ISSN 2284-7995, ISSN Online 2285-3952

Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 18 ISSUE 4
Written by Albertas GAPŠYS, Ovidija EIČAITĖ, Vida DABKIENĖ, Deiva MIKELIONYTĖ

Biogas production from animal manure offers many environmental, agricultural, energy security, and socialeconomic benefits. The growth of biogas from animal manure in Lithuania is limited. Currently, there are only 10 biogas plants in operation that have been installed on large-scale pig farms. This study aimed to evaluate development opportunities for biogas production from animal manure in Lithuania. In order to achieve this aim, the total amount of animal manure generated in the country over the last year was estimated and the views and opinions on biogas production from animal manure of Lithuanian large-scale livestock farmers and representatives of agricultural holdings were investigated by conducting a survey. The total amount of animal manure in Lithuania was estimated to be 11.4 million tonnes in 2017. The results of the survey revealed that the level of awareness of biogas technology and economy, and support schemes for biogas among the potential biogas plant operators was low. The possibility to produce the own energy and complaints by local residents about animal manure management were identified as the main motives for installing biogas system on farms. The belief that investment is needed to solve some other problems on farms was found as the major obstacle for installing biogas system on farms.

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Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 17 ISSUE 4
Written by Mikhail Yakovlevich VESELOVSKY, Vladimir Gavrilovich SAVENKO, Andrey Nikolaevich OSIPOV, Khatimat Nabievna GASANOVA, Dmitry Sergeyevich NATAROV

The article emphasizes the significance and defines basic stages of agricultural advisory services formation in Russia, its actual status and current activities of its subjects, as well as development prospects. Based on the study of current development status of the contemporary services, main indicators of its activity and the demand for advisory services, the authors conclude that the country has established the basis of the agricultural advisory system, and formed the body of professional advisors, ready to provide quality advisory services that are largely becoming of demand. Special attention is paid to the innovative component of the agricultural advisory services functioning, consisting in informing about the scientific and technological achievements of Russian and foreign scientific organizations, advanced production practices, providing assistance in the modernization of production, increasing the level of knowledge of agricultural producers, as well as analyzing demand for advisory services. Based on the analysis of advisory group activities, forms and types of the most demanded services, the authors identify the main innovation and advisory directions in consulting activities. Moreover, it is noted that innovative direction should serve the basis of the industry modernization and be an object of state agrarian policy. Conceptualizing the activity priorities, the authors predict two directions of further development of the Russian system of agricultural advisory services. These are involvement of public institutions providing the state innovation policy, and more complete use of private commercial consulting structures providing assistance to rural entrepreneurs in the development of innovations and in other areas of their activities.

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Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 17 ISSUE 3
Written by Daniela-Mirela PLEȘOIANU

Rural tourism has a number of advantages and is characterized by diversity in time and space, and has recently become an essential element of rural development policy. Its practice allows for visible and clearly measurable results, and they contribute to the economic development of the area. The purpose of this paper is to highlight the importance of rural tourism in Dobrogea, tourism that has major implications in the local and national economy, by:generating economic benefits for local communities, organizations and authorities dealing with natural areas, with a view to preserving them; providing new jobs and additional sources of income for local communities; raising awareness - both by locals and tourists - of the preservation of natural and cultural assets. Dobrogea rural areas have a very valuable tourism potential, being valued by imposing development strategies, such as: developing and modernizing tourist infrastructure, preserving and protecting natural areas, existing historical and religious potential, developing and modernizing all bases touristic; development and modernization of accommodation services, making the most of the anthropic tourism; increasing the quality of the services provided and the qualification of the staff involved in tourism activities; attracting tourists through an extensive program of advertising and carrying out projects that highlight the elements of the cultural, historical and typical rural heritage.

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Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 16 ISSUE 3
Written by Sabina VITALIA

This article presents the synthesis of a research project which aims the diagnostic analysis of sustainable development in Teleorman county. The work methods used in this study consist of: analysis of resources, definition of rural territory, the global analysis of the indicators and SWOT analysis. Also, based on the documentation, it was intended: to analyse the existing county development and planning,to highlight the main issues and priorities, to suggest territorial development ideas on the short and medium term of the main objectives, to correlate the suitable territorial landscaping projects with the county development and sectorial policies. Following the global analysis of the key socio - economic indicators in Teleorman county, compared to the Southern - Muntenia part of the county that it belongs to, it is found that they are below the regional average . Given the geographic positioning of Teleorman county near the capital and especially its location next to the Danube River and the powerful enterprises in the area, there are chances for Teleorman county to get out of Romania’s poorest counties list by investing both in the development of these old dating enterprises and also in Teleorman’s major asset, the agro-tourism.

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Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 12 ISSUE 4
Written by Maria ARDELEANU, Birgit ELANDS, Rosalie VAN DAM

Physical, structural and social transformations during the period of collectivisation in Romania call for the need of understanding how these transformations have affected people’s attachment to their agricultural land properties (ALP). By studying the functional and emotional attachments of a former collectivized and a non-collectivized community, this paper addresses how people in the two communities nowadays are attached to the ALP’s and, if there are differences, to what extend these differences are related to the former collectivisation process It has been found that people in both communities are attached to the land both functionally, through social and economic benefits, and emotionally through various feelings such as feelings of identity, passion and indifference, but to a different extent. As a final conclusion, in the former collectivized rural areas, people are less attached to the agricultural land properties compared with the people in the non-collectivized rural areas and these differences can be linked to the transformations triggered by the former collectivisation process.

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{tag}meta name="citation_title" content="Differences in the attachment to agricultural land properties between former collectivized and non-collectivized communities in Romania"{/tag} {tag}meta name="citation_journal_title" content="Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development""{/tag} {tag}meta name="citation_publication_date" content="2012"{/tag} {tag}meta name="citation_author" content="Maria ARDELEANU" {/tag} {tag}meta name="citation_author" content=" Birgit ELANDS" {/tag} {tag}meta name="citation_author" content=" Rosalie VAN DAM " {/tag} 

Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 18 ISSUE 4
Written by Cristian Mihai ENESCU, Mihail Cătălin BELCIUG

In Europe, in the last two-three decades, the sector of non-wood forest products (NWFPs) received a special attention, thanks to their multiple uses. The most famous and used NWFPs in Romania which are harvested from the spontaneous flora are represented by the edible mushrooms and truffles, aromatic and medicinal plants, and forest fruits. Across the country, there are districts with high potential in harvesting these forest products, Prahova County being one of them. According to current legislation, the county is divided into two municipalities, twelve towns and ninety communes, including Bertea. The purpose of this research was to assess the potential of harvesting and marketing of the NWFPs in Bertea. A questionnaire with eleven questions was applied in the timeframe between 20th of April and 20th of May 2018 and one hundred households were the subject of the survey. The main way of procuring NWFPs is through harvesting by a family member, only a few people buying these products from local markets. The marketing of the NWFPs in Bertea is almost none, most of the people using the NWFPs for familial purposes and in small quantities. The majority of the interviewed people don’t think that the marketing of the NWFPs should be promoted or collaboration between local stakeholders should be established.

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Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 14 ISSUE 3
Written by Cristina STANCA-MOISE

Epigeous insects in the “Dumbrava Sibiului” oak forest were captured between 2013-2014. From April to September in each year. 12 traps were installed in a circle 147 individuals collected belonged to 28 species and 6 families: Carabidae – 14 species (50.0%), 187 individuals (77.37 %), Staphylinidae – 7 species (25.0 %), 15 individuals (6.17 %), Silphidae – 3 species (10.72 %), 29 individuals (11.93 %), Elateridae – 1 species (3.51 %), 1 individual (0.41 % ), Scarabaeidae – 2 species (7.14 %), 8 individuals (3.29 %), Forficulidae – 1 species (3.51 %), 2 individuals (0.82 %)). Also, we presented in tables the ecological requirements of the species of Carabidae collected, the variation of their relative abundance and the structure of dominance Composition of species corresponded to communities from drier forms of irregularly flooded the floodplain forests with decreased level of ground water, known from Central Europe.

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Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 17 ISSUE 3
Written by Ovidija EIČAITĖ, Deiva MIKELIONYTĖ

As alternative approach to the globalized and complex food system, the local or national food systems, which are expected to bring environmental, economic and social benefits, are often presented. This study aimed to present the methodology for the precise calculation of market shares of all and individual domestic dairy products on the internal market, to calculate the market shares of all domestic dairy products, drinking milk, butter and cheeses in Lithuania over the last years (from 2012 to 2016) and to analyse the underlying causes of market share changes. Between 2012 and 2016, the market share of all domestic dairy products in Lithuania decreased from 85% to 82%. The underlying cause of market share changes was linked to the differences in prices between domestic and imported dairy products.

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Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 15 ISSUE 4
Written by Corina CRUCERU

This work represents a studio for 5 years in the analyze of the potential of workforce from agriculture in the context of the durable development of communities. The aim of this survey is presenting the importance , of the agricultural-food sector, by the agency of indicators economic efficient. In the context of the rural development there are many resources which help this mechanism to function. One of the most important resources is the workforce, which influences the existent human capital, the quantity and the quality of this. There are many problems in this domain, which are: the efficient usage of workforce, of productivity and the growth of income, actual facts.

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Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 17 ISSUE 4
Written by Rodica CHETROIU

The present paper presents the evolution of dairy cows holdings dimensional structure during 2010-2016, based on the operational statistical information, also comparing the economic indicators of the farms of different sizes. Romania's agriculture is one of great diversity in terms of farm structure, production methods and technologies used. This diversity reflects climatic conditions, topography and the evolution of socio-economic environment. The results of the study indicate that total number of dairy cows increased by about 1% during the study period, while the number of cows' holdings decreased by 20.6%, demonstrating a higher concentration of the flocks. At structural level, most holdings are represented by 1-2 head households, and the farms with 100 heads are the fewest. Structural dynamics is positive, because the holdings with 1-2 heads decreased from 87.27% in 2010 to 83.72% in 2016, while farms with more than 100 heads increased from 0.04% to 0.07%. At the level of economic indicators, the farms with larger flocks get higher economic outcomes than the small ones, due to the possibility of using high-tech technologies, access to various support programs, stronger position on the market, and capitalization of economic results.

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© 2019 To be cited: Scientific Papers. Series “Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and Rural Development“.

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