ISSN 2284-7995, ISSN Online 2285-3952

Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 14 ISSUE 4
Written by Elena SOARE, Livia DAVID, Aurelia-Vasilica BĂLAN

This scientific paper presents the evolution of oilseeds market in Romania, during the period 2008-2013. In order to show as concise as possible the reality of the oilseeds sector, the research pictures, on the one hand, an evolution of oilseeds specific indicators and on the other hand, an evolution of external trade. Romania disposes of tradition and favourable pedo-climatic conditions for cultivating the oilseeds plants. This is demonstrated by the favourable results obtained in the last years, especially concerning the sunflower crop. In 2013, Romania registered a record for sunflower, occupying the first position in the European Union for cultivated area and production. A negative aspect is represented by the fact that our country has the best conditions in Europe for soybean crop, but it is still dependent on import. Romania imports a huge quantity of soybean oilcakes for animal feeding. Nowadays, Romania is an important actor in the sunflower world market, covering almost 19% of the global demand. In perspective, one could expect significant oilseeds productions with a positive influence on the agro-food trade balance in our country.

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Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 17 ISSUE 3
Written by Mariana BURCEA, Mihai GIDEA

The research was made in an organic farm, located on a preluvosol soil type with pedoclimatic conditions that support the apple plantations in this area. In this paper, the aim was to establish the capacity to store the fresh fruit quality and to highlight the diseases of the storehouse, of the varieties existing in the grown variety. Six varieties of homologated varieties of apple (Florina, Generos, Golden Delicious, Idared, Jonathan and Redix) were taken into consideration in order to establish the ability to store the apple quality in fresh state. It was found that the lowest total loss, with values below 10%, was registered at V3-Idared (7.45%). This variant presented both low weight losses and depreciation due to disease attack. The same variety also retained its initial firmness with an insignificant difference during storage. At the same time, it was noted that the highest content of initial juice extracted, belongs to V3-Idared and V4-Florina variants with more than 600 ml/kg.

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Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 18 ISSUE 4
Written by Ana Ruxandra MICU, Valentina TUDOR, Eduard Alexandru DUMITRU

Further, the vegetal sector encounters serious problems and is often dependent on a number of factors such as climate, whether the crops are irrigated or not. This factors can make a difference between gain and loss. There are other factors such as economic factors where this market is extremely volatile, but also a number of other factors described in this paper. This case study was carried out on a sample of 60 farms with a vegetal profile showing the level of this region compared to the national average, identifying the main strengths and weaknesses that farmers in this region have. Account should also be taken of the marketing capacity of agricultural crop production. Interviewing the representatives of 60 agricultural crops we could analyse a number of relevant issues for this sector through which we can contribute with a series of solutions and recommendations.

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Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 14 ISSUE 3
Written by Mariana DUMITRU, Marius BIBU

In the general context of searching integrated system of renewable energy production, this paper present some researches on the reactors and the digesters, as a main part of a biogas plant at a farm scale. After we present the most used types of digesters, we also concentrated over the processes which take place into a digester, one of them being the removal of H2S from biogas (desulphurisation), which can be made by various methods, either biological or chemical, taking place inside or outside the digester. In the case of biological desulphurization outside the digester, we concentrate on the types of reactors which can be used in this case. Beside the well known types of reactors, we present the possibility of using an original self pressure membrane bioreactor. In this type of bioreactor, the metabolic activity of gas producing microorganisms, especially yeast, could obtain high pressure from gas produced in closed medium on the one hand, and separation of other products of metabolism through membrane on the other hand, using gas pressure as driving force. It is known that several strains of yeast resist on very high hydrostatic pressure heaving good activity. This fact give the possibility to use their energy for other purposes, such as producing mechanical work. Combination of both, gas pressure and alchool burning, increase the process efficiency.

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Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 17 ISSUE 4
Written by Nicoleta OLTENACU, Andrei Radu IOVA, Elena LASCAR

The success of fruit storage in storehouses is conditioned and depends largely on the environment factors, on applied technology and storage conditions. The better the optimal factors are known on which the growth and formation of the fruit depends, when and how to manipulate and transport the fruit, the more secure the premise for the success for the good preservation of fruit is. It is absolutely necessary to know the main factors that must be taken into account in order to bring into storehouse only fruit corresponding to this purpose. The experiments were organized in comparative variants in the case of apples based on 6 homologated varieties of apple (Florina, Generos, Golden Delicious, Idared, Jonathan and Redix) present in the current assortment in Moara Domneasca farm and in Romania. After 120 days of storage, determinations were made concerning: evolution of the soluble dry matter content; evolution of some components; organoleptic appraisal (appearance, firmness, taste). The results showed that, after storage, the dry matter content, the titratable acidity, the total sugar content and the vitamin C content recorded an increased or decreased evolution depending on variety, compared to the initial content.

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Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 17 ISSUE 3
Written by Cristina STANCĂ-MOISE

This study refers to Lycaenidae family, owned mirmecofile species. The pupose of the paper was to characterize the habitat feeding preferences of this butterfly species, especially for mirmecofile species. Butterflies respond rapidly to environmental changes and are important indicators of the health of biodievrsity and the wider environment. A study of the diurnal Lepidoptera (Rhopalocera) populations was based on foirld survey method and completed in the meadows cut for hay around the village of Sibiel, located 22 km from Sibiu, central Romania. This study has generated an important new baseline on the status of butterflies in the region, specifying which are the mirmecofile species. Of the 59 species of Macrolepidopters collected in 2015, there were identified 7 myrmecofile species belonging to the Lycaenidae Family as follows: Satyrium spini spini, Satyrium acaciae acacia, Plebeius argus argus, Plebeius argyrognomon argyrognomon, Aricia agestis agestis, Polyommatus icarus icarus, and Polyommatus daphnis daphnis.

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Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 18 ISSUE 2
Written by Aldona SKARŻYŃSKA, Łukasz ABRAMCZUK

The study presents differences in economic results of farms specializing in production of cattle for fattening in six EU countries. France, Germany, Italy and Great Britain are the largest producers of beef in the EU-15, and Poland and Romania – in the EU-N13. The FADN EU average data for 2010-2015 were used for the analysis. The level of farm income was examined in order to assess their condition. The production efficiency assessment was carried out using the productivity indicator of current inputs, fixed capital and the ratio of costs to the production value. In France, Germany and Great Britain, the farm income without subsidies was negative. The loss was covered by the subsidies, their relation to farm income with subsidies amounted to 1.83, 1.67 and 1.55, respectively. The highest costs of producing EUR 100 of production were registered in French farms (EUR 117), and the lowest in Romanian farms (EUR 69). The productivity of current inputs indicates the advantage of Romanian (189.9%), Italian (184.5%) and Polish farms (148.9%). In other countries, this indicator was lower.

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Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 17 ISSUE 2
Written by Anatolie IGNAT, Alexandru STRATAN, Eugenia LUCASENCO

The paper aimed to present the analysis of the Revealed Comparative Advantage (RCA) of Moldova’s livestock products. The research was carried out based on the statistical data provided by the National Bureau of Statistics, as well as data collected from the WITS database. The outcomes of the analysis of trade value, RCA, and CAGR of the Moldova’s livestock exports at 2-digit and 4-digit levels of HS comparing to the world and EU-27 have been presented in the paper. As a conclusion, export of most livestock products is not stable from year to year. Often disruptions in exports supplies are caused by multiple factors such as weather conditions, more competitive regional imports, import bans imposed by partner countries, etc.

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Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 14 ISSUE 3
Written by Sandra Milena CHOLES ARVILLA

This paper is based upon the research undertaken for the development of the doctoral thesis “Management of software projects based on object-oriented technology”. The study examines the existing risk management practices commonly used for classic software development. The goal is to integrate the elements of the traditional risk management methodologies to create a new agile risk management methodology. The thesis focuses on techniques that can be easily implemented in extreme programming (XP) and SCRUM. This study is motivated by the following research questions: What are the elements of existing quality assurance tools that could meet the principles of agile development? And is it possible to use risk estimation for improving quality in agile projects? The thesis presents a synthesis of the most common risk management techniques, as well as an introduction to agile methods XP and SCRUM. The proposal integrates the concepts of Failure Mode and Effect Analysis into the iterative life cycle of an agile software project. The thesis presents a metamodel which integrates the concepts of agile development methodologies: SCRUM and XP with the FMEA concepts for risk quantification. The model was partly implemented into a real development project. Partial results show the improvement in early identification of failures and allowed to reconsider the Sprint plan.

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Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 18 ISSUE 2
Written by Robert-Anton V. ION, Dorina Nicoleta MOCUTA

An extremely important subject but often superficially approached nowadays, risk, has become a serious obstacle in the process of development and implementation of any investment project considering the fact that without the elaboration and implementation of a coherent program for an efficient way of managing risk, the intended measures won’t be able to ensure protection against the negative consequences that might arise. Against all expectations, risk management should not be perceived as a complex process that complicates or makes it more difficult for the teams involved in the investment project to deliver the expected results, but instead it should be seen as one of the most simple and natural methods of making the process of project implementation more effective and efficient. It is also the only instrument that gives pertinent and realistic answers to what is expected, what could affect the achieving of the intended objective and what would be the impact on the project overall. Furthermore it also presents what measures should be taken in order to avoid minimizing or on the contrary maximizing the effects and nevertheless it provides conclusions to whether the implemented measures were efficient and what did they change in the project’s economy. Either way, specialized literature together with the obvious increasing interest of experts on the matter shows at least in theory that risk management implies a wide range of situations and domains, with general focus on achieving the intended objective in optimal conditions.

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