures are proposed to stimulate the attraction of foreign investment in agriculture. The practical significance of the results of this study lies in the development of measures to improve investment policy in relation to foreign direct investment.

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